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2011年1月2日 星期日

Women and money: stereotypes and face reality

This post is by staff writer April Dykman.

Women should specialized personal financial resources specific to our Sex? Here's what seems to involve some financial advice books. Dark gray writer, Hannah Seligson Kni?ar points out that is "management of the money for women" category, but not a category specifically for men.

Some of the cheekier titles in this category include:

Shoo Jimmy Choo!: modern girl guide to spend less and save My assets MoreDoes that Create FAT?: women looking for a guide to finding the financial independence and success
Addicted to shopping and other problems for women with MoneyDivanomics: How can Still be lovely when you are to transfer free of charge: BrokeHow Shopping secrets for smart women, who love to get something for nothing

There seems to be a common theme about costs. Even as I was writing this post, I saw an episode of everybody loves Raymond where, to cover its own overspending, Raymond accused his wife Debra for compulsory expenditure.

"I see ways she dresses, and takes kids for Mole," says Raymond mother right before the mention of Debra "very nice outfit." every believing that the story of Ray that Debra ripple shopper. But in the end, it is Debra, which remains until late to balance the checkbook and fixed the family finances.

"And do you know why I can do this even if you really hate it?" she asks Raymond.

"Because you are an adult, and if it is not for you, all this would be a large smoking crater," he says. And this is true in many families. (It used to be true in one family, for example).

Type Is generally accepted that women love to shop, shop, Shop, but there is any truth to it?

Not according to the study of consumer costs from the Bureau of labor statistics. The survey measures the spending habits of the United States and includes data on costs, revenues and demographic characteristics. Data shows that men and women spend the same amount of the claim, they just spend differently its judgment funds. Women tend to spend more of their clothing for men, while the men to spend more on restaurants, audio/video gadgets and transportation.

Men and women: shopping addiction
What real shopoholics or those with compulsive buying behavior? (Compulsive buying is characterized by the uncontrolled urges to purchase and the adverse consequences of this.) Earlier studies have shown that compulsive buy affected by 1.8% to 16% of adults in the United States, with 90% of the compulsive preferred married. (I could not find the original studies report citing these statistics – they seem to be widely reported without the original source listed and Yes, this range of 1,8% 16% is huge.)

In 2006 Dr. Lorrin Qur'an, Professor of Psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University, shall carry out an examination in nationwide household phone a random sample. Over 2500 people rated their spending habits of compulsive buying scale. Survey found that more than 5% of adults are compulsive buyers, and the proliferation of compulsive buying behaviour is similar among men and women (6% for women, 5.5% for men).

When women are included
Stats show women are not as flighty with its spending habits, as usual. At least they have so much more than men. What accounts for women focused personal finance advice?

One area where women fall is retirement. It's not that save or value retirement planning. TD Ameritrade annual survey showed that 68% of women are enable to save more money in 2011, compared with 62% of men. Hartford Financial Services Group released research findings showing that plan participation among women increased 9 points to 70%. (Male increased 5 points 71%) of the participants in a study, 69% said it entirely or mainly course plan their retirement benefits, from simple up to 56% in 2009 (male also saw transition from 75% in 2009 to 83% in 2010)

Gap in trust, lifetime earnings
TD Ameritrade study has found that there was a gap in how confident women for their ability to achieve their personal financial goals. More men (39%) Women (27%) felt confident to contribute on a regular basis THE IRA in 2011.

I have written for obstacles women face of retirement before. Women live more, still make less. In 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women who were employees of salaries and salary average weekly earnings, which were about 80% of the profit on the other side male. Women are also more likely to leave the workforce to care for children or family members. No wonder that many women feel more confident than men for pension purposes.

Given these data must not personal finance books for women includes a unique retirement issues they face?

Instead of advice for "shoo Jimmy Choo" I would like to see titles that offer advice as how to take-off time to raise your children without sacrificing your retirement. What decisions to keep stay-at-home mom take account of changes in its industry, so that it is behind the times if it reenters the workforce? I would like really targeted, studied information on why women are less likely to negotiate their salaries and psychological knowledge of how to overcome these fears and move up the corporate ladder. (Speaking of, I found a book called the girl guide for Being the boss without corresponding Saxon, still seem to exist for men. instead, all I found were books on how to work for the jerk and manage your boss. ")

Of course there are money books for women there with less cutesy titles, but for me, books for personal finances reinforce coated sugar stereotypes and make women, which could raise them a disservice. Shopping is not a problem unique to women, but an income of life and longer lifespans are actual issues carefully.

My position is pretty obvious to date, so that I would like to turn this GRS readers. What do you think of the types of personal finance books for women referred to in this article? They are a valuable? Also if there are any money you read books for women or sprays with serious in tone, titles, and sharing your thoughts on them.

This article is about Consumerism, translator

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