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2010年12月26日 星期日

Spare change: the course of so many stories, so that small

Some weeks, there is just too much to write about. This is one of the weeks these. [Notice that I'm heavy fixed spelling error; you don't need to tell me about it again!] Not only is filtered through my brain stored with my own ideas for articles, but the Internet is abuzz with interesting stories about personal finance. Pity the blogger with tons of material!

And not waste time with a long intro I go to jump right in. here are some recent articles, all you sent me or that I found you through my Web surfing:

Earlier this week, I sang praises index funds. If you are interested in index funds, but you don't know where to start, you may want to consider ETFs or exchange-traded funds. Almost all of the ETFs are index funds, but they are sold as stocks. Confused? The Kiplinger has an informative article how ETFs work for you. This is not just a cool piece; It contains solid information.

Elsewhere this ?egite a Curmudgeon Warren Buffett is it again. He is a talent for Liberals and conservatives angry. In this case, Buffett says that the rich should be paying higher taxes. "Taxes for middle class and maybe even the upper middle class and lower should probably be cut even further," Buffett told ABC News. "But I think that people in high end – people like yourself – you may need to be paying much more in taxes. We have it better than you ever had it. "

Brendan Quinn Subsequently GRS reader sent me a link to the presentation, he has given recently to fellow students at Boston College. In a talk entitled their money: buy everything You Want-free wines, Brendan covers, what it requires three rules of personal finance:

Spend less than you earn money you Make. work for you. Prepare for the unexpected.

I think it is great to see the college students initiative to teach each other for financial literacy. Great work, Brendan!

Last week, the New York Times published a story of Nick Martin, which inherits from 14 million dollars ($ 10 million after taxes) in 1998, "But as so often happens to those Lucky enough to realize the American dream of sudden wealth," writes Geraldine Fabrikant, money put by Martins fingers faster than ever imagined. "I used to mock all you squandered wealth that suddenly (and there are countless other similar appliances), but I'm more thoroughly. Flexo in Consumerism as a comment for this story, "it is easy to be judgmental. The Internet is where comfort armchair quarterbacks. Very few people know what will happen if the same situation – unexpected unexpected – occurs. "

And finally, here are two recent articles from United States today. Cindy Perman has long (and controversial) piece about Americans die in debt. Many boomers a little you saved for retirement. But more, article reports that "almost 40% of retired Americans said they have had credit card debt in their twilight years — and are not probably worried about paying it in his life. In the happy news here is a homeless Arizona man who returned backpack containing $ 3300 cash and a laptop computer. Now, it's a great story.

There are many other big stories in my stack, but it already is one of the largest "Spare change" round-ups I have ever posted. We will require good for now.

This article is for spare change

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