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2011年3月22日 星期二

You can create in your life or Does life happen to you?

So how do you respond to this question? You may be surprised to know that the way you view life is a direct response to the economic conditions! -It is true.

Take a minute and I think one of the five richest people know or have rd about the hea. Businessmen in the Donald Trump, Steve Jobs, and Warren Buffet is that some come to mind for me. Will it h Sm and Julia Robe rts is a couple it celebr/ies that it should also be recalled that the future is made of millions of years. Now it, w h everything you know about them (or list of persons) for information about how you can say they have a question? Out-of-the-box "is created in my life!" They each understand that rd o * er to achieve wealth, they must be it TED COMM is a RICH TEXT FORMAT (RTF). Not only they work rd hectares in the everyday, but are completely decided to be Rich, whatever.

Now take a moment and think of the five people you know or have reason to rd hea, which is weak or missing financial se y secur. it is probably more than five to think, but the Start it h, w, five is easy. Got my five are of course going to my head, and their names. Now, I think your five it and w h everything you know, how do You think, they answer the question? -"Life happens to me!" Now, all five of these people, I'm sure the daily rise and work really rd HA. They also can say that they want to really have a RICH TEXT FORMAT (RTF). The difference is, they are not strictly it TED COMM is a RICH TEXT FORMAT (RTF).

So what is the difference? Well, rd ing acco t. Harv Eker-the book, "Secrets millionaire is situated in the heart of the Mind", is it e defin difference, how Rich people and poor people think. And until I have listened to his book, CD 's, I actually had never it much given thought to myself. He says that if you asked all of you know, if they wish to the Rich, they would probably all say, "absolutely!" However, the difference is huge and would like something that actually it comm ted to get something.

So much of how we can watch the money come from to our recent it ioning cond. Think back to how the parents talked about money or people who had money. If you would like to hear negative comments grew up in "rich" opportunities are some of the opinions and views are like they did. A lot of my thinking was actually thinking in the subconscious. -You can't even understand the thoughts are a direct result of their own finances to!

Have you ever rd hea:

Money is the root of all evil!
Money doesn't buy happiness.
Money does not grow trees.
I just spent $ 10.00 lottery tickets-I'm feeling lucky tonight!

The list goes on and on. Let's see each and every one of these:

Take the first, "Money is the root of all evil!" is not true! We are just as easy to find the person who has a Rich and resides in the w it h, Integr se y than we can someone who has a Rich and "Evil." They are both Rich it, so it is money that is causing the problem-person is 's personal page on Stardoll.

Second, the "money doesn't buy happiness."-true. If you have, depending on the make money-you are happy it, not. You must be happy first for sure. However, if you are satisfied with the it starts to w (h) and become RICH, then the money will buy, you can it y secur and it y abil-surround yourself with w it h, Nice things. It should this step enables you to qualified and touch it h, w, authentic happiness.

The number hr ee t, "money does not grow in trees."-true. But it is there for those who want to do, regardless of the it, makes it to acquire, may. (Legally of course!.) Understand, if you go it to get someone else will! Money can grow the trees of the it, but will grow into a bank account. Learn to manage you money is now down to the penny. When you know how to manage the current economy, could manage my WEALTH!

Last but not least, the "Only spent $ 10.00, the lottery ticket-I'm feeling lucky tonight!" If we all can have a dollar for every time someone said that, and you don't win, you know how RICH, we should! If you are a member of the Bank in the future, the riches, the lottery can it ely defin allowed life to happen to you. And one thing certain in this example, becoming Rich has nothing to do w it h feeling lucky. If you are playing the lottery is fun, then Great; Have fun. I do too. But if you want to truly become Rich, do not print the lottery as the answer to your prayers.

Everything you've read here came T Harv Eker teachings. ". I learned this by listening to t. Harv Eker book, CD, "the Millionaire Mind that business secrets be protected." I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone who is ready to take a serious look at their "economic Blueprint" as t. Harv Eker it and ask to make the necessary changes, and Start thinking like rich! It has made my life and there is a huge difference to the economy. I hope that you get yourself a copy, too, and it takes time to start creating your life!

Basic information about economic Blueprint invaluable personal classifications and is the first step towards to create Your Life. For more information about personal development, inspiration, and wealth building, visit the following Debbie Parker on the blog.

