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2011年2月3日 星期四

How to make money?

How to make money? -.Pagination zambotimace: active,: focus {outline: 0;/* for browsers understand */}Homiforomshidlinisgobs wambloimintabot us on Thursday, Jan. 20. 2011 how to make money?

It is free so how did Facebook make money?

Claire Brown

Social networking sites have become very popular lately and one of the biggest and fastest free still belong, how this site immensely popular make money and is free of charge for members? How Facebook makes money if free to join?

This site is enormous with over half a billion members. You may not think of a site, but use each user has a Web site to register and provide personal information, making this site a powerful database.

Fun daily interaction with people and having met from all walks of life contracts strong attraction that people willingly insert quantity of personal data that it definitely feel free to disclose other organizations. I have friends over three hundred personal Facebook, nearly all personally knew him at different times of my life, most of whom I never expected any contact with again, before the advent of online social networks. So for me personally, this miracle!

But how does this site giant makes money if you can join for free? Must cost $ Web pages needed to run a website about half a billion members greatly! Well, who would be interested in publicizing such a database keyword friend? Each company on Earth wants to make money! Until now, surprisingly few companies really to the fact that they can gain exposure target mega-brand is not very high on this site is awesome.

But every day more companies the world over the top to get your brand seen here. One way to achieve this page a free society about the company or encouraging certain brands, such as the popular beer company or Department. The fastest method of paid advertising to advertise in the sidebar: you can choose what interests what site and what gender and age your advert appears. This is far more effective for any company advertising in the directory.

As you would like more companies declare sidebar, advertising costs, money more than ever. Can include the logo or image here, you cannot search engine ads in pay per click. This could include advertising through clicking on a page or a group or society's Web site. I think this is developed more powerful interactive marketing opportunity ever!

Yes, I believe that social networking will continue to grow in popularity because each day I see people joining new and requested to be my friend. Only people I ever actually already active users that tremendous growth potential. I certainly think will fade the value of novelty and many users will be migrated gradually to other sites, but the sheer number of active users in this makes this social networking website greater opportunity is cheaper and more effective advertising ever for every business, and thus potential advertising revenue so that users cannot pay membership.

It's a win-win situation for website developers and business users and application developers. The Internet in General, and social networking in particular, is changing the way we interact with people on a daily basis. Recommendation always promote word of mouth marketing and its variety now online all businesses, large and small, should start to connect. It is the answer to "how to make money"?

Do you want to make money using the power of social networks free marketing social media? Join me now and learn for free with video training tips and strategies secret use very pro today!

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