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2010年12月14日 星期二

Ask the readers: how you can Build a lion, a budget?

If you are starting from the beginning of the creation of the wardrobe was how would you do it?, Prioritize quality? Highlight the costs? Or whether some of the happy balance between these two? That is what the author j. GRS reader wants to know. He writes:

I'm 40-something man who has lost 40 pounds during the last year of something. This is a good thing. But now my Old clothes don't fit. Frugal member, as this creates something of a problem. How I re-build my wardrobe keep an eye on costs?

For most of my life I've dressed in adult what I call Modern Slob. Or maybe a Geek for casual. My wardrobe consists of jeans, t-shirts and sweatshirts, most of which were bought from Costco and local thrift stores.

Now, when I am thinner, I'm more interested in, as well as a dressing. In other words, you want to display in the comfortable and does not like don't let hoot. I do not need to buy the land, but I would like more information about how to buy inexpensive clothing classic fashions. I do not know where to start.

First, the third person myself referring to hinder the free movement of goods. (It is a bad Seinfeld episode or something like it.) The next step is to develop, my concerns.

Really I am something of a wardrobe in the event of a crisis. Downstairs living room, I have a pile of clothes, which no longer fit. I am gradually to give these away from friends and family (and Donate to charity elsewhere), but in the meantime is to dress a little to the left. I don't need to build my wardrobe it was before the size of a wardrobe in the project, but I want some basic information are available. Right now I have no dress shirts that fit. And the dress is not pants. And not turtlenecks. And no jeans.

You can go shopping spree, the local shopping mall I suppose, but it does not, in such a way as not to me (and many levels). I tried to buy some new clothes, Costco, but I do not like fit and nasal cleansing, Neti, Neti Pot, they offer just now. Which leaves me thrift shops, but these are incomplete solution. I am really puzzled about how to build a wardrobe on a budget.

Affordable fashion?
Recently ran out of curiosity, I've been reading magazines such as GQ, and Esquire. I have not done this for 20 years. (And when this spell passes through, it is likely to have another 20 years before I pick them again.) At the same time, there are a couple of problems in an entertaining, modern fashion mags:

Surely it must be borne in mind balance. Must be nice clothes for an affordable price, in particular as I seriously folks, who Don't give a whit patterns labels for the data. I would like to only quality. (And even though it pains my frugal nature, I am prepared to admit that the quality of the paying agencies may be a little more, it's a good idea to it.)

The cost of quality with the Detail?
For example, recently I bought the icebreaker merino Wool t-shirt REI on the sale of $ 45. I felt guilty of this day (because it is three times what I usually use the t-shirt), but then I wore it to us a trip to Europe. I loved it. well, but the shirt seemed to be the best of all, it never cio — even if I wore a straight weeks. (Not a joke.) If the entry price of the t-shirt is used, it is worth $ 45, and I think my book is no longer feel guilty about buying it.

But I'm not willing to spend $ 45 each carton, which is full of t-shirts. That is crazy, right? In addition, I am not prepared to rule out the suspicion of stocks of thrift. Can I buy a large stuff for Cheap. For example, Just last week, I went to the thrift store Kris and his shopping with her sister. I was giddy to find one of my favorite shirts — one that (I) you are empty, because it is too large for the size of the instrument —. For five bucks. (Then I found the other two in the same company, which I have to pick up, too.) And just yesterday I bought a name brand corduroy trousers nice-looking, the second of the two $ 6 at thrift store.

If the thrift stores are so great, why not they are used exclusively? No, they are a great way to complement the already clothes, but from the beginning, it is difficult to connect by using a wardrobe. Their selection is … random. And coordination between the styles.

Help me help myself
Yea, my beloved readers need your help. You tell me: How to find affordable clothing? If the beginning of the creation of the wardrobe was where to begin? It is possible to do only by using the thrift stores? Are you willing to pay more for quality? How much more?

Finally, you can recommend to all of the sites data for dressing well? (I am particularly interesting training-dress very well on a budget that is.) Or maybe I should forget the search if you are looking for comfortable and modern, just go to the slob back!

This article is about the budgeting, alternatives, clothing

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