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2011年1月6日 星期四

Do You Have what it takes to Get Rich?

You can see themselves as entrepreneurs, setting your own hours, and the parent, to enjoy the freedom is self employed. And just imagine what life will be like once you have a huge success and stroking in cash.

But hangs. Before starting the car showroom and test drive dream car, let me ask you something: are you cut the entrepreneur? Do you have what it takes to get rich?

Reply, say ", as the rate on the following five characteristics. Can/Do:

· Hold something, even if you don't see the results yet? Start the day officially your business will be one of the most exciting days of your life. You may be running on Adrenaline for several days if not weeks.

But then you outside your highest. And now work the same number of hours, your business to get off the ground, but it is not only an exciting any more. The worst thing is, however, that are not yet displayed results ... so you don't have any tangible rewards for you to motivate and lead them to move forward.

Let me ask you this: you can hold on to something, even if this is not immediately be paid? If so, this thing around the entrepreneur may be for you.

· Let go lost thoughts? Trust me on this: If you spend days and weeks of work on an idea, you will feel like your child. And really, because it is certainly your idea.

But what happens if your idea does not work? One specific idea what if you just drag down the whole business? You can let you go, even if it and still have happy? If so, it is appropriate to set the correct entrepreneur.

· Have confidence in their skills? People go to doubt. Some may even laugh at you. If you listen to them, the chance to enjoy the success of the slim to none.

You have confidence in your ability and your idea? If Yes, then you should set the correct entrepreneur.

· You know the value of the products or services that you provide? Here is a big problem: sometimes the beginning of the work of the entrepreneur as dogs for pennies. And how many times this is because their value is not a solution, which offers many. The beginning of the business of the person who thinks, "Gee, I would pay that much for the product, so I better to keep prices low."

But it is not your market. If this is not a customer. And you can provide a good product or service with the high-value customers, then you should charge accordingly. If you are charging too much, let you know.

But in the meantime, it should be the value of which is to provide a solution. And if the value of the products or services, then it is good business.

· Solutions to problems? Finally, and this is the case, you have a problem Solver?

Of course, the solution of the problem is the practical work of entrepreneurs, because the buck stops with you in your business. There is no head to the solution of your problems-work. It is, therefore, to detect and resolve problems in your business.

But there is more reason: you are in the areas of problem-solving customers! If you know how to recognize and address the problems of other users, it may be good business.

These are just five of the many characteristics of the successful entrepreneurs discover seven other properties-test free of charge and make their own assessment, you will discover whether you've just vy?iznuta be successful requirement free Silver membership SuccessUpgrade (usually $ 27.00) secrets of success-

