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2011年7月14日 星期四

The Rich Man And Lazarus - A Parable, Or A Story?

In Luke 16:19-31 Jesus tells parable about the rich man and Lazarus. Both die, and the rich man is carried off to hell, and Lazarus is carried into the bosom of Abraham. But the rich man is not happy with his state; for he is engulfed in tormenting flames. Therefore, he begs Abraham to send Lazarus to dip his finger in water and lay it on the rich man's tongue. But Abraham refuses to send Lazarus, and basically tells the rich man that he has had his good times, and now it is Lazarus's turn to be rich.

Due to the nature of that parable, and the other false doctrines that have been conjured up, this parable is not being preached as a parable. Rather it is preached as a story. Wait, the first part is preached as a parable, and the second part is preached like a story. No, that is not correct either. One sentence is preached like a parable, and then the next is taken literally as in a story, and then, the next sentence is in a parable again, and so on. Yeah, that is basically how the parable is preached.

The ONLY reason for this twisted interpretation of the rich man and Lazarus is to be able to preach an eternal hell, where the sinners will be engulfed in flames for ever and ever. But the parable has nothing to do with hell. Hell simply refers to death.

The difference between a story and a parable, is that a story is a list of events that actually happened, and a parable speaks about spiritual things.

For example, let's say that Jesus was telling a story, then it would mean that there is an eternal fire that will torment the people for ever and ever. But, it would also mean that all those who are rich today, will go to hell. Automatically. And all those who are poor, and forced to lay as a beggar at the rich man's gate, will inherit eternal life. That is exactly what Abraham said when he said, "You had your fun, now it is Lazarus' turn." (see verse 25)

If that is the case; if it is a story of an event that actually took place, then I want to give away everything that I have, and be covered in sores and be laid at the gates of a rich man's house. So the dogs can come and lick my sores, and I can inherit eternal life.

But thank God, that I do not have to do that, because Jesus was not telling a story; but rather a parable. Basically, what Jesus was saying, was that the Gospel would be taken from the Jews and given to the Gentiles. The Jews had their chance in the bosom of Abraham, and they failed to help the poor, and now it is the time for the Gentiles.

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