An essential figure in any history of the American grotesque, son-of-a-preacher-man Vincent Furnier
served as a missing link between Screamin' Jay Hawkins and Marilyn Manson. As Alice Cooper, he helped make the pop world safe for morbid
ity and makeup, scoring a bunch of h
its and misses along the way.
Mascara & Monsters serves up a fairly rote c
hronology of Cooper's '70s singles, w
ith the occasional B-side and 1989's "Po
ison" (cowr
itten by mainstream h
itmeister Desmond Child!) t
hrown in for good measure. As such, the album doesn't live up to
its best-of billing. "Dead Babies," arguably the best track on
Killer, loses out to "Under My Wheels," while the garage-
rock glories of the band's first two albums are also conspicuously absent. On the plus side, "School's Out," "Elected," and "No More Mr. Nice Guy" still sound great. If you're looking for easy access to those and numerous lesser singles, this collection will do the trick.
--Bill FormanPrice: $18.98
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