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2011年1月16日 星期日

GRS Blogger Profile: Sierra Black

Get rich slowly as a place for one to write about money. Over the last five years is grown beyond that. It is now-multi author blog. This week, each of the authors will share a brief bio to give readers a little background. Enjoy!

Sierra BlackMy name is Sierra black. I've been staff writer here while accessing rich slowly for just under a year and a regular guest. My first post for one is ' mist big things "of my family decided to amend our House.

This decision marked the real start of my journey to financial health. In my twenties, I accumulated debt: student loan debt, mortgage debt, credit card, auto loan debt. As my debts have been going, so are my costs: married, has two children, bought a House, is necessary to maintain. And finally exceeded my sampling costs junior-initial payment, I quit my job to stay home with my children.

I had the perfect storm of financial debt woe: launching, raising the standard of living and shrinking household income. At the top of this, I was miserable is trying to keep up with the Joneses in the suburbs.

Move backward in the city is one of the best choices is ever I did. Suddenly surrounded by the community. My husband can bike to work every day. To finish each time I needed to go. My life becomes easier.

And I had more money. Much more money. Move almost saved me thousands of dollars per month. Begins application of the money of payments, credit cards and forms a small group to read personal finance their money or classic life. This leads to GRS group me and I was hooked. I first came to GRS as reader and always treasured tightly knit, active community of the commenters here.

Since I started my healing journey with money, I have paid off about $ 20,000 in debt to credit cards. I also have doubled my household income through various self-started concerts and help my husband get huge raise in their work. Last June, I closed my home business child daycare and freelance writing. I am loving my new "day job", as well as find more financial success than I've done in my career.

Writing has always been part of my life and my profession. Before the days of my mother stay-at-home I was a journalist in the journal. Blogging is the perfect blend of journalism and creative non-fiction for me. I started a blog about my life as a MOM, as soon as I found I was pregnant. These days, I write about parenting and my personal adventures of ChildWild. My work has become clear in the New York Times Magazine, Mothering, Babble and many other locations.

Like the one my favorite bits of my own writing personal essays that have been published here and elsewhere:

This article is for the Administration

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