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2011年3月10日 星期四

In praise of frugality: the old idea of the new economy

This is a guest post by Lori Blatzheim, writer, lives in Chanhassen, Minnesota. For more information about national thrift week, visit

If there is a coat of arms of my family, it will give you a Gold Lion standing legs back into the field of dark olive green. It will be clutching bags of gold coins in his front paws, and emblazoned on his chest will be three words: God, family and frugality.

Frugality? Yes, much maligned and frequently understood value.

Thrift is an old idea for a new economyUpcoming study from John Templeton Center for thrift and generosity at the Institute for American values indicates that many Americans associate the thrift with penny-pinching and hoarding cash. In a nationally representative sample of 54% of respondents believe that it is a generous is the opposite of being thrifty, and 48% of those polled think that if Americans becoming more thrifty, would hurt the economy or does not make much difference.

Try saying that my family.

Frugality as the value of the family
My grandfather Thor came to America in the background of the GRAY sky and grey sea ship, tossed by the waves with increased from white and rolled by wind. With limited means train to Wisconsin loan comply with distant Uncle before saving enough to get to St. Paul in Minnesota, where he married Inga, nurse, he fell in love with in Norway and followed in the United States. Together they work hard, planting and harvesting, making rag rugs loom which manure incorporated and save many of them money.

Children kept coming and eventually numbered nine. After teaching English, manure went on to work for a major newspaper in St. Paul. Works of sales of the paper, and ultimately he was circulation Manager. In the meantime, Inga home, cleaning and back wave before spinning it into yarn, which was used to sweaters and gloves with a traditional design of Norwegian. Older children were taught to help all children learn to earn, save and spend wisely. Because of manure and the Inga frugality during the depression were able to take in the relatives in the problems and encourage children to not support.

Away from the countries of their economic well-being, frugality is the value that enabled my grandparents to enter the American middle class. And now, after almost fifty years of neglect, Americans are once again celebrated thrift.

National thrift week
Once a viable social movement from 1916-1966 national thrift week is back, starting in Philadelphia and poised to go viral in America with his message that "frugality is a friend of sustainable prosperity, the broad economic opportunities, beautiful neighborhoods and healthy planet."

Last month, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter officially proclaimed thrift week and 80 representatives of organizations, businesses, churches, schools and banks along came the "Philadelphia thrift leaders Roundtable." Philadelphia Credit Union Charter School and are renewing the old thrift week tradition of security students to open college savings accounts.

The Mayor of Philadelphia kicks off thrift week.

As an organizer of the "thrift club" in the country to find many Americans are not even familiar with the word "thrift." When I invite to thrift club meeting of public library Chanhassen, am I politely blank stare and the question, "what is frugality Club?" my daughter and librarian, suggested that I change the name of the "simple life" Club is a Chic idea today, which can describe a variety of topics, our Club discuss – from home production of agricultural products and foodstuffs preservation to achieve "green" homes for as inexpensive, meaningful financial planning weddings and volunteerism.

But it cannot replace the word "frugality". For one thing the root of the word "frugality" is "thrive", and "to flourish" perfectly captures what ethics is about frugality. While many people mistakenly contact thrift with the miserly, cheap or svidliva, search for "thrift" in the dictionary and you'll see that it is more accurately described as a prosperous, thriving, healthy and vigorous, careful management (especially money) and gainful employment. Frugality is not just money, save the strategy – is a broad concept that encompasses the wise use of all resources: health, time, money and the environment, which included. Thrift is a way of life, ethics, philosophy, which allows ordinary people such as manure and Inga generous and to live a good life.

Apostle of thrift
Ben Franklin's life is a perfect example. Known as the "Apostle of thrift, Franklin penned numerous sayings for" industry and thrift. " However, because he lost no time or money in early life, he retired early, donated money for the establishment of libraries and the fire service and attended plays and eat fine French food in acting as a public servant in France.

John Adams, who also served in France, accused of hypocrisy, but Franklin as a social historian Barbara Dafoe Whitehead's Principia Mathematica points in Franklin frugality: the lost history of American virtue, Franklin is just enjoying the fruits of his frugality.

Instead of inhibit people, thrift can help modern American prosperity, which their grandparents came to find. Since our leaders searching for answers on how to build a more sustainable economy, they will do and be guided by the venerable word "frugality" — an idea, old and new.

Note: j.d. is a defender of national thrift week and frugality, movement and has written about before. He is willing to support their goals – but wishes, the Group were a little more organized.

This article is about frugality, news

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