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2011年1月27日 星期四

Success secrets of the rich-rich people are lucky?

I have just sent an email to my mailing list based on Stuart Goldsmith ' seven millionaire secrets p. ' I do not know how they felt after reading the message it contained but it impressed me so much that I felt I must immediately write an article about it.

Stuart Goldsmith is a British millionaire multi-who moved from in debt is to be one of the rich people through his direct mail company. He also wrote a brilliant news letter. Some of his ideas can not new, but they are expressed in a powerful way and deserves to be read again and again. The central idea of this article is one of them;

In chapter one of his classic book, Stuart demolishes the idea millionaire s that are lucky; they are instead become rich by making thousands of small decisions, as they chose to get the job done rather than not to get it done. The selected action rather than passivity:

"Most people believe that wealth is a lottery that the cards were mixed and then randomly dealt with and some received an Ace, while others received two or three and a few Joker. They consider further that this is just happiness-as the lottery, and so the lucky people with ACEs should be willing to hand over a part of their wealth with these unfortunate people with lower card.

Closer examination reveals a different truth, and that is unpleasant to the public. It is not a truth, they want to hear. The truth is that with a few exceptions, wealth creators were not treated by fate randomly ACEs. They worked with their success by making appropriate selections on a minute by minute, day basis. Let me explain.

Everything you are and have today is the accurate summation of countless thousands of little choices and decisions that you made from the day you were first deliberately be able to make such choices. And which simply these elections were mainly between action and inaction. Or to put it another way, between action and laziness. I am not talking big, life-changing decisions here. I am talking about tens of thousands of day, minute by minute options like "do I need to get up or lie in bed in the second half an hour?" "Should I read another chapter, Textbook or go instead for a beer?" "Should I Try a little harder to get this job right, or simply turn it into a sloppy fashion?"

Thousands and thousands of small things go right back to school days when you decided between completing a homework assignment or watch TV instead.

As Jim Rohn says, the question "alt." It is the small choice that affair. The little day disciplines, which builds a relentless entry into force of the propeller you towards wealth and success. After a lifetime of always selecting the appropriate option easy, lazy way out, the minimum amount of work it would have the audacity to mediocre call you ' lucky '. Then they will demand ' their ' share of your wealth-the wealth that you built by numerous small daily disciplines, each requires you refrain immediate satisfaction of your desires.

If someone ever accuse you of being ' lucky ' simply reply: "you have the right And you know what.? The harder I work, the luckier I got. While your friends watching soap operas or down the pub, do you want to work late nights, up instant pleasure, strive to create new values, new products, new ideas that will move humanity forward. "

I was about Add to more comments to Stuart's words, but believes that he has said it so well that I will Add only one or two comments. Nor me in violation of his copyright, when I was a participant in 2002 on one of his ' retirement ' seminars, when he handed over to its generous licensing info products to attendees.

In the above passage, he has given a very effective guide or measurement tool to help us choose the best decisions minute by minute. Choose action over inaction can find variety of obvious, but the results of not choosing the Show only gradually and so it helps to have some one like Stuart point power on thousands of opportunities will we choose to get the job done rather than did not get it done. We must all do our homework on a regular basis.

Don't get it may seem to have any effect on our lives at the time, but later we suffer the consequences. I have chosen to read e-mail messages rather than mow the lawn in weeks. In the back garden has suffered and will take a long time to mow.

This is no big deal, but other choice can mean the difference between wealth and poverty. A choice to act and Check your investments more carefully could save you lose thousands, if you have invested in another Enron. On the other hand, daily choice to save money keeping you out debt of.

On reflection, we can be thankful that we are able to make these day-to-day, minute by minute choice. Our life in all their glorious or inglorious details, is in our own hands. We are capable of acting or not acting. Luck has nothing to do with it! The next time you are hesitant about making that phone call or leave it until tomorrow, just pick up the phone and make the call. Choose action over inaction. Select action of laziness.

About the author

John Watson is an award winning teacher and fifth degree black belt martial arts instructor. He has recently written several books about achieving your goals and dreams.

They can be found on his website together with a motivational message and books by other authors

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