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2011年1月31日 星期一

Home-based Business, Get-Rich-Quick schemes never work-rather get a Federal Job in Recession-proof

These days, all we hear about all around us, is get-rich-quick income-making schemes, bogus money making scams, or pie-in-the sky kinds of ventures or business ideas. Overnight riches without work or efforts! Often spoken of basically in terms of one engaging in some sort of "home-based business" or other money-making internet operations that are basically online-based ventures, these schemes almost always fail, however. In deed, they fail woefully! They're simply a scam, a cruel hoax on job-hungry Americans who would try just about anything, more especially in the current grim american economy and anemic job market, to get employed or a source of income!

One present viable solution: seek for a federal job; federal jobs, job openings and hirings, are abundant right now, and that's a fact that I can easily prove to you with easily verifiable public data. Unfortunately, however, the get-rich-quick idea seem to be the tantalizing notion that's increasingly promoted, and attractive to, Americans these days, as they are frequently dazzled before an unsuspecting, job-needy American public (in deed, the internet world), by online marketers and prominent online sales promoters in newspaper and magazines columns, in radios and on the television, and, yes, are most especially hammered home in the internet marketplace by these entities.

But, America, you had better beware! Americans, you've got to get off the hoax bandwagon. And get on the reality wagon - properly apply for federal or fed jobs, using a new "informed key" to federal jobs, called the federal jobs handbook, and get yourself a recession proof federal job, and you're home free!

What is probably most dangerous and most potentially harmful to the people about the frequent resort to the get-rich-quick notion, is that, especially since these times of increasing unemployment and economic stress in the nation, this notion of getting rich quick essentially through leisure and lack of work is often presented, wittingly or otherwise, as some sort of a credible "answer" to finding real employment and as an alternative means of making a living by the average citizen who would opt to engage in such home-based business or online endeavor. To hear (or watch) the promoters of this easy-go-lucky, get-rich-quick idea describe the (their) real world reality, you need not really seek true employment, or to seek a job or business which will require that you do some work or labor in return for your living. Why would you want to do that when you can simply lay back in leisure and enjoyment in, say, your yacht and "in your underwear," and just "get rich the lazy man's way" doing essentially nothing!?

Whether it is through their ubiquitous seminars, or their TV infomercials, books, CDs or their sales pitch tapes, or through their pervasive advertisements in the offline media or the internet, this has been the central notion that is constantly hammered home by the marketing "gurus" of the society, most especially the operators in the cyberspace. Their message is simple: it is easy and effortless to get rich fast and quickly in online business, without much work or efforts!

But, is this rather rosy picture really accurate? Is this notion really true, or accurate or even realistic - namely, that it is generally easy and common for the average person engaged (or intending to engage) in online venture, to become ecstatically successful and rich overnight?

The answer, quite frankly, is an emphatic no! Simply put, the objective data that's available simply does not support that claim. In deed, the available objective hard data, and the facts one finds on the ground in the very lives and experiences of those who play their hands in online ventures, directly contradict that claim, overwhelmingly indicating precisely the opposite reality for the participants.

The available hard data on claims of the getting rich quick online

in the first place, a fundamental fact now well-established and incontrovertible, is that the shorter a business venture is able to stay afloat in operation, the higher the possibility of immediate failure, and on the other hand, the longer it is able to operate, the higher the possibility of its long-term survival. It is bad enough for businesses in general, new or old, to make it at all, in the first place, as anywhere from 75% to up to 90% of all businesses have been determined by experts to fail within the first 10 years. However, when it comes to new or start up business ventures, in particular, the mortality rate is known to be particularly more severe and astronomical. For example, roughly some 7 out of 10 new businesses would not make it to their third year, and then (and this is very important for our purposes here), if you now further take most so-called dotcom startups into consideration, that figure shoots up astronomically to 9 out of 10! The exact figures vary somewhat according to the source, but in general, what is not disputed by anyone is that the overwhelming majority of business startups of all types end up failing.

For example, the following statistics supplied by David Birch, former head of a research firm specializing in studying small business data, on the survival rates of new businesses, seem to fall in the generally accepted or expected ballpark:

" First year: 85%
" Second: 70%
" Third: 62%
" Fourth: 55%
" Fifth: 50%
" Sixth: 47%
" Seventh: 44%
" Eighth: 41%
" Ninth: 38%
" Tenth: 35%

in the same vein, more recent research from the u.S. Bureau of labor statistics (the direct link for the report which was for may of 2005, had to be removed from this articles because EzineArticles would not allow downloadable links in articles), strongly show that, in fact, most of the new establishments in America disappeared within the first 2 years after their birth, and then the rate slowed and only a smaller percentage disappeared in the subsequent 2 years. Its data, for example (see chart at the 2nd link at end of this article), shows, that only 66 percent of new establishments were still in existence 2 years after their birth, and 44 percent were still in existence 4 years after. (See, also, "research summary" by Amy E. Knaup, in monthly labor review, may 2005, at p. 50, for a summary of that data.)

the said chart from the bureau of labor statistics, shows business survival rates by each sector. Please note that, quite interestingly, the sectors with the highest survival rates are education and health services, while the sector with the lowest survival rates, is the information industry - the sector which includes generally the internet type operations. Of course, you should note, as well, that this study tracked new business startups from between march of 1998 and march of 2002 - the height of the so-called dot com boom!

The point of this analysis should be rather crystal clear. The point is that, if the fact (as we've seen here from the hard data) is that start-up establishments are notoriously failure-prone, an even more stark but related other fact, is also that internet-based establishments, just like their brick and mortar business counterparts, are known to be even much more notoriously prone to short lives and rapid failure, and are still more so with regard to the newly established ones! Meaning simply, that based purely on the objective truth - rather than merely hype or unsupported claims of some promoters of some products - this factual reality in the matter flies directly in the face of the lofty rapid wealth-generation claims made by those ubiquitous internet gurus and TV infomercial marketers and the online peddlers of the you-can-get-rich-quick mantra through online ventures. For, just on the face of it, just how can there be so many people "getting rich" so fast in these internet ventures, or even being able just to make it, when so many of them barely make it still being alive just by age 2 or 3? When, by some other informed estimate, barely 95% (yes, a whopping 95%!) of online ventures survive or earn any decent income at all over all!?

Here is the point......

In point of fact, what is brutally true and honest, even if not sweet or pleasant, is that making money on the internet is actually not at all easy. (If it were, and there were such a gold mine of millions and millions of dollars online open and "easy" for everyone to take merely for the asking, how come there had not been a rush to the internet, with almost everybody on earth who works quitting even their day jobs to rush for the multi-millions!?). In fact, it is not only not easy to make money on the web, it is very difficult - except, perhaps, for a few hard working 'lucky' ones. In other words, put very simply and in all honest, there are really simply no shortcuts, or real substitutes for hard work and efforts even (in deed, more especially) in online business! Do yourself some good and keep this famous adage in mind: "no pain, no gain."

It is significant to note one other reality here, as well. These online businesses generally fail for precise specific causes which are somewhat understandable to a trained, objective eye, but are not particularly unique to online-based enterprises. In fact, they fail for reasons which apply, as well, to traditional businesses, but which online businesses and their operators are especially notorious for in not particularly adhering to or obeying. These are actually precisely the same reasons that the average good book on business operation 101 found in the library shelves of america (and probably the world), books such as how to start late, finish rich, or become the next millionaire next door, among others, have outlined in great details for generations as the basic examples of what business operators should studiously avoid if they are to survive for long. Such advice essentially boils down to the same rather simple prudent rules that are now pretty age-long for business survival, such as the following: save up; live prudently; spend less and even below your means; consume less; maximize (make use of everything you have or own, and stretch them out as long as possible ); set clear, defined goals and take calculated risks (do a lot of careful planning); do good market research; diversify your investments; invest in yourself; and constantly improve yourself and increase your market value (attend seminars, workshops, classes and trainings, and engage in healthy lifestyle), etc..

A central characteristic of online business which is a critical major causal factor for the greater rate of online business failures, is what David Birch, former head of a research firm specializing in studying small business data, called the "i had no idea" syndrome - that is, the fact that the average would-be entrepreneur does not realize what's truly involved with running a business; they do not generally devote enough time, and yes, the hard work or possess the right mindset, to it as much as is done by operators in the traditional brick and mortar businesses, before expecting dramatic results!

Does this sound to you like an ingrained get-rich-quick mentality among newer or younger online marketing crowd, the same as is espoused by the more established "gurus" of online business?

Hence, the message....

In sum, the point is that if you are an entrepreneur or a marketer involved in any online operation, or planning to engage in one, you had better just thown the lofty but false message of the preachers of quick, immediate, riches online without much work or efforts, wholly and totally into the waste basket for there is just no such thing existing. And rather, get this into your head, that in this business called the online venture, the same good, old adage consistently apply, just as well, no matter who tells you otherwise: "no pain, no gain!"

Sure, as red-blooded Americans who're imbued with that good, old 'American dream' of wanting to live the good, opulent life still flowing naturally in our veins, certainly it should be understandable that some of us might at one time or another in our lives merely fantasize that it could be them winning the lottery or having the ceremonious publisher clearinghouse van pull up at their front door steps, with the camera lights flashing and all, to hand them the big million dollar check. But, come on now! Letting someone indulge in his (or her) god-given right to nurture his "american dream" of wealth and riches sometimes, is one thing. But surreptitiously seducing some innocent, unsuspecting poor fellows while relieving them of their hard earned money, into believing the fantasy and a mere pipe dream as though it were a reality, is quite another matter altogether. It is called a scam, a cruel hoax. It should be viewed and treated as criminal scamming of innocent Americans!

As one recent observer on the issue has noted, sure, one can readily concede that it is "tantalizing imagining yourself on your tom vu yacht in the Caribbean or driving the new deluxe hummer model while others slave away at jobs they hate." However, it is the deceit, the cruel hoax, the scamming, the diabolical scheming and lulling of the people - entrepreneurs, the jobless, the opportunity seekers who are looking for a means of work and for honest living through some online operation - into believing in what is, in fact, a mere unattainable pipe dream that wealth is just around the corner and that they can, in fact, just sit around and "get rich quick" and need not therefore bother with trying to make much efforts or to engage themselves in work, that is the dangerous, in deed, the criminal part. And the society must begin to raise their voices and to make this abundantly known in no uncertain terms to these scammers who peddle such patently false and unwholesome notion, before it might get truly and irreparably ugly and harmful.

Finally, you want to know one real, almost sure, viable solution in the present environment of American joblessness? Simply seek a federal job. Federal jobs, job openings and hirings, are abundant right now. You've got to do all that's possible and force yourself to get off the cruel hoax bandwagon. And get on the reality wagon - properly job search for, find a federal job, and apply for the jobs using a new "informed key" to landing federal jobs, and get yourself a recession proof federal job, and you're home free!


Benji O. Anosike, Ph.D., has been characterized by one analyst as "one of the keenest-eyed Federal government employment researchers and experts around." His latest new study just released, is titled THE FEDERAL JOBS HANDBOOK: HOW TO JOB SEARCH FOR, APPLY FOR AND GET FEDERAL JOB. SUBTITLE: "America's Biggest Job Secret: How the Federal Government is Loaded with Jobs, Where they are, and How to Get Them." (See the website listed at the end below). A recognized national expert on self-help law and consumer cost-cutting and cost-saving techniques, Dr. Anosike holds graduate degrees in labor management economics and a Ph.D. in jurisprudence. Anosike has been assessed in one review of its work by The Booklist, the review journal of the American Library Association, as "probably the most prolific writer in America today." He is the acclaimed author of some 26 books, guidebooks and manuals (plus literally countless number of articles), including several best-sellers, on various topics of American law, consumer interests and savings.

For more information about the author and this or his other works. Or, on how to obtain a copy of THE FEDERAL JOBS HANDBOOK, or other resources assembled by the author to aid federal job hunters in seeking a Federal career, please visit the special companion website created for the Handbook, []

Get rich Quick-Start your own company

While there is no one system that can make you money immediately, other then win the lottery, there are ways that you can increase your faster then income simply by working 9-5 job makes a minimal income.

One way you can do this is by starting your own company. By starting your own company, you are responsible for your success, and you will inevitably be the one that determines how successful you can be.

If you have a personality that is highly motivated, and you're willing to do what it takes to see through your business, then this idea just might work for you. You may be able to start a successful business that will take you on a path of many more lucrative business ventures.

The key to start your own company is to begin with an idea that is highly marketable and sought after by. To do this, you must do your research and find out what business idea you have that you are really, really are interested in can match this criteria.

Next, create a business plan, which explains who your audience is, why a person should come to you, what you want to offer, when your business hours will know where you are planning to offer these services, your budget, marketing plan, and all other policies and procedures for your business.

Answer these questions in a business plan can be a guiding document for your company that will allow you to be successful in the future. Remember millionaire most successful s today began with an idea, which they turned into a successful business venture. You must be willing to start small to serve large.

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2011年1月29日 星期六

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Make money by blogging

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Salt Lake City--great blogging Conference called "height design Summit Thursday in Salt Lake City. Lifestyle and design converge bloggers from across the country to Utah to network, share ideas and connect with marketers.

Could certainly work to the blogging world. Two Utah bloggers sat down with "Sloth" to explain the different ways to make money.

Criminal lorali of personal blogger blogger and how LeBron from family Marie tell us most bloggers placing ads these days on their site. It details several different types of ads that can continue for bloggers. They say also bloggers can get "pushed" into product reviews and you end up paying freelance jobs of these codes.

In terms of advertising, turning bloggers into three different sources of advertising.

Another source of income from blogging is a product and company reviews. Full disclosure of your site, you can find products from companies in exchange for a review on your blog.

LeBron recommends searching for local products when you're just starting out if you have no connections. Once your blog has enough of a broader audience, you may start companies to contact you or you can contact the companies that fit your blog.

It's a good idea to also calls the second giving product away from your site for readers to win. This can help readers build which in turn can help with your income.

If you are interested in reviews, recommend friends with public relations firms. You'll have to communicate and build relationships with people who do what you want to do. To contact companies, write a letter to pitch blogging experiment details and reputation and achievements. Again, include what you've done your code and press any you've received.

Finally, blogging can often turn into other jobs writing for websites and other companies. Criminal and LeBron now write for other sites as paid posts plus their blogging.

View the original article here

Two stories about retirement planning

You never know when Personal Finance lessons will come from. Today I heard two stories about the retirement of my family. First, my wife told me that her retirement program at work can be cut. Then I learned that my family in the box company has strange retirement crisis of its own.

Don't count your chickens
Chris come Home disappointed tonight. She has worked for the Government for almost twenty years (eight such as a teacher in high school science) and although she is the proud reinforced work, it is placed in, she Hates how she and her colleagues are often captured by the civilian political battles.

This year, public servants are feeling the pinch again. There are no fewer than eight legislative proposals for modification of the system of public employee retirement of Oregon. In other words, retirement policy, Chris (and colleagues) have been run are about to change, perhaps drastically.

Fortunately, Chris was particles from finished personalities screen saver all his life. It has squirreled away a lot more than the minimum size, so that their retirement was not left to chance. In fact, only a few weeks she proudly announced to me that it is a saving of 30% of its income through various sources. This is impressive. Thus while the proposed cuts in its retirement benefits to their cranky, and while they will hurt their savings rate, they will not respond to her retirement.

What is the moral here? They are ready. at any time you can change your retirement benefits and this is not just public sector employees whose retirement programs may change suddenly. The same may happen with private companies, too.

Note: does not want this post to turn into an argument over public servants and their advantages. Please do not use this forum to launch a debate on whether civil servants are before-or under-compensated Not give figs. Derails and vitriol will be deleted.

Thinking outside the box
My family owns a small company that produces custom fields. In 1995, just before he died, my father created a program for the distribution of profit, so that staff (most of which are members of the family) could have retirement savings, he never did.

Here's how our plan works: every tax season, we have seen the company earned for the previous year. If the flush times, the company would contribute up to 15% of each employee salaries in the distribution of income account. And so if I earned $ 30 000 in 1998, and profits were high, then you can set aside $ 4,500 my retirement account. When times are lean, we set aside anything. Most years are between 0% and 15%.

Shortly after I left my job to blog full-time, business made certain adjustments to the plan for retirement. I am clearly of the data (because it does not participate in the process), but it seems that things have been juggled so that employees can have direct control of their retirement investments. Also, as a side effect, it becomes much easier to withdraw money from the plan for distribution of profit. Which have been made.

In fact, many employees yanked all the money from their retirement to go on trips, buy new cars, etc. (have done so even they suffered 10% early withdrawal penalty and, presumably, had to pay taxes.)

When the company financed the plan for distribution of profit next year, these same officials promptly next money from their accounts — again as 10% of the positive — and spent it.

Solution of the company? They simply stopped financing plan for the allocation of the profits. Now they give employees cash bonuses at the end of the year instead, which averts the 10% penalty. But it hurts folks (like my mother) which were, on average, their retirement plans. And if I was still with the company, this will hurt me.

This is another situation where the existing retirement program has suddenly changed its parameters and is an example of why it is important to take as much control over your personal finances as soon as possible.

The Moral
Remember, folks: nobody cares more about your money than that – and includes your retirement. You've heard all the horror stories about the future of social security, but your other sources of retirement income are subject to change. It is necessary to you to an active role on the subscription in the future.

Here are some steps you can take to make sure, you can save sufficiently for the future:

I'm almost not ask but: whether you heard horror stories about each retirement lately? I know people who have cashed, the accounts worth $ 100,000 to get money at the earliest. This is the common? What other things dumb people do with their retirement savings?

This article is for planning, retirement

View the original article here

2011年1月28日 星期五

Ahead of the Bell: EBay to report 4Q results

Ahead of the Bell: EBay to report 4Q results | The Journal Gazette | Fort Wayne, INSkip navigation Advertisement
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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — EBay Inc. is slated to report its fourth-quarter results on Wednesday after the stock market closes, and analysts expect the online marketplace operator to report revenue growth.

EBay's growth is likely to come both from its online marketplace, which includes, and from its PayPal online payments business.

According to comScore Inc., shopping during the November-December holiday season rose 12 percent from a year earlier to $32.6 billion in 2010 — slightly higher than the 11 percent the market research firm expected.

Chances are that this benefited both and PayPal. EBay has been working to revamp its main site in hopes of enticing more buyers and sellers, doing things like rolling out a redesigned home page and cutting down the upfront fees it charges sellers. And the PayPal business has already been growing rapidly as it's used widely by merchants and consumers on and off eBay.

Analysts polled by FactSet expect the San Jose-based company to report $2.48 billion in revenue — in line with its predictions for between $2.39 billion and $2.49 billion — and up from the $2.37 billion eBay reported for the fourth quarter of 2009.

Analysts are also looking for growth in eBay's adjusted profit: They expect 47 cents per share, which meshes with eBay's prediction of 45 cents to 48 cents per share. This would compare with an adjusted profit of 44 cents in the year-ago quarter.

c Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Advertisement
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2011年1月27日 星期四

'Essar stake in Vodafone Essar is $2 billion'

Five months before the put option window closes, JP Morgan has come out with a report stating that Essar's stake in Vodafone Essar is around $2 billion, which is far less than what the shareholder agreement between the two companies in 2007 envisaged.

Vodafone Essar is a joint venture of British telecom giant Vodafone Group Plc and Essar Group, where the latter has a 33.02 per cent stake.

Interestingly, the JP Morgan report comes at a time when Vodafone has officially objected to Essar Telecommunications Holdings' (ETHPL) reverse listing into India Securities [ Get Quote ] (ISL), saying ISL's value may be inaccurately used to calculate the value of its telecom joint venture Vodafone Essar.

Vodafone is set to rope in Goldman Sachs to advise them, although no "official mandate" had been given yet. Sources involved in the negotiations said Essar has roped in Standard Chartered to advice them on the negotiations and identify a fair market value of their 33 per cent stake in Vodafone Essar.

The negotiations are expected to be a long drawn process as assessing the fair market value of Essar's stake may prove to be tricky.

According to the 2007 shareholder agreement, Essar has the "put" option of divesting its 33 per cent stake in Vodafone Essar.

But it has to exercise that option within a one-year window, starting May 8, 2010. According to the original contract, if the "put option" is exercised, then there will be two ways to determine the value of its holdings in the telecom joint venture.

According to the first option, if Essar decides to sell out entirely to Vodafone, then it gets $5 billion, a pre-determined amount.

The other option says, if Essar decides to sell its shares worth between $1 billion and $ 5 billion to Vodafone, then the valuation will be "independently appraised" by independent valuers based on the fair market price.

A put option is a contract that gives the seller the right, but does not impose an obligation, to sell a specified quantity of securities at an agreed price within a specified time frame.

Moreover, if Essar partially exits, then over and above the fair market price, it will get an additional Rs 3,300-3,500 crore ($750 million) as a "top up."

This was agreed by the two last July, after Vodafone aggressively bid for 3G licences and won nine circles by paying Rs 11,617 crore as the total price.

But during the bidding, differences of opinion cropped up between the partners in the bidding strategy. Essar wanted a more conservative approach.

Its concerns were due to the high leverage on Vodafone Essar's books, especially, "during the put option window" as it would depress the equity value of the JV and in turn impact the valuation of its stake.

Now that Essar has actually begun the reverse merger exercise, Vodafone has written to the Indian regulators stating it "does not wish a company in which it holds a majority interest to become the subject of a false market," and that it "was concerned that the value of ISL could be misinterpreted as a fair market value of Vodafone Essar".

Vodafone, say analysts, is actually concerned that this valuation will be used by Essar to sell a partial stake back to Vodafone at the underwritten price of $5 billion while retaining a stake and importantly its various shareholder rights.

"You can't exit partially and then renegotiate a contract. Also you have an additional $750-million commitment. You cannot have it both ways and that is what is upsetting Vodafone. The impending reverse merger was known last June. Vodafone waited till a formal announcement came in a few days ago," said a source involved in the negotiations.

On the eve of the negotiations, the JP Morgan report will also be used to influence views. "Given the various problems and costs faced by Vodafone in the Indian market, the current fair value of Essar's stake is well below the underwritten price of $5 billion."

View the original article here

2007 Secrets to get rich in a home based Business

It surprises me millions of websites out there really this promise has all the secrets to millionaire do s out of get-RICH-quick asylum seekers. So if you have the winning numbers to lotteries. If it was so easy then of course they would not share winning numbers with you, now would they?

Have you ever wondered what kind of people fall for this crap? I have always wondered that myself. In fact, as an entrepreneur the franchisor, I was often amazed at the people who would call up, and I think if I told them they would make a million dollars they would have purchased the franchise on the spot and wired me all their money. Yet as a franchisor, I would certainly not anyone stupid enough to be in business with me.

Of course people, to tell you that you can learn "2007 the secrets to Getting rich in a home based Business" by sending them $ 49.95 or by credit card to fill out information on a website could really care less about any relation long-term s, and as you say; There is a sucker born every minute.

One website someone asked me about, told of secrets to make money by registering domain names. Think you want to get rich without doing something or want to overboard with domain names? Well, it will not happen like that. If you are seriously start to a real business of your own, and then you need to research more in whatever field be in, and then develop a business plan.

If you start you own business makes it the right way and realize that you will not get-RICH-quick by falling for some ridiculous homepage ad tells you that you can make a million dollars the easy way by sending them your hard earned money. I absolutely appreciate you read all my articles on this topic of small businesses. Thank you again and Godspeed. This article may be of interest to grant trode in 2007?

"Lance Winslow" think tank-Online forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in old age.

Success secrets of the rich-rich people are lucky?

I have just sent an email to my mailing list based on Stuart Goldsmith ' seven millionaire secrets p. ' I do not know how they felt after reading the message it contained but it impressed me so much that I felt I must immediately write an article about it.

Stuart Goldsmith is a British millionaire multi-who moved from in debt is to be one of the rich people through his direct mail company. He also wrote a brilliant news letter. Some of his ideas can not new, but they are expressed in a powerful way and deserves to be read again and again. The central idea of this article is one of them;

In chapter one of his classic book, Stuart demolishes the idea millionaire s that are lucky; they are instead become rich by making thousands of small decisions, as they chose to get the job done rather than not to get it done. The selected action rather than passivity:

"Most people believe that wealth is a lottery that the cards were mixed and then randomly dealt with and some received an Ace, while others received two or three and a few Joker. They consider further that this is just happiness-as the lottery, and so the lucky people with ACEs should be willing to hand over a part of their wealth with these unfortunate people with lower card.

Closer examination reveals a different truth, and that is unpleasant to the public. It is not a truth, they want to hear. The truth is that with a few exceptions, wealth creators were not treated by fate randomly ACEs. They worked with their success by making appropriate selections on a minute by minute, day basis. Let me explain.

Everything you are and have today is the accurate summation of countless thousands of little choices and decisions that you made from the day you were first deliberately be able to make such choices. And which simply these elections were mainly between action and inaction. Or to put it another way, between action and laziness. I am not talking big, life-changing decisions here. I am talking about tens of thousands of day, minute by minute options like "do I need to get up or lie in bed in the second half an hour?" "Should I read another chapter, Textbook or go instead for a beer?" "Should I Try a little harder to get this job right, or simply turn it into a sloppy fashion?"

Thousands and thousands of small things go right back to school days when you decided between completing a homework assignment or watch TV instead.

As Jim Rohn says, the question "alt." It is the small choice that affair. The little day disciplines, which builds a relentless entry into force of the propeller you towards wealth and success. After a lifetime of always selecting the appropriate option easy, lazy way out, the minimum amount of work it would have the audacity to mediocre call you ' lucky '. Then they will demand ' their ' share of your wealth-the wealth that you built by numerous small daily disciplines, each requires you refrain immediate satisfaction of your desires.

If someone ever accuse you of being ' lucky ' simply reply: "you have the right And you know what.? The harder I work, the luckier I got. While your friends watching soap operas or down the pub, do you want to work late nights, up instant pleasure, strive to create new values, new products, new ideas that will move humanity forward. "

I was about Add to more comments to Stuart's words, but believes that he has said it so well that I will Add only one or two comments. Nor me in violation of his copyright, when I was a participant in 2002 on one of his ' retirement ' seminars, when he handed over to its generous licensing info products to attendees.

In the above passage, he has given a very effective guide or measurement tool to help us choose the best decisions minute by minute. Choose action over inaction can find variety of obvious, but the results of not choosing the Show only gradually and so it helps to have some one like Stuart point power on thousands of opportunities will we choose to get the job done rather than did not get it done. We must all do our homework on a regular basis.

Don't get it may seem to have any effect on our lives at the time, but later we suffer the consequences. I have chosen to read e-mail messages rather than mow the lawn in weeks. In the back garden has suffered and will take a long time to mow.

This is no big deal, but other choice can mean the difference between wealth and poverty. A choice to act and Check your investments more carefully could save you lose thousands, if you have invested in another Enron. On the other hand, daily choice to save money keeping you out debt of.

On reflection, we can be thankful that we are able to make these day-to-day, minute by minute choice. Our life in all their glorious or inglorious details, is in our own hands. We are capable of acting or not acting. Luck has nothing to do with it! The next time you are hesitant about making that phone call or leave it until tomorrow, just pick up the phone and make the call. Choose action over inaction. Select action of laziness.

About the author

John Watson is an award winning teacher and fifth degree black belt martial arts instructor. He has recently written several books about achieving your goals and dreams.

They can be found on his website together with a motivational message and books by other authors

Ezine editors/Site owners

Feel free to print this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site, but please include the resource box above.

2011年1月26日 星期三

After raising P10 B from sale of notes ALI plans more fund-raising exercise

MANILA, Philippines – Ayala Land Inc. is considering other fund raising options to finance what it expects to be a record capital expenditure program this year.

In an interview, ALI chief finance officer Jaime Ysmael said that, while the firm was able to raise P10 billion from a notes issue this week, the firm may still come back to the market for more funds.

“It depends on how projects pan out for the rest of the year. We might still come back to the market depending on how disbursements happen, but it's (P10 billion) a sizeable amount already. Whether we'll tap the markets again is dependent on how the cash flows happen’ but at least we have the initial funding,” he said.

ALI spent a record P27 billion for capex and launched 30 new projects last year. Ysmael expects capex this year to be ‘much larger’ than that spent in 2010. For ALI’s other funding options, Ysmael said ALI has a retail bond initiative that is meant to be widely distributed. He added that a global peso float is also another option since it is becoming popular.

Ayala Land raised P10 billion through an issuance of fixed-rate corporate notes, which was offered to primary institutional lenders. The fundraising consisted of P5.7 billion in 5-year notes, P3.3 billion in 10-year notes, and P1.0 billion in 15-year notes.

Strong investor demand for the offering led to orders amounting to P17.5 billion, which represented an oversubscription of 75 percent, allowing ALI to award at competitively low rates during the auction for the notes.

Interest rates were set at 5.625 percent for the 5-year notes, 6.875 percent for the 10-year notes, and 7.500 percent for the 15-year notes.

Ysmael said ‘we wanted to capitalize on the interest rate environment to lock in the cost. The thing that we wanted to highlight is its the first time for a Philippine corporate to tap a 15 year market. The longest available for project financing is 12 years, indicative that there is appetite and liquidiy.”

He explained that the issue had a liability management component. “Part of the offering was used to pre-terminate 5 and 10 year loans. There were institutions who were willing to pre-terminate. This not only to lower the cost of borrowing overall, but we also extend the tenor or maturity,” Ysmael said. (JAL)

View the original article here

Grow up rich advantage or disadvantage?

For most people is get rich an aspiration.

Depending on exactly how you define rich, in General, around 90% and 94% of Americans do not.

For some people have become rich an idle fantasy-just some elusive, seemingly unattainable daydream. For many it is a desire, but not a realistic goal. Perhaps this is why Americans spend close to $60,000,000,000 on lottery tickets each year.

Over 90% of American kids don't grow up in a rich households. They grew up in the Middle East or lower classes. And what these kids aspire to?

For many years was the cliche to boys Fireman. It was for girls mother. Although I seriously into question by these two cliche response. I assume you took an actual opinion poll, the many different kids ' Party response would be, if quite interesting. And it also depends on the age of the children. Most kids aspirations change many times as they grow.

But how many children have said millionaire: or rich person? Probably not too many. And yet most adults want was the rich.

As we all know, grow some children exactly. They grow up and become rich.

The crazy thing is that these rich grownups grew up in a wide range of housing: rich home, middle class housing and poor home. And the opposite is true as well. Some very impoverished adults grew up in rich homes, middle class housing and poor home.

Donald Trump and Bill Gates grew up fairly rich, and they ended up millionaires. Oprah Winfrey and Sam Walton grew up pretty bad, and they ended up also billionaires. On the other hand, many the Rockefeller and Kennedy's not nearly as rich, as it was their parents.

Unless you inherit money or winning a large lottery, is your best bet will be rich with a good job, a good business, a good Home Business or with good investment or with a combination of these. A really good business or home business is generally the fastest way.

You can also ask: What age people begin to aspire to become rich? Is it while they are children, teenagers, young adults, middle-aged adults or even later in life?

And when people actually grow up? I believe that the majority of the population is always learn something new, always change and expand their horizons. And many individuals maintain a little kid in them throughout their lives. Not our penchants for recreation and learning two parts of it? The bottom line: most people are always change, learning, exploration and always growing up.

Some people never grow up. The dreams new dreams and explore new options annually. Their aspirations change with their dreams and their focus. For many people is the aspiration to get rich a lifelong dream. And unfortunately, for many, it is never achieved.

Other people come to a decision point in their lives. Once upon a time, it causes a tragic event. Sometimes it just sick and tired of the frustration of being poor. They decide to get rich. They decide to attract wealth in their lives.

It all starts with the strong desire, the desire to make the decision, the desire to be more open minded and willing to change thoughts and behaviors.

Ask any self-made rich person. They tell you it all starts in human minds. Decide what rich will looks and feels like you. You have to focus on it, select it, vision, believe it, and attract the. And when good opportunities arise, you go to the 100% and never give up working on your big goals and your great vision! You may have to adapt and change in order to overcome obstacles along the way, but your great vision to evaporate. Keep it fresh. See it, it should make it, and within the time, you will achieve it.

Let not how you grew up--on the rich, poor or middle class--stop you from attracting your dreams for your life great. In fact, don't let anything stop you. it is rather sad that some people lose hope and say it is too late. They think: maybe in my next life.

All self-made wealth starts in the mind. Your dreams can really be your reality, if you think, powerfully vision and take action. Proposal: make it while you are alive. Enjoy this life.

Ralph Merritt Nedelkoff is an MBA, a trainer, mentor and international Home business entrepreneur with LifePath unlimited in the field of personal development and acquisition technology. You can learn more about it at: some really cool free online personal development stuff featuring some global superstars give him a call. He is also the author of 14 books, several of them on the self-growth, technology achievement and personal development, including the secret the entrepreneur, the money solution, go wild day! Passions into actions! and Millionars magical prayer. All are available on Amazon. Complete list, see on both sides:

Mendocino College braces for the worst, hopes for the best

Newly elected California Gov. Jerry Brown proposed $1.4 billion in budget cuts for higher education last week, sending ripples of fear through the University of California, California State University and California Community College systems.

While Mendocino College President Kathy Lehner says she's worried about potential cuts, she insists that students who want to come to Mendocino College will find the doors open.

The UC and CSU systems will both face $500 million in cuts to their budgets while California community colleges like Mendocino College would be cut by $400 million. This constitutes a 6.8 percent budget reduction for the community colleges that could possibly affect up to 350,000 students who may be turned away from attending classes, according to Jack Scott, California's community college chancellor.

Brown also wants the cost per unit at the community college level increased from $26 to $36. The $10 generated per unit would be used to pay for Brown's growth plan, which provides the possibility for colleges to get more money if they increase the number of full-time students by 1.9 percent from the previous year.

Tuition paid by students goes directly to state coffers, and community colleges are allotted $4,565 per full-time student from the state.

Brown's budget dangles the carrot of extra funding through the $10 tuition increase for colleges that grow their full-time student attendance. For Mendocino College, this would mean an increase of

about 60 full-time students. The college currently has about 5,000 students, 3,000 of them enrolled full time.

Brown's emphasis for student programs at community colleges is courses that transfer to higher education, courses that provide job training, or courses that teach basic skills and limiting recreational classes. He also emphasizes the need to increase the number of math, science and biology classes.

While Brown's budget may sound draconian, the Mendocino College administration anticipated cutbacks and planned ahead.

"We saw it coming," said Lehner. "We've done a lot of work in the last two to three years."

In an effort to mitigate possible upcoming budget cuts, Mendocino College began leaving vacant personnel positions unfilled to avoid future layoffs. Currently, the college has 18 vacant positions that will not be filled.

Lehner praised the community college's faculty for agreeing to a 4 percent pay cut to take place over an 18-month period and the classified and administrative staff for taking 10 furlough days.

"Our employees have been very understanding so far and we're asking them to do more, although I don't know how long we can expect their patience." said college Vice President Larry Perryman.

Despite 83 percent of the college's budget going to pay for wages, MC will not be laying off any personnel or teachers, according to Perryman. Instead of eliminating employees, some positions will be consolidated, transferred, become part time or have decreased hours of work.

"We have fewer people working less hours," said Lehner. "MC is very lean and operating efficiently."

She foresees no problems for students coming to Mendocino College next year should Brown's budget be adopted, but warns that classes will fill up sooner and student schedules may be less flexible. "Students may not get the classes they want at the time the want, but classes will be available," Lehner said, adding "We also provide priority registration to returning students."

Many students who attend community college do so with scholarship funds or a fee waiver coming from either the state or federal governments. That will continue, says Lehner, so that proposed fee hikes should not prohibit needy students from attending.

While art, music, theater and physical education may see a drop in classes offered, Perryman says the MC sports program isn't scheduled to receive any cuts as analysis shows the programs pay for themselves. "Athletes are mostly full time so they generate revenue," said Perryman.

The solar field installed in November of 2009 has also helped cushion Brown's economic blow by offsetting energy costs. Perryman estimates the panels have saved MC more than $300,000 since installation.

Info box: Mendocino College budget impact:

Assuming June tax package is approved:

State general fund -$1,255,000

Increased student fees $345,000

Net reduction at Mendocino College: -$910,000

If June tax package fails and Prop. 98 is funded at minimum:

State general fund -$1,945,000

Increased student fees $345,000

Net reduction at Mendocino College $1,600,000

If June tax package fails and Prop. 98 is suspended:

State general fund -$2,824,000

Increased student fees $345,000

Net reduction at Mendocino College $ 2,479,000

View the original article here

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2011年1月25日 星期二

Reader story: Fresh Start the path to prosperity

This post from Louise Rogers is part of the function of "reader stories" getting rich slowly. Some stories contains general advice; others are examples of how a GRS reader achieved financial success — or failure. These stories feature folks from all levels of financial maturity and with all types of income. Previously, in GRS, Louise told us what is to be even better than enough.

"You might have a prosperous new year!" says goes. Although I never been worse, some of my lifelong habits would certainly make you wonder. Until recently, my sense of financial wealth never does not match the contents of the me his purse. Now, I feel a sense of prosperity, and it came to the only because of very solid, purposeful change on my side – the type of change that talk about as we upload new year.

I'm naturally frugal – or is that cheap? I am called both. In both cases, I don't have problems with staying in my limits. I am a man, who can order credit card of any airline that offers 25 000 on miles and stash the unused maps in my drawers, while I happily fly the friendly sky. My husband teases me that until I earn after you actually got the money, I have little desire to it. (He spent it for me!)

But the downside of my particular brand of frugality is stinginess, which comes with it. Do not say this is true for all types of frugal, but generosity is not my strong suit. I'm working on this "issue" (as to say these days) for some. Over time I began to sense that before I can find my generosity gene is still one step, I needed to be taken.

Coming clean
has a long history of stealing food from supermarkets Started as a teenager in 1959 to 1969. And what? Many people steal during adolescence, right? Yes but only stopped a few years ago and I am a, um, 59.

I used to open the package of Oatmeal Cookies in the supermarket, eat a handful, then hide unfinished container on the back of the shelf behind other objects. I snatched food from bin-and not just occasional grape musts. Will hide the fat mounds of chips or dried figs or sesame sticks in my hands and munch them as I wheeled my cart around the store. Before leaving the supermarket, I will go back for more-PA a few handfuls, rapid, stealthily, before an employee can catch me in the Act.

Oddly enough, until a few years ago, I never called this "stealing".

Now I belong to 12-step program, and one of the steps he says to "make direct amends to such people we had harmed wherever possible, except in cases where it would injure them or others." since very long conversations with my sponsor decided to recover the money I owe for food, I'm taken. Some of the stores are located in other parts of the country (in fact the world), or even no longer exists. So my efforts were imperfect. But I've tried.

This mathematics
I calculated estimates of amounts due and accrued accounts of $ 30 or more of the store owner or Manager of customer service. They do not always make it easy for me. Sometimes you'll find yourself Standing at the Office of business, fumbling over words to me, wondering how to explain my odd request, such as the interruption of me, and implies that "look, don't worry about it. We assume some samples, is part of our pricing structure. ”

"Yes, I understand," I will say, but not too much trouble, I would appreciate it if, however, will accept my money. "Knew that it was the right thing to do for the stores, but only partially do this for them; ultimately, I do this for me, so I can walk around as a regular person and not feel like a thief.

Yes, this is embarrassing, but at least I spoke with strangers – except in the case where the store was actually a client of mine. I had given management seminars in their supervisory staff. I saved this repayment until the end. But as my sponsor, pointed out the objective of this activity is not for me squirm and feel as yucky as soon as possible. Must not be humiliate themselves and to talk about my immediate customer. In the end, the staff I spoke to even ask my name.

The main part of the steal, I did participate in food. But I also sometimes have snuck in the back entrance to the health club, so that could work without using up one of my day passes. I restored health club, too.

Personal influence
After the return of money, I felt lighter, had physically lost a few pounds. And I felt lighter, for money, too. Which is odd, since I had little money refund from had had before – not huge amounts, but still a little less. Once made me feel anxious, still now I felt more relaxed.

Commemoration this with my sponsor, I realized that for many years I had a basic belief that the world owed me. For this reason, I felt like I should not rest on the same rules as other folks.

Note: Louise Treaty not only one to have encountered this feeling. Classic novel of crime and punishment of Dostoyevsky is everything for a person with one and the same point of view.

Why had this faith? A good question. In my 30 's and I spent many hours creating therapy Commemoration why I felt, "due." Just remember, blaming the usual suspects – my mother, my father, my childhood. But even after all that therapy was unable to tell where exactly this belief today came from, and frankly I don't care anymore. These days, I pay attention to this when it kicks into gear, but happily — perhaps because it is not already steal-me much more.

Current activity
Since my debts, I'm uslov5ia noticed that the real opportunities for generosity shown frequently. For example, I often visit a neighborhood coffee shop and a daily paper of the stack. I used to my mug and teabag and pour hot water yourself from isolated jug to avoid payment of USD 2.50 for a cup of tea. Recently, I thought about all the time, I had sat mass without contribution. (I) to one of the owners, whom I knew. I transfer $ 20 Bill, I would like to give something to my use of the site, from time to time. "Great!" she said. "That will help pay for wifi."

Incredible is how good I felt this all day. I is free! Free we hang out and read the newspaper without feeling sneaky. Will give her another $ 20.

My niece graduated from high school this year. I worried about whether to send it to the graduation examination because it couldn't remember if I gave my husband and her elder sister and brother checked when they graduated. Then it was definitely cheaper. Was fair in respect of gifts and not others? Finally I decided, whether it happened or not happened before it was better to err on the side of generosity. I wrote the check.

They may sound like big steps for some of you; I'm still work in progress, in the case of generosity. But my heart is open and want to be more favourable. Perhaps this is the biggest change. In the darker side of frugality gets lighter with each step.

reminder: this is the story of one of your fellow readers. Please be Nice after more than a decade of blog I have thick skin, but it can be scary to put your story public for the first time. Remember that this guest author is not a professional writer and was just training for the money you have. henceforth unduly Nasty comments about readers stories will be removed or edited

This article is about frugality, psychology, reader stories

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David Bach-how to Start Over and Finish Rich

"Start over, Finish Rich" is David Bach's new book, designed to help people use the recent economic slowdown to our advantage, optimistic says economic recessions make people rich. The book is divided into 10 chapters, each one step to reclaiming wealth in the new economy.


The first chapter/step is on freeing to wealth. The book relates to a personal story of a woman who, despite having done all the right things still has problems with her trip to wealth. David Bach uses this story to remind us never get discouraged or give, and instead to remain focused on being rich, doing everything we can do.


In Chapter 2, we learned a hanging file system to find, track and manage our money. This will help you to understand your current financial standing and find ways to improve it. In this chapter introduces Mr. Bach also "Latte factor". The Latte factor is, according to David, a way to discover exactly how much money you spend on the little things that you don't actually realise, makes a huge difference. For example, you can not realize that $ 2 cup of coffee each morning make a huge dent, but if you consider it together with regular movie rentals and other "small" costs you incur on a regular basis, it can be enormous.

Chapter 3

David Bach helps you credit card handle s, explains how to go about paying more than your minimum balance without breaking yourself. He even offers help for those of us who cannot afford, our minimum balances and offers warnings for advice and settlement companies.

Chapter 4 and 5

Chapter 4 discusses how to find and improve your FICO credit score, such as paying down credit card your s as much as possible, and to continue to use the old card occasionally to keep the accounts open. In step five, David Bach goes over creating a Fund emergency, how to save it a how much to save. Bach suggests at least 3 months up to whatever amount makes you comfortable, and says you should keep it in an FDIC insured bank.

Chapter 6

This step focuses on your retirement-how to Expand your accounts or get them started back up. Bach also say you do not panic and should pull all your money, even when the investment is low. the chapter contains a lot of tips to help with retirement investing. Chapter seven will cover how you can do this automatically, freeing up your life and make it easier.

Chapters 8, 9 and 10

Chapter 8 will focus on real estate, and how you can make money in it. He advises on a lot of the same things, he did so, in automatic millionaire it, but say a few things about the current real estate market. He also advises against saves out, even if your home is underwater. Chapter 9 covers save for your children's education and particularly Ethereal a few rules about how you should go about it. Chapter 10 covers 25 different ways to cut your costs from springer Lottery cutting out cable-tv.

You can also find an 11th "bonus" chapter, a list of websites that can help with the charity donations. He also relates the story of his divorce last and how he could hit the button "reset" when divorce, happened.

When you read this book, together with the millionaire automatic and his entire finish rich series, it is easy to understand why Mr Bach is a frequent guest on Oprah and The Today Show. His advice is solid and proven effective. Even Oprah had an "A-ha" moment during his last visit there. each of us can and should have similar revelations.

Millionaires in training, visit to learn how to become a millionaire. Dr. Charlie Smithdeal is a top earning entrepreneur, certified by the PRO U as an Elite Affiliate Marketer. Visit his blog on

2011年1月24日 星期一

Make Quick money by building your millionaire mind

Real millionaire s is always self-made in one way or another. Only few of them starting with the kind of money in their pockets and those few who normally do, lose it all. This means that almost every one of us can come from nothing and achieve great wealth. If you believe there is a catch, because there is one. You need to stop thinking like you and start thinking like millionaire a. To do so, you must look at how your brain works in a completely different level. As t. Harv Eker, author of secrets millionaire in mind has explained, we all have a set of mental blueprints, to establish our comfort zone on a multitude of things--wealth among them and weight. As long as we stay within reach, everything seems okay.

When we get too far above or far zone, however, our mind reins us back in. Weight can yo-yo up or down; with regard to money, we see this most great lottery winners up as bread, as they were before. Even children of the rich tend to lose fortunes instead of making them.

The good news is that these blueprints are not determined genetically like eye color and hair. Rather, they were determined based on the things we were taught as children. So if we would like to, we can change them.

Eker uses the simple analogy of an Office to explain why and how to do this. Every preconceived notion is a file, the contents of which are not or supportive success. Shred or throw them that do not work for you, even if they will try to recycle itself every time in a while. Then there will be room for your new way of thinking.

Remember millionaire, mind sees things differently and know how to put a positive spin on just about anything. Here are some of the critical ways that mind is different then ours.

Rich people appreciate others ' successes

Rich people hate not itself nor do they hate and again other rich people. Instead, they learn from other rich people they bless them and wish Them good luck. This new approach takes a lot of practice but remember nothing dirty about becoming rich; It is so easy to fall in love with a rich person as a poor and rich people can also be nice.

Rich people are grateful

Rich people are grateful for all that they go through; If nothing else, it is a learning experience. Rich people are also open in order to get better at things. They understand that correction is a natural process, and they in themselves. The problem of poor history of mentalities is that they think they already know everything you will ever.

Rich people know that they can get it all

Millionaire mind know that it can have it all, and that it deserves to. While the rich would still choose love over money do you think that the decision does not have to be made. And they are right.

Rich people know that they must take risks

Rich people also know that enriches not easy, and it is not about feeling comfortable. The about fear walking through, to take risks, see opportunities and seize them and, if necessary, pick yourself and start over.

Rich people have money work For them.

Rich also has their money work for them Add in ition to working hard. Add itionally, successful people believe that money and buy things are important and know its okay to feel this way. It do not a bad person.

Rich people Bob Bryar successfully and thus attract more

Finally, when there is something good, poor mind says its just luck and it usually never happens to me. Millionaire mind appreciate the happiness and rolls with it, and thus attract more good luck.

And you can get much more on Michel proven success system in his autobiographical hardcover book double your income doing what you LOVE. Claim your right now on.

Funds allocated to make stolen Foundation's wish

Robber stole funds collected by the Foundation and make a wish, State police said Thursday.

Robber forced into his "Raymond J. Bannon metals, 514 twin County Road honey Brook, overnight 12 Jan State police in Efrat said.

The person who stole jug gallons contain 200 to $ 300 in pledges to make the desire, police said.

Make a wish "Foundation relies on donations to meet the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions.

Ask anyone with information contact 721-7664.

View the original article here

How Facebook Earned $1.86 Billion Ad Revenue in 2010

Facebook raked in $1.86 billion in ad revenue in 2010, and most of that dough didn't come from the big name advertisers.

According to an AdAge report that cited revenue estimates from eMarketer, 60 percent ($1.12 billion) of Facebook's earnings came from smaller companies. These are companies that are likely to produce ads themselves as opposed to using an ad agency. AdAge said that a year ago, companies of this size accounted for closer to 50 percent of Facebook's ad sales.

"Those advertisers are really juicing Facebook's growth," Debra Williamson, an eMarketer principal analyst, told AdAge. "They buy advertising in bulk. They've done it for years on Google, and now they're taking that expertise to Facebook."

By contrast, Facebook earned $740 million from big-name companies such as Coca-Cola, Proctor & Gamble, and in 2010. In fact, AT&T and are still the two biggest advertisers on the site.

Google is actually the fifth-ranked advertiser on Facebook. It's a bit ironic considering there has been some bad blood between the two over the past year, starting when Google blocked users from importing Facebook friends via Gmail. Facebook then turned around and removed all mention of Google contact import from the "Find your Friends" feature. It was also suggested that Facebook's revamped messaging system that debuted in November would be a Gmail killer, but Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg refuted that claim.

Regardless of their differences, the trend toward smaller companies advertising on Facebook shows similarities between both Facebook and Google, AdAge said.

Facebook's increased revenue hasn't affected Google's market share much; AdAge said the Internet giant brings in more than $2 billion in ad revenue every month. However, Facebook is extending its reach. It currently makes up five percent of ad spending on the Web and AdAge said that rate could grow to eight percent this year.

eMarketer's estimate for Facebook's 2010 ad revenue is evidence of the social-networking site's growth. The firm predicted that Facebook took in $740 million in global ad sales in 2009. 2010's numbers show an 86 percent year-to-year increase.

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2011年1月23日 星期日

I think you're not in a State Fund for urgent cases? Think again!

this post is from GRS staff writer Donna new free Donna wrote more living with little personal finance column for MSN Money and writes about frugality and deliberate life of survivors and up.

Once upon a time was sufficient to have an Emergency Fund three months; Now I hear, we must aim for enough to cover one year value of food, shelter, and others. Is a swell idea in theory, but in fact can prevent the recording. Many people believe they could never set aside much money, so why bother to try. Why? Since the even moderately Emergency Fund helps you keep solvent, which is why.

Suppose that you receive a nail in your gum and portfolio holds nothing in addition to some lonely moths. Without cash cushion, you will need to paste this new radial of the credit card or, God forbid, take out a loan payday.

Good news: you can start shooting for a minimum $ 500 per Bank recommended by MSN columnist Liz Pulliam Weston-. Better news: it is possible to nickel-and-dime your way for this purpose.

Microsaving, maximum results
Lynn, a woman whose just outside of town school salary is very low, figured at most, it could, the Bank will be $ 10 per month. It actually asked himself, "what is the point?" But it starts with a sawbuck per month. It adds a little birthday money. And then it got motivated, increasing its balance with techniques such as:

Save spare change and dollar billsSelling scrapbook pages eBayRecycling and bottlesHolding garage salesBanking revenues from coupons and rebatesAdjusting, their savings rate, when it is pay raises

Ten years later, Lynn has built six months Fund together with the separate (and healthy) holiday, retirement accounts and down payment on a home someday. It could just have easily remains stuck in the "What is the point?" mentality.

Nancy banks money, it saves using grocery coupons. (Remember: there is a savings, unless you save it.) And a woman, I know that picking up a dropped coins and banks these "street address" together with the producers of rebates, refunds of taxes and money from the hustles his country.

look for your own microsavings tactic suppose you request soda from home instead of pressing the who pop machine every day at 2 p.m.? Or spent one or two Saturdays a month in the library, catching up on magazines and subscribe to them? (And while you're there, lending DVD discs instead of using Netflix or Redbox?)

What happens if you have packed your lunch even once or twice a week? Sent free e-cards instead of the traditional greeting cards? Put together dinner is from the rotisserie chicken instead of picking up on the market? Reconsidered cable TV?

Let us assume that Let you to set aside only $ 2 to $ 10 per week. Per year, which would have been $ 104 to $ 520, would otherwise have gone to a non-alcoholic beverages, periodicals or menu of dollars.

It and forget it?
A great way to build your Emergency Fund is to automate it. Do this now, even if it is only 5 $ per month for a start. You'll learn to live in what remains. One woman I interviewed starts from banking hour's gross salary each payday. now it is four hours.

Some banks offer cash incentives to open an account; Let us be EF seed money. Made on account "one-way, i.e. not a debit card. Even you can choose to select the online bank, especially since interest rates are often higher. Remember: the money must not be too easy to access.

Give the name of this account. One reader calls it his "Oh, shit!", because its purpose is to cover the things that go wrong. Call it "My EF," so called "insurance fund" – call it "Were Bank", if that is what is necessary to remind you that this is not a General Fund, to be immersed in any time you want a pizza.

Several additional proposals for strengthening the savings:

Yes, writing is difficult. Here is what is more difficult: profitable this new tyres, while interest is mixing. Just for fun I use this credit card payoff Calculator in index of credit cards. Assuming that you have bought $ 120 tyre at 18% interest rate and can only afford $ 10 payments, it will take 14 months to pay it in full.

This won't be the only emergency you will ever meet, and you may have paid cash only if it is omitted from some of these magazines and cheeseburgers.

This article is about basics, savings

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Top 10 Secrets to get rich!

So many people have observed, "Success leaves traces". If you want to achieve extraordinary success in the coming year, study experts, do what they are doing, and change their techniques that fit your specific situation. It's easy!

Well, perhaps not easy, but there is the Fund basic amentals. In the belief that we all need to be reminded of them on a regular basis, here are some of the secrets that have helped me and my clients over the years:

1. Focus on values. I have known people made some money, but I have never known who got rich without having to examine their own values, priorities and beliefs. Start by writing down a list of things you value, things you think you want and you plan to do with this incredible life, you have. Start with your values.

2. Get a life. Before you can deal with great wealth, you need to make room for the. This is old "If you build it, they will come" model. Try to press success, wealth, fame or work fortune in a small life not. Create a life first; lifestyle of your dreams will follow.

3. clutter. Try to create success and achieve your wealth while living a root does not work. Success requires clear priorities and a passionate commitment. Simplify your life. Eliminate excuses. Clean everything, distracts you from achieving your most important goals.

4. Enter your results. No one can hit a target, they don't see. define your results and set clear, achievable results in advance. Know what "success" looks like! Have measurable, specific results and decide that you want to reach them!

5. Burn your ships. There is an ancient story about a general Greek who landed his troops on an enemy shore, then burned his ships. He wanted to make it very clear: Retreat and failure was not an option! Leave no room for failure.

6. place in more than you take. No one will pay you more than your services are worth! Get ready for it! You can not only be fooled people very long. Your services and your results will be much more valuable than small fee you charge. Some people want to rip off; the rest will make you rich!

7. Live below your means. Rich people know this. Wealth is accumulated, reinvested, is used wisely and given away. It is never used! Let millionaire athletes and people, winner Lottery buy Smart cars and flashy jewelry. If you want to achieve great wealth, live simply, invest wisely, Enjoy it all!

8. Get rich slowly. The key to great wealth is to minimize income, while maximizing your assets. Income is taxed. Income get spent--think of all the cars, ships, diamonds and houses people with huge incomes would like to buy! Invest in assets that are difficult to spend (buildings stock, s and bond s, collectible art, etc.) creates wealth, which is not taxed, and is not used in a casual impulse.

9. Pay lots of taxes. No, I am not talking about paying more than you owe, but pay every cent, the law requires. Rich people not haggling over nickels and dimes, they invest to make millions! If you can legally avoid taxes, do! Use the law to your advantage when you can. But juggling books hide income or to save a few bucks, waste your time, waste your energy, fear creates of getting caught and makes you cheap. Not do it!

10. Give it away. You can't take it with you when you die, and money is not attracted by the selfish, the stingy or mean. If you would attract money into your life, be clear about what you will do with it. Contribute to charitable organizations that want to use it for good. Make the world a better, richer place, and you must create wealth, which will last for generations to come. Your children will thank you!

Copyright 2003 by Philip e. Humbert. All rights reserved. This article can be copied and used in your own newsletter or on your site, as long as you include the following information: "written by Dr. Philip e. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It is all on his website on the

Let's make some money, why not turn the Capitol in luxury condos or gambling posh?

Texas break.

No more oil wells in each forum. In many cases, there is no forum.

PLC desperate for money is talking about eliminating four colleges. Reduced medical reimbursement rates to providers by 10 per cent to the point where many doctors can take Medicaid spending sick poor. Another glimmer retains a wealth of Texas, living in Luxury House rentals, $ 10,000 a month in Western cities. I think I'd volunteer to share pain to move to an apartment house in Congress. Or something.

But although Perry does not, upon a plan to save the day. Why not just close the Capitol for lawmaking and converted into luxury condominiums or a casino? I'm talking plush Casino will actually money Casino with crap on this basis, and we could call it krabsitol.

I mean how much cost to run this place as a common lawmaking? I called "Council of State of preservation are" trying to get a number on how much back taxpayers in Texas to preserve this shrine go. It did not provide an answer. I'll bet it cost the State at least $ 1,000 per day on toilet paper alone.

In this digital age, do lawmakers really need to build business? No, do not. Accessible in your pocket and what you find? That's right. Your IPhone. Thanks to smartphones and laptops, lawmakers can message each other bars around the city to discuss draft laws, and take decisions or any of that stuff. Or can you go home.

Can't say won't make Capitol luxury condos or hotel Sonck beautiful. This lobby-what is spectacular lobby. There is no real estate agent in Tarrytown who won't wet pants on thought on using statue Austin f. Stephen as a selling point. I'll bet could get half a million bucks if sold one of these boards as a 600 square foot condo to rich Chinese businessman. And thinking of selling real estate, with all those offices. Heck, hammer alone will probably gets $ 200.

But if you go with the idea of a casino can "God's freedom" yanik off the top of the building, and replace it with a statue of David and the pants, people pleasing Church where you will look almost Cesar Palace. Can we get gov. Perry dealing blackjack.

Went up to the Capitol Wednesday morning and asked people what I thought of my perceptions. Man seated in his exposition he lobbyists absolve itself when I asked him about my proposal, rushed off to answer a call on your mobile phone.

Proving my point.

Shelby was a little permanent guard outside of the front of the building, erected "Confederate soldiers" huge wearing Confederate Army ". He was, he noted, "rose heroes today." This would be a bad one for converting Capitol to condos or a casino. If a man was out in front of high-dollar condo clothing such as Robert Lee e, someone should call the cops and is run as a sort of nut jobs.

A woman strolled in and decided to take pictures in stylish and Shelby costume history. "Confederate days", he told her a jaunty lilting leaving.

Shelby has asked his opinion about converting Capitol to a casino or condos. He doesn't like a lot.

"I'm afraid that maybe some issues". "A lot like a church. Members from mere together affect both what you're trying to achieve, in my opinion. "

Take office? When was the last time he saw individuals in Government work? Civil war?

"Casino sounds good to me," Brent deckerson, who works at Capitol groundskeeper. "Usually only play slots; let me machines. I am not much of a card reader. "

He would be happy to approve the plan, as long as the Casino, possible job gave him.

Chaired by things, and that they may have better luck landing task Casino keep gig Capitol.

John Kelso column appears on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Contact him at 445-3606 or

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2011年1月22日 星期六

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Wealth today and lottery secrets

You've read about the different lottery games and how to play them. You've also found several methods of picking lucky numbers. Now it's time to fine-tune your game using this section full of insider tips and techniques. Know what to do and what to avoid. Learn how to set up a lottery-playing budget. Discover different ways to get in touch with your state's lottery. Finally (may the odds be with you), know what to do if you win!

Prudent Precautions

If possible, always buy your own lottery tickets. Don't ask neighbors or friends to pick them up for you. Similarly, don't pick up tickets for others. Don't loan or borrow money for tickets, and don't go halfsies, either. Why? Isn't this a trifling matter -- the same as picking up a loaf of bread for someone at the store? Not quite. If the ticket doesn't win or if the prize is small, then there's usually no problem. But if the ticket turns out to be a jackpot winner, you could have a sticky situation on your hands. At the very least, it could be embarrassing. This little favor for a neighbor now involves millions of dollars.

For instance, maybe your neighbor said she'd pay you the dollar for the ticket later. Fine, you think. What's a dollar? You give her the ticket, and she's now a millionaire. Be honest. Would you perhaps feel you're entitled to part of the windfall? After all, you did buy the ticket with your own money. OK, it wasn't technically your money. It was money you loaned your neighbor. Still, you did go and purchase the ticket, so you might feel you're entitled to some of the winnings.

What if the situation were reversed, and your neighbor had purchased the ticket for you? Maybe you jokingly promised to split the money with her if you won. Are you aware that she might be able take you to court, claiming the two of you made a verbal agreement? No matter what people's good intentions are before the ticket is purchased, not everyone is as honorable as Raul Zavaleta, one of the real-life winners featured in this book. Once the winning numbers are announced, not everyone will, without hesitation, keep his or her promise to split $40 million.

Are you beginning to see the possible repercussions in this? Why not avoid broken friendships, hurt feelings, and even lawsuits? Buy your own tickets, period. It's an entirely different situation when you give a ticket to someone as a gift, or vice versa -- a gift is a gift.

Most people discard their losing scratch-off, Pick 3, and Lotto tickets. After all, what possible use could you have for those scraps of paper? Think again. If you regularly spend a significant amount of money on the lottery, those old tickets might be worth cash to you.

The IRS says you cannot offset losses against winnings and report the difference. For example, if Mary spends $1,600 a year on tickets and wins only $600, she must report the $600 even though her losses amounted to $1,000. According to the tax rules, if you have gambling losses, you can claim them as an itemized deduction, but you cannot deduct more than the winnings reported. So if Mary itemizes her deductions, she can take only $600 as an itemized loss on schedule A.

On the other hand, if Jim spends $600 and wins $1,600, he too must report the $1,600. But if he itemizes, he can claim the entire $600 as a loss on schedule A since he is allowed to report any losses up to $1,600. Ironically, this law helps winners more than it helps losers. So think positively. Think like a winner, and save those old tickets.

In case you live in one of the states that doesn't have a lottery, you may be tempted to enter lotteries in other states. That's fine, provided you go to the area and purchase the ticket in person. There are several federal and state laws concerning the lotteries. One is the U.S. Postal Service regulation that forbids the mailing of unplayed lottery tickets across state lines.

Some states' laws prohibit the sale of tickets by phone, mail, fax, and over the Internet. If your state has a lottery, it makes little sense to enter either out-of-state or foreign lotteries. Chances are you'll find better odds right in your own backyard, without the extra fee or the risk. Can you imagine winning several million dollars only to discover that you haven't actually won it after all? It seems that any time big money is involved, there are those who try to get a piece of the action -- illegally.

You'll frequently see ads online and in magazines and newspapers for books, software, and other media to help you in your goal to win the Lotto. Some of these are reputable businesses and can offer you professionally designed wheeling systems and other strategies that may help better your chances. But if one of these companies claims their product is guaranteed to make you the next Lotto millionaire, ask yourself one very obvious question: If they've managed to solve the riddle of how to win a jackpot, why are they running an ad?

Playing Smart

If you've been playing for any length of time, by now you've surely heard the advice: "Don't play popular numbers." Why? Certain groups or combinations of numbers are played by hundreds or even thousands of people on any one Lotto night. So why would you care about that? Because if you played 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and those numbers were drawn, there may be thousands of people to split the prize with. In a $5 million jackpot, you could end up with less than a Pick 3 payoff. What are the popular combinations? There are the sequences such as the one just given as well as sequences of multiples of a certain number. One popular sequence, which consists of multiples of the number 5, is 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. And because the number is considered lucky, people often play the multiples of 7: 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, and 49.

Another less common practice is to use all numbers of the same value. Sometimes people will play all numbers with the value of the number 3: 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, and 48. Suppose your primary number is 3, because your birthday is March 21. As you previously learned, 21 -- or any number with the value of 3 -- is lucky for you. However, don't use them all on the same play slip. Spread them out over several different plays. Other selections aren't so apparent. What, you might ask, is so common about this combination: 8, 11, 18, 21, 28, and 31? If you fill in these squares on some states' Little Lotto or Lotto play slips, you'll see that these make a zigzag pattern depending on the layout of your play slip.

Many people select numbers that, when marked in the squares, create a design on the play slip. Common patterns are horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines; letters of the alphabet such as X or M; the four corners and center of the play slip; zigzags; and crosses. Even if you do win, playing popular ticket patterns will reduce your share of the jackpot -- sometimes significantly.

A few years ago, the typical five-out-of-five pot for a Florida Fantasy 5 drawing was approximately $20,000. But one night, the payoff for winners who picked five out of five correctly was just a little over $1,500. Why? The winning numbers -- 3, 11, 13, 15, and 23 -- formed a perfect cross. People tend to think alike when it comes to playing numbers, so try to avoid the most logical patterns of play. As for the most popular single numbers (those not part of a popular series), they are 1 through 31 -- the birthday numbers. This is not to say you should avoid playing your birth date.

Just don't make a habit of playing all low numbers on one ticket. Keep in mind wealth for today has a system that will increse your odds 95% the digits 1 through 9 are even more popular. Keep those to a minimum. It seems there are few hard and fast rules in Lotto, though. There have been multimillion-dollar jackpots in which the winning numbers were all low ones (but since they weren't popular combinations of low numbers, the winners didn't have to split the jackpot with many other winners). Although the results aren't as dramatically disappointing as with popular numbers, another way you may lose out -- even if you win -- is when the jackpot is large. When there is no winner for a while, the prize money rolls over and, in a sort of snowball effect, grows ever larger. The more people buy tickets, the bigger the jackpot grows. And the bigger it grows, the more people buy tickets. Lured by pots of $30 million, $50 million, and higher, players come out of the woodwork. Even those who don't usually play the lottery will play the lottery!

So if you correctly pick five out of six, there may be many more five-out-of-six winners than usual, which may mean less money for you. If the name of the game is to win, and the way to win is to lessen the odds, why join the crowd? Go ahead and buy a ticket for the big-money drawing. But smart players quietly prefer the "small" jackpots, those of only $2 million, $4.5 million, or $6 million. This is called maximizing the value of your prize. If you think about it, those "small" jackpots would be pretty nice prizes to win, too.

Make a Budget

There seems to be nearly as many budgets for lottery play as there are playing strategies. Some believe "when you're hot, you're hot," and when you're on a winning streak, you should continue to bet. You'll be inclined to agree with that, with its theory that some time periods in our lives are more lucky than others. But too many people go about it the wrong way. For example, you may buy $8 worth of scratch-off tickets one morning and win $20 and $5. Not bad, you think. So you then put $5 on the Pick 3 game, purchasing $5 worth. You end up winning $40. Then you decide to place the $25 you got from the instant tickets on the Powerball.

You don't win anything on the Powerball. So, how did you do? You originally spent $8 on the scratch-off tickets. So before you entered the Pick 3, you were $17 ahead. You spent $5 on the Pick 3, so before you entered Powerball, you were $52 ahead. So far, so good. After playing Powerball, you are exactly $27 ahead. After all that excitement, it seems like a letdown, right? Of course, you can always say, "Well, I did come out ahead." Here's what you should have done. You were right in assuming you were on a roll, and you were right to take advantage of it. But instead of placing $25 on Powerball, you should have put only $5 on the game. Then you would still be $47 on the plus side. The mistake you made was a common one: placing the "$25 you won on the scratch-off tickets" on Powerball. The truth is, you didn't win $25 on the instant tickets. Since you had to spend $8 to buy them, you won only $17.

Sometimes we have a knack for conveniently forgetting our original investments. Next time, reinvest only the amount you began with or less. In this case, that would have been $8 or less. The best thing to do is to draw up a plan in which you spend a certain amount per month. Be consistent. Never, for any reason, go over this amount. When you're on a roll, reinvest only the amount you started with. Set aside your regular amount for next month's playing, and put the rest of your profits in the bank, in a drawer, or in a shoe. This idea is used by players in the stock markets and other money markets and is a simple one: Let your profits ride, and cut your losses. Remember that rule whenever you play the lottery, and you'll enjoy the games much long story short wealth for today has come up with there new book winning lottery secrets.if you buy there book you will increase your odds buy 95%so go to and order your book today.