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2011年1月16日 星期日

Internet Marketing-Get Rich slowly

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If you want to Get Rich Quick, I suppose you could win the lottery or inherit and fortune! Obviously you have very little control over these events, but if you want to get rich eventually (maybe 2-3 years), then I thoroughly recommend internet marketing as the vehicle to get you there-and-if like me you enjoy learning new skills, you could have fun and make new friends along the way!

It won ' t happen overnight-I am sure you would realise now that 99.99% of Get Rich Quick Business Opportunities are Scams that feed on fear, greed, laziness or even sheer desperation! But whatever the motivation, the outcome is always the same-Failure-not to mention the fact that most people end up worse off financially than flies they were to start with!

The Good News is it doesn't have to be like that! If you are realistic with your time scales AND you are prepared to work hard to learn new skills, you CAN get rich gradually, whilst building a SOLID online business which will eventually allow you to work full time or part time-even from Home or anywhere in the world (even your favourite beach)!

Now of course there is no point spending weeks learning new skills-and working for months perfecting these skills-if you are learning the wrong skills for the business you are building. That would be like studying to be a carpenter before buying your own plumbing business!

It is exactly the same in the relatively new and exciting world of Internet Marketing!

You need to decide what kind of online business you are going to start and you need to find a course or mentor to teach you the necessary skills to make your business successful.

Remember there is nothing new under the sun and many of the secrets of success in the online world of Internet Marketing Business are the same as those which have produced millionaires in the offline world, but the way in which these secrets and techniques are applied are very different and would probably take a lifetime to master through trial and error alone.

Fortunately the pioneers of Internet Marketing have accumulated many lifetimes of trial and error through their combined efforts in a relatively short time frame-and if you know where to look you can benefit from all that shared knowledge to build your own hugely successful Internet Marketing business!

But first you need to master or at least have a working knowledge of the following subjects-How Google Views the World-Basic Search Engine optimisation technology (SEO)-the white Hat SEO-Black Hat SEO & e. Should Avoid It At All Costs-Effective Pay Per Click Marketing-Dynamic Keyword Insertion-Social Networking-Social Bookmarking-Dropshipping-Linking-Web Directories-Squidoo Lenses-Keyword Research-Pod Casting-Networking Marketing-Spying on the Competition-Beating the Competition-Choosing Domain Names-Basic Website Design (don't worry you don't have to do this yourself) but it can be nearly easier than you think-Submitting your Website (or having it submitted)-Affiliate Marketing-Article Writing-Blogging-Email Marketing-Press Releases-Classified Advertising online-Using Ebay to Drive Traffic to Your Website-The Google Sandbox.

It is my intention to create articles on all of these subjects, which can be used together or individually, a new or existing internet marketers, fill in the missing pieces and create multiple income streams online as I am doing myself.

You can have the best store queues in the world with the best value-the most in demand products available, but if your store is in the middle of the desert "you will go before your first customer busts stumbles upon your shop-and online marketing is exactly the same-you must find out where your customers are and put your online shop in front of them!

If you do this you really can't fail-but like any real business in the offline world it takes time to establish yourself and in the early days you will work very hard for a small return, but if you follow a proven formula and persevere, you will soon be rewarded with an income which is far greater than the amount of work involved and an income which will continue to grow exponentially as the workload decreases! That is the time to use your knowledge and experience to duplicate your online success with another internet business, until you eventually create multiple streams of online income.

Good Luck! Daniel R. Stone

Daniel R. Stone has been involved in the offline business and sales and marketing since 1986. He has been studying online business and internet sales and marketing since 2003 and failed many times in his online endeavors until he finally discovered the formula for success! After falling victim to many of the online scams-he wants to help other people cut through the smoke and mirrors "section and achieve their own dreams, online through solid, proven, sales marketing and internet business techniques, adapted for online success in the 21st century! For more information and a genuine opportunity to earn as you learn, he package installed you might want to visit []

