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2010年12月11日 星期六

"It is still a beautiful World": happy Thanksgiving Day 2010

Thanksgiving Day is in the United States, and this means quiet from our discussions to your money. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday; I am grateful that we have set aside to remember the good things we have in a day on a yearly basis.

As usual I'm grateful this year. I am fortunate to have a good life, a wonderful wife and four soft and furry cats. I have a job, I love, comics to read, and friends, who Challenge me and encourage me to grow.

This year I want to share again, 83-year-old poem, which I have read to myself every Thanksgiving. It does a great job, my philosophy of life, encapsulating. Today, whim, (I) you have de-versified in it and is converted into prose. I like the way it reads in this way.


(Max Ehrmann, 1927)

Go placidly noise and haste, and remember what peace can be quietly.

As far as possible, without waiver of all persons, subject to the terms and conditions are good. Speak your truth quietly and clearly and to listen to others — even, boring and too ignorant — they have their story. In order to differentiate between hard natural phosphates and aggressive; they are fraudulent people.

If you compare yourself with others, you may receive only or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your own achievements as well as their own plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; It is time to change the fortunes, the actual possession.

A prudent business matters, because the world is full of temppujen. But this blind you to not what makes; many people seek high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism. Is yourself. In particular, to affection. Not cynical about love, in front of all aridity and disenchantment, is like grass, perennial.

Take kindly the Assistant in an orderly manner and within the year young things kasvinjalostajanoikeushakemuksensa. Nourish the spirit of the strength of a sudden misfortune to securing buckle. But with a dark varkautelaisten distress yourself. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Wholesome discipline, then to take lightly with yourself. A child of the universe is not less than the trees and the stars; the customer has the right to be here. And whether you occurs, there is no doubt that the universe is quite as it should.

Thus, the peaceful with God, him shall, irrespective of the manner in which you can create. And regardless of the efforts made by the labors and a noisy confusion of life, to keep the peace that the soul.

All a sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Is happy. Strive to be happy.

As most of you I will be spending days with my family. And in the evening we go to the beginning of the movie, such as are likely to be frequently need to see. Now is the time for me to go downstairs, however, will help to prepare the feast!

Happy Thanksgiving day. You appears Monday. (Or a Sunday, if you calculate the reader story …)

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