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2011年1月23日 星期日

Top 10 Secrets to get rich!

So many people have observed, "Success leaves traces". If you want to achieve extraordinary success in the coming year, study experts, do what they are doing, and change their techniques that fit your specific situation. It's easy!

Well, perhaps not easy, but there is the Fund basic amentals. In the belief that we all need to be reminded of them on a regular basis, here are some of the secrets that have helped me and my clients over the years:

1. Focus on values. I have known people made some money, but I have never known who got rich without having to examine their own values, priorities and beliefs. Start by writing down a list of things you value, things you think you want and you plan to do with this incredible life, you have. Start with your values.

2. Get a life. Before you can deal with great wealth, you need to make room for the. This is old "If you build it, they will come" model. Try to press success, wealth, fame or work fortune in a small life not. Create a life first; lifestyle of your dreams will follow.

3. clutter. Try to create success and achieve your wealth while living a root does not work. Success requires clear priorities and a passionate commitment. Simplify your life. Eliminate excuses. Clean everything, distracts you from achieving your most important goals.

4. Enter your results. No one can hit a target, they don't see. define your results and set clear, achievable results in advance. Know what "success" looks like! Have measurable, specific results and decide that you want to reach them!

5. Burn your ships. There is an ancient story about a general Greek who landed his troops on an enemy shore, then burned his ships. He wanted to make it very clear: Retreat and failure was not an option! Leave no room for failure.

6. place in more than you take. No one will pay you more than your services are worth! Get ready for it! You can not only be fooled people very long. Your services and your results will be much more valuable than small fee you charge. Some people want to rip off; the rest will make you rich!

7. Live below your means. Rich people know this. Wealth is accumulated, reinvested, is used wisely and given away. It is never used! Let millionaire athletes and people, winner Lottery buy Smart cars and flashy jewelry. If you want to achieve great wealth, live simply, invest wisely, Enjoy it all!

8. Get rich slowly. The key to great wealth is to minimize income, while maximizing your assets. Income is taxed. Income get spent--think of all the cars, ships, diamonds and houses people with huge incomes would like to buy! Invest in assets that are difficult to spend (buildings stock, s and bond s, collectible art, etc.) creates wealth, which is not taxed, and is not used in a casual impulse.

9. Pay lots of taxes. No, I am not talking about paying more than you owe, but pay every cent, the law requires. Rich people not haggling over nickels and dimes, they invest to make millions! If you can legally avoid taxes, do! Use the law to your advantage when you can. But juggling books hide income or to save a few bucks, waste your time, waste your energy, fear creates of getting caught and makes you cheap. Not do it!

10. Give it away. You can't take it with you when you die, and money is not attracted by the selfish, the stingy or mean. If you would attract money into your life, be clear about what you will do with it. Contribute to charitable organizations that want to use it for good. Make the world a better, richer place, and you must create wealth, which will last for generations to come. Your children will thank you!

Copyright 2003 by Philip e. Humbert. All rights reserved. This article can be copied and used in your own newsletter or on your site, as long as you include the following information: "written by Dr. Philip e. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It is all on his website on the

