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2010年12月26日 星期日

Costs to better parent

This is a guest post by Robert Brokamp of Primorska fool. Robert is a certified financial Planner and Advisor for Primorska strangers your retirement rule. It contributes a new article on access to slowly rich every two weeks.

Remember the good old days? Of course not because they never really existed – at least not the way in which they are recalled in the old TV shows and movies. But still you can get a flavor for how things have changed since watching old episodes of black-and-white classics as leave it to Beaver. Speaking of which, here's the old public-service video starring Hugh Beaumont before he became known as the Ward Cleaver. (Satirical comments are provided by robots and silhouetted man of Mystery Science Theater 3000).

If you do not want to watch all this, here is a line that will give you a taste: "women for that family seem to feel that they owe it to men of the family to take a look at dinnertime rested rested and appealing."

My, how things have changed.

Not that my wife every night it does not seem attractive, but she and my daughters pay nothing for me and my son, we pay them (although we have the full responsibility "does not leave the seat up).

The era of Super-dad?
Watch this video-and this actor who came to epitomize ideal father there was me indeed, Ward had nothing on the minimum today. The minimum I know are far more involved in the parenting and household duties of their parents were.

Part of this is necessary because in the last few decades, the moms — that have already been super-increasingly added "make money" to your list of daily obligations, requiring them to become a super duper-. Minimum had to select some of the internal duties or we will overrun by feral children, which reeked of decomposes the McNuggets.

But I do not think it is simply necessary. I think that today the minimum see parenthood actively participate as one of the major ingredients of successful life. Is not that the previous generations of the fathers are bad minimum. Just seems to me that today's minimum more — not to mention more likely to be loveable and sappy.

This can be simply revert to the use of the things to be (with the exception of perhaps the loveable and sappy part). Before the industrial revolution, most people work on farms or in their homes and kids works together with his parents for a good part of the day. But adults are increasingly left the country of origin and have a longer commutes, and possibly you have parents who see their children for only an hour or two every working day. Maybe today's father, realize it is not enough (and that it should help around the House, his wife was some time with children, too).

The costs are better mother
All what to do with the get rich slowly? Financial planning is often to obtain the things Done:

Creation of budgetFinding solutionsResearching of lower value investmentsAnd, etc.

But it is difficult to do this when you are working in full-day and then take care of children and their related support. You are "for hire" is 9 hours and you're exhausted. This, of course, applies to moms and the minimum.

As children may be financial double whammy: you have higher costs, but less time to earn more money. Raising a child costs $ 8,333 for $ 23,180 per year, according to the USDA [PDF] (who is responsible for this calculation, because all too often there is little difference between kids and pigs). The total expenditure by age 17 was $ 205,960 $ 475,680. Reproduction of ain ' t cheap.

A few years ago I asked readers for Primorska strangers their reasons, why not save enough for retirement. In article I explained that one of the most Commons cause costs associated with raising children (and this is why I eat scraps left over my children).

Also, chock full of income support, management of household and child-rearing allowance means more likely to have higher costs due to the paying people to do things for you, such as Cook your food, cleaning your home, iron, your shirts and, Yes, even help raise your children. As a wedding gift I promised my wife I will learn how to cook. More than eleven years later, she is still waiting. (This is the only one of the reasons why, I have not reached the status of "super-dad" another include leaving the seat up.)

As a historian of Merlin Mann performance in one of his presentations, "things you can do while you are endless time and attention were." it refers to the Joel Spolsky, which uses the metaphor of the field. Only so many blocks can fit it in it and if you have selected one unit, i.e. it must ignore each other. This super-parenting and career development of the two parents means that something needs to get the left and I doubt that is secular, often boring (but important) financial tasks, especially those which are not immediate, long term consequences.

And your point is?
Sometimes I write post or article, re-read what I've written so far, and ask yourself, "Ummm ... What are actually trying to say here? "I've reached that point with this little ditty.

Here's why I think I wrote this:

Happy holidays everyone. I'll see you in 2011.

This article is for children, planning, dependencies

View the original article here

