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2011年1月10日 星期一

Richie Claudia: "How are you going to make money writing fiction blog?"

"How are you going to make money writing fiction blog?"

This is the question that asked me guitar teachers last night, when I told her how excitement and happiness, I'm not one to write, but two books on the Internet.

Following publication of the old way (my second novel, "seeing red",
Coming out any day now) and have discovered how much I love writing right here on the blog.

It's crazy, but I honestly think that my writing waiting new projects for technology blogs that appear.

I kid you not.

I started working in a murder mystery books, called kastinata, way back in January 1995 (for more information about this long and difficult road, read "Chapter 1" mysteries sister.).

For most of the past 16 years, I've had a huge block of the popular writer of this project. I spent two months in two wonderful writer colonies (both in California Wemontalvo and Jersey!), both located in particular in cases where the story gets nun place

I can see every detail of one of the world my characters (called a nun, sister Renata, and her uncle punk Anthony). Can tell you exactly what line. (The nun falsely accused of killing her cousin, adding frames with a series of stories that make them look as if she seduced him and then killed him.)

However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the book to work together. And should you try to twelve, not more than ten times to write kastinata, a book buddy, and I invite sister mysteries. I'm not kidding when I say that I wrote four or five complete copies of books. Thousands of pages. Mountains of debris which papers on the prospects for my amplified.

Much paper that started burning, ritual in my back wefrontiard. Maybe I was hoping that the sacrificial flares get go book.

Both. And do anything.

But as blogging has opened the door. (Of course this a bit more complicated, but you'll have to read books to understand).

Maybe because the books are in good time, because you have to keep bouncing around in time, to understand this story, blog just made easier.

It is not, although I haven't seen in print. I spent years as a daily newspaper reporter, first for the Chicago Sun-times, and later as a staff writer on "Wall Street Journal. All types of front-page stories with my Beilin. And then, when I started writing fiction, was my share short stories published in the literary magazines with circulations of precious, say, 1500. I spent countless hours my stories and poems packaging and sent with the return envelope and postage, hoping the publication. I'm getting published. But then? Sat magazines on some dusty shelves somewhere.

In the last year or so ago I stopped sending my work "magazines". It's not that great little magazines, not just doesn't really interest me if you see my work there, in a magazine that sitting on some shelf.

Like so many writers today, I just found it more rewarding spreading myself. Guitar teachers or really blame, to credit: always published Flamenco virtuoso guitarist, zimantoski Maria her CDs. (Buy one, and they will be happy, wonderful music and you can hear only a smidgen over my website "seeing red"!) Over 11 years and had guitar teachers, Maria was telling me that my work published. What a big deal, and she would say always.

Oddly enough, now that I am publishing a novel that share a title with her second CD, "seeing red" Finally I saw her point. And really I understand now that I'm in control of my artwork.

There are, of course, as mentioned last night, the question of money. I of course I can make money do love best, writing fiction. For most of two decades (began writing fiction in 1990) and was waiting for most writers wait, large pieces. I thought I had a real shot at breaking big again in 1996, when first novel "dream maples", represented literary agent working for the literary agent of Prime Minister John Hawkins & Associates. I love the beautiful lady, are also some writing Joyce Carol Oates, I like my first book and is optimistic that this book is destined to large contracts.

After dozens of rejection are promising, and I get "nomination boshkart" from Ballantine Books. But any contract. Try a second factor of sale, and, in 1997. That too was working well now.

Even in 2001, I started a small publishing company called "root agency star and posted myself, (after quite unexpectedly successful book instead of by someone else." that day ", the book about 911 tragedy and it was eventually bought by big Publisher. This book helped develop" Star "on a map root of press slightly).

And when it's time to post my second novel, "seeing red" last year, try to find another agent, but I couldn't. Again, I am posting on my second book. This time, however, I do not feel the least bit abologitik. I have a lot of readers waiting writers, and I am glad to be out.

What I know now clearer than ever that if I'm going to be happy must write. Continued. Preferably, and every day.

Yes, my chances of ever getting money to my imagination, is also small. But who cares?

Given the opportunity to publish, not writing again, "or read" don't make any money, it's not even what to choose.

I remind myself that after John Steinbeck Nobel Laureate, never wrote another word (because it seems he was strongly critics saying it wasn't worth it.)

So I'm not waiting for anything. I am writing, and I feel confident in my small group of readers tell me what is working and what needs to be trashed.

The only thing I am waiting now?

Application that will let me catch the books in a form that can package and distribute on the Web, and mobile phones.

If you know any software designers who can help, please send them my way!

Richie Claudia to follow on Twitter:

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