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2011年3月7日 星期一

How Watson's IBM will make money

IBM via AFP-Getty Images

Watson's IBM computer consists of a series of 90 computer servers with total 2,880 processor cores.

John Roach

It was nice Watson to donate $ 1 million in winnings "danger!" for charity this week, but don't think for a second time that the device resolution, and answer the question is purely charitable. There are many hopes Watson will make companies and individuals piles of money.

To get things started Thursday announced IBM and Nuance Communications collaboration "to explore the development and marketing analytics capability computing Watson's advanced in healthcare sector."

For example, can cooperate, which also includes Colombia University and University of Maryland, to paramedic knowital. Rather than explain symptoms to doctor flesh and bones, Watson will tell them that after considering Doc. information on split seconds, the device will determine what you have likely under a transaction.

The first commercial offers can be available within 18 months. Hospitals and clinics may eat up the technology. What's more, he presence of Doc Watson is likely to change what will be students in medical schools, Herbert Chase, who worked on this project in Colombia University, New York Times.

"I've been in medical education for 40 years we are still very memory-based approach". "Power tools like Watson will lead us to reconsider what we want students to do."

Consumer interaction
IBM executives also--they are in discussions with major consumer electronics dealer upgrade the version Watson which can interact with consumers to help them purchase decisions and provide technical support.

Details on project thin, but experts speaking about Watson in a series of videos on the site of IBM note that technology almost certainly find a home in the points of contact technical support. Instead of yelling at the man's inability to understand why do your gadget will accurately and coolly Watson explain what was wrong until I could fix it and be on your way.

The videos show that the financial services industry is keen to develop Watson to use. Just as the device was able to search through a huge database of exit right to answering trivia on "jeopardy!"Watson, imagine researchers the ability to check the heaps of data financial spot the next big thing, potentially more effective than highly paid Wall Street analysts.

"If you see at the same time all research, financial news, market news, economic information, can start by asking questions such as which companies are likely to be targets for the next three months," Jae Dok, which determines financial services Executive video.

This attitude left Duc January as President a quantitative modeling in software sales and Trade Division of Morgan Stanley, Bloomberg reported. While there, build and manage programs that deal with trade. Apparently, Watson, future development funds the so-called Quant, using sophisticated computer models of investment decisions.

Lawyer and consultant?
The other possible applications of technology in helping legal professionals Watson combed through civil law cases, planners and study traffic solution, according to investor's business daily.

Watson also may be future as an adviser to the Ministry "homeland security", said Darren Hayes, President of computer information systems program at Pace University in New York, financial news service.

"(Homeland Security) was on collecting information — credit card transactions boards and Internet activity, flight data, telephone records, banking transactions, and so on — to millions of people. He tuned the terabytes of information are formidable. "

Basically, any task that currently employs Intelligent humans to check the heaps of data to search for an answer soon may be replaced by Watson. You can edit some professionals such as physicians of routine memorization, but can also put thousands out of work, call center workers for paralegals, financial analysts trying to support companies bottom line.

More stories about Watson:

Roach, John columnist for contribution. Communication with society "cosmic log" multiply "like" button on the page "before the" cosmic log or science editor Alan Boyle, following on Twitter (@ b0yle).

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