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2010年12月10日 星期五

Ask the readers: How do we afford-Buy House?

Even though they may belong to the farther, housing prices have begun to appear in many parts of the United States, a reasonable account by "logging in" again. Mortgage rates are Cheap, too. Of course, therefore some of the GRS readers have begun to express their interest in buying a home.

But prices are still high in many places — including Washington, D.C., that is, if William resides. He declined to ask for advice line: recently, he would like to buy a home on the intrinsic merits of, but the prices are too steep. What he should do?

My friend and all read "get Rich slowly. We have tried to all be able to save for retirement through the accounts of the various tax incentivized and we all live in Washington, D.C.-area. We all have one question, which is becoming increasingly more important: how all of us, as the case may be, of the country, buy a home?

Together with my girlfriend and make about $ model each month (for example, taxes). This may seem like a lot, but it does not seem to go far in D.C. If I took five years to store a 2 bedroom apartment, I need to save $ 1600 a month. Although I am split it into two, which is still $ 800 per person per month. That is close to our rent payment and have more money than I've lived in the whole of the College and grad school.

This also applies to more money than we currently save each month, so we are not only a legal obligation to do so through a lifestyle of deflation, but we could not save $ 1500 for any other purpose. As close as you can tell, we have all our extra dollar per project for several years. Is what is supposed to happen?

Help! How anyone can take the form of a home?: book prices You know all the good answers? Do your readers?

One of the first first: When housing prices are high, as the case may be, a smart tag is a straight line basis over the lease term. Even if you ran out of favor rental fell during the past decade in the Middle, there is no shame in it. As a matter of fact, the times, a lot is economically rational transfer.

Earlier this year, I wrote an article that tried to answer the question "the hire sense?" Because it does not directly apply to William's answer to the question of, I will offer as a part of it here.

The numbers of the rental
One way to tell whether the better to lease or buy, the price of rent is by looking at the ratio of arithmetic means (or P/R ratio). This number enables a rough idea of whether or not there is a fairly priced homes in your area.

Although it may sound like an intimidating, quite, p, and r ratio is not too hard. All what you need is:

Two similar houses (or condos or apartments), sales, and the second one place to rent the other annual rent. Divide the selling price is one. The result is a P/R ratio.

For example, suppose you find $200000 House for sale nice neighborhood. You can find out a similar task in relation to the House the next block to rent 1 000 a month (which serves as a basis for $ 12,000 per year). $ 200,000 to $ 12,000, for Splitting 16.7 P/R ratio.

What does this number mean? In writing of The New York Times, David Leonhardt says, "rent ratio above 20 means that the monthly cost is greater than the cost of renting ownership." It is a little bit of opaque, but Leonhardt means is what greater P/R ratio, the more it makes sense to rent, however, it makes sense to buy — and, as the case may be.

During the housing bubble national P/R ratio 20 near came and went much above in some cities. In other words, a $ 200,000 House can be rented for 10 000 $ a year (or slightly more than 800 € per month), which is a pretty good deal.

Nationwide the normal range is between 10 and 14 (paragraph it would cost $ 1200 and $ $ 200,000 House for rent 1600). Just before the housing bubble in the 1990s, the national P/R ratio was usually 14-15 (about $ 1100-$ 1200 for rent $ 200000 in the House).

Another way to measure the cost of housing is to compare it with your own family income. 1984 and 2000, the median home prices were approximately 2.8 times the median annual income of the family. (That is, the cost of a typical House of about three times what the family acquired during the period.) at the beginning of the 1970s during the home prices were approximately 2.3 times the income of the family. During the housing bubble, this ratio jumped 4.2.

Figures did not mean that there will be a lot of their own, but they are able to give some kind of idea of whether or not there is an apartment is overpriced in the region. In addition, the display must be considered that most of the Families comfortably book your home, and who pays approximately 2,5 x their ANNUAL INCOME on the basis of the earlier chapters. (So, if your family makes $ 80,000 per year, you have a book in our theoretical $ 200,000 House.)

Note: If you want to see if it makes sense to rent or buy more personal situation, take a look at this rent vs. Buy Calculator, which will take place in New York Times. It has been around for several years but have never found any better. Connect the numbers and the calculator will tell you how long it would take, you can disconnect from, even if you have bought the House. (Don't forget, you can click on the button "Advanced", if necessary.)

Exploitation of the provisions of the sectoral and geographical katvealueiden
In Washington, D.C., expensive city. I'm guess that William and/or his girlfriend are tied to their jobs, and that the work will not be able to make it in the rest of the country. This is in General.

However, if the owning a home is important to you, and the prices are high, sometimes the best financial decision is to move elsewhere. This is especially true if you can do is cheaper than a part of the country of work. The provisions of the sectoral and geographical katvealueiden exploitation of children is an excellent way to live in A RICH TEXT FORMAT (RTF).

In my case Portland is expensive and I can't write anything. Perhaps, for example, North Dakota. But my job is not portable, and he loves, he is employed in the place. (Plus, we can reserve our home.) So, we stick now here.

Is stored in the down payment for the
Finally, William worrying that if he wanted to save down payment, it take him for years. "It is what is supposed to happen?" he asks. Generally, Yes. According to the information of the Government of the United States housing is by far the largest costs in most people's budgets. It will take to hold down payment of 10 years!

Sometimes you can buy a home with very little to the bottom of the page. My wife and I bought our first House in one of the 3% down (or $ 3,300), such as, for example, in 1993. But this brings added complications, not least of which is a private mortgage insurance, which is required if you do not have at least 20% of the equity in your home.

Most people buy a home for the intelligent way to have a large down payment. And that means saving for two and a half years at a time. -The Stories I've heard, although this can be handled very much like the debt snowball, if the screen saver to pursue one goal — down payment — fanatical vigor.

Reader advice
Enough theory! What would you do if William's situation? If the same place you've been in the past, what choice you have made? Should he gives the idea of owning never at home? He has not be impatient and save? Or should he packed his bags and Move North Dakota?

This article is about the Type of readers, House and Home

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