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2010年12月13日 星期一

Productivity Hack: reduce the number of Internet use on the World Wide Web toimintarajoitteinen

This message is a staff writer on the April Dykman.

Once you've wasted mindlessly surfing time, the number of days has been embarrassing. Trying to do that, rather than the rule, but an exception is the massive time suck, which typically connect to me on the back of the things I needed to actually make that day.

Of course, the Web makes it easy for you to life in several respects. We have almost all types of media that bit of information in the right in our fingertips. But so much of the media so easily available, it is easy to stray off-task.

I am writing an article, productivity-app right now, but I have had only good for 30 minutes sidetracked during the journey, because I found a way to invest in the tasks list on your desktop. It is not something that is needed for my immediate attention, but I stopped writing to drive new browser tabs. Finally I decided to use it, and probably not received back to the task at hand.

Productivity is boring
I do not like to think, in particular with a view to increasing productivity. When I read too much data ", maximize your productivity with" and squeeze the value per second, it makes me want to curl up on the couch and catch missed episodes of 30 Rock.

But we all have to perform the tasks required, and we need to remember things. When you are in My to-do list, or task list in a work and to introduce the nose grindstone, online toimintarajoitteinen may cost time and money (and sometimes their own sanity than you get properly closer to dates). In addition, in spite of the fact how productivity to talk about makes me want to rebel, it feels really good to get things done on time — and even to the end of something better at an early stage.

Web-based, Web-based solutions to procrastination
Today I want to share a solution that has worked well to minimise any delay on the network. In the case of the Internet, you have found a toimintarajoitteinen, that technology can help solve some problems it creates.

You have found useful is the first application, there is a Firefox extension to LeechBlock. Likely to have a handful, so that you can in particular enjoy wasting time sites. LeechBlock prevents the sites, you can set up on the basis of the parameters.

Use LeechBlock, you can configure up to six sets of Web sites and blocks with each an unlimited number of sites. Next, you can set the rules for each block. You can prevent certain periods of time, such as between 8 a.m. 17: 00, when a time limit has been reached (30 days), or both (30 minutes between 8 p.m.). You can prevent the weeks and days.

LeechBlock is followed by the time you spend actively looking at the site (it does not calculate the tab that is open, but is not enabled), and during the blocked times or after the time limit, you will be directed to the blocked site alert, you have blocked the page.

Although it is possible to go around the block to the self-imposed, LeechBlock offers password feature so that you can implement the second phase, before you can override. Delay for a moment and hopefully requires think of other reasons why you have set up a parcel in the first place. LeechBlock recommends "long but memorable" set password. Perhaps something getbacktoworkyoubum?

Daily task application
Leechblock has worked well to remind myself, when I am spending too much time on certain sites, but I still need something to better organize your to-do lists. Without a clear plan on a daily basis to get blocked, was too easy on Facebook only if you want to browse for new sites that are not blocked or the complete random and divided by the total number of tasks around the House.

Paper and pen seemed the ideal in theory, but in practice it was not in operation. I had too many repetitive tasks, and I only keep up with the system a couple of weeks before it fell apart. After looking at a few options, I have read Remember the Milk remember the milk (RTM) was voted favorite Web-based to-do list manager Lifehacker readers, so I let it go.

In 2005, management will seek to make the tasks of the RTM enjoyable experience. Although I do not know if the to-do lists never be enjoyable, RTM makes them more than tolerable, and I admit I like checking for things such as running tasks. I also like knowing that I don't have to remember all my cousin is removed from the Recycle Bin Thursday, wedding-gift Aamut is organized in such a way can be used from any one system (not RTM Smartphone apps, and so on).

LeechBlock and other milk together with the
Lately, I have read a great productivity hack, which combines the talents of RTM LeechBlock's blocking: the author of the superpowers of the task to remind you of the information.

Leechblock, you can specify Within what you want can be redirected to after you've blocked website. If you specify a control RTM task list Leechblock, you can be reminded that you have exceeded your yourself and that you have a list of the tasks that need your attention, is the time limit for contesting the claim immediately.

This has worked beautifully for me. Not only am I redirected from time sucking sites, but see RTM task list gives me Jumping in. As part of completing the task often highly is getting started. After it is blocked, I choose a couple of functions that look quickly and easily, and check them off the list. Until then, I have allocated again and I got you to tackle larger tasks will help you get up to speed. Over the last couple of this hack you have to be used for a week, and I have been pleasantly surprised of how it has improved my productivity.

Because I get-things-done kick, I would like to know what you think about the comments to this method, and share all the tricks, you can pause the task.

J. 's Note: I waste, a lot of time surfing where (and when) I shouldn't. The last couple of years more than me, you've come to Google's tools, such as e-mail and apps fan. I would like to find a way to make a list of the tasks feature available. All tips?

This article is about the tips and tricks, self Improvement, tools

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