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2011年1月4日 星期二

GRS Blogger Profile: J.D. Roth

Get rich slowly as a place for one to write about money. Over the last five years is grown beyond that. It is now-multi author blog. This week, each of the authors will share a brief bio to give readers a little background. Enjoy!

J.D. RothMy name is a Roth. I blog in one form or another for over 13 years. I was blogging before the "blog" is even a Word. In the first place, I blogged about important things. Like the comic books. And my cats. And how much I hate new Star Wars movies. It never Occurred to me that a person can make a living from writing for the Web.

Of 26 April 2005, I wrote an article on my site that combines all books, I have been reading for personal finance and tries to explain why they had the General topics. For years I had struggled with debt. I was stirred spender. My idea for investment is sinking dollars in stock in life would take-off. But when my wife and I purchased a century old farm in the summer of 2004, I finally hits the bottom of the rock. Will run from money. My two friends which financial books. Read them and then employed more than public library. And in the spring of 2005, I wrote what to read. I called this post "get rich slowly!" and it seemed to resonate with many people.

On 15 April 2006, I started a little smart personal finance site. In tribute to this article, first I get rich slowly name of my new site. I still do not realize this can be a way to win life. Just think, I was helping people. Gradually, however, my online income increase. Before long I was making more money from my blog I was not of my work day, sell cardboard boxes. "It's odd," I thought. "I wonder if I can do this for a living."

In March 2008, I decided to give it a go. I quit my job a day to become a professional blogger. Many people told me I was crazy. And to be honest, I was frightened, impoverished Kosovo. Was scared stiff. But here we are, almost three years later, and this has proven to be the best decision I've made in my life. I have recovered my debt and save a substantial amount in the future. I am happy for me and I am making a good income, while all the other people.

However, I am only one person, and I am not a trained financial. Two years ago I recognise that "One is GRS ' model is not sustainable. I was writing and bearing quality. I decided to be active, to deal with things before they got worse. I made some large behind-the-scenes changes. Then I brought on a handful of writers of the staff. Today, get rich slowly for me is not all; it is multi-author blog with staff of people who work with the business side of things. I get to guide the boat, but I'm not the only crew.

As a result, I have the time to focus on other things that are important to me, things like friends and family and fitness. During the past year I have started to travel. If ever I can break the addiction iPad games (damn you Settlers Catan!), you will have a lot of time for reading. This will be good. A decade ago I read two books per week. Today I'm happy to read two a month.

I've been happy this year to publish his first book (your money: missing manual) and my first concert with large magazine (my first column in the entrepreneur, appears in the January 2011, on sale now). I love writing about money, especially if I think it helps other people that meet their objectives.

But you know what? My favorite subjects are more personal pieces, whether here or at They range from funny deem to inspirational, but always from the heart. For example:

What does the future hold for me? Who can say? I will zalepne around access to rich slowly until I am able to help other people. In the meantime, however, I plan to spend more time, the pursuit of other objectives, including writing more on my personal site. By everything I hope to be able to interwork with more readers just like you. It is the best part of the job.

This article is for the Administration

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