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2010年12月25日 星期六

Ask the readers: it is OK to buy a Christmas gift from thrift store?

Holiday season to try frugal person patience: there are so many temptations to spend. Of course, all we want to enjoy a festive nature time this year, but when you can draw the line? And how the fugal is too frugal?

Michel writes with great question. It is sort of dilemma facing the picture itself. Here is its history:

Like you I am a big proponent of thrift store shopping. Saves money, and it is simply more fun, go to the Mall – at least for me. Since I live in the area of New York, I am happy that many of the area thrift stores are full of fantastic things, including quality of designer and brand name clothing, many of which are worn only.

The latest thrift store trip I picked up two designer bags as a Christmas gift for my college adult nieces, but now I'm having second thoughts.

On the one hand there is no way they will ever really take buses and Kate Spade bags for their own e.on, on the other hand, I don't know if they share my acceptance and love to thrifting, and they may not respond well to the thought of someone else is gifted cast-offs.

Since the new versions of these bags are my budget, there is no way to transfer these things as something different. What you? it is tacky to purchase gifts thrift store?

My initial response to Michelle question is that of course is a good idea to purchase gifts thrift shop-do it all the time! But perhaps this is because of the way in which my family has set up his gift exchange.

In my family, adult $ 5 gift exchange: each of us buy something not more than five Bucks for every other adult costing. This forces any budget folks to get creative. And, therefore, thrift stores are really fantastic place to find gifts. Garage sales, too. (And I spent many hours of entertainment for trawling Amazon transactions.)

Here below my favorite example: a few years ago I found a set of pens good preparation for ten Bucks in the garage sale. My brother, to be used to draw the House plans (although he no longer), and I think they would make a great gift for Christmas. I haggled the price up to five Bucks. Back home, I user the actual price for pens. They usually sell for about $ 70. Result! (I'm not sure if Jeff to use them, but this is the best $ 5 gift, I am ever give.)

Obviously, not everyone is in a situation where given bargain buys from garage sales and social acceptable is thrift stores. But I would like to Licenzopolu?atelaima that there are plenty of people there for whom this kind of thing it's okay, at least to some extent.

But this is sort of an issue where a certain need to poll a wider audience. Not everyone shares my love of purchase of used. In fact, many readers of GRS deplore thrift stores. Instead of steering Michel down (probably misleading) my own time, it is probably best to respond to the field from different points of view.

Do you think? When is a good idea to buy gifts from the thrift shop? It is always well? Was never well? And what of the specific situation of Michel: must it feel any shame for Designer bags used to nieces this Christmas?

This article is to help readers, frugality, translator

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