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2011年7月18日 星期一

Sony Mdr-As50G Active Style Spiral Neck-Band Headphones (Silver)

Sony Mdr-As50G Active Style Spiral Neck-Band Headphones (Silver)These Sony MDR-AS50G Active Style Earbud Headphones are lightweight with a soft flexible spiral behind-the-neck band. The single-sided cord minimizes tangles and the cord adjuster lets you move the cord to the best position for sports or workout use. Included with the Sony MDR-AS50G is a clip to secure the cord, three sizes of earbuds (S, M, L) and a hard carrying case.

Price: $49.99

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2011年7月17日 星期日

Serendipitously Rich E-Course - Get a 75% Commission

Earn $67 /sale for this easy-to-sell success course based on Bestselling book, Serendipitously Rich. Shows people how to stop struggling & how to start getting rich (or anything else they want) in 7 ridiculously easy steps. It's simple, fun, and it works.

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2011年7月16日 星期六

The Formula For Riches - The Difference Between Rich And Poor

Discover how to apply the magic secret of the Formula For Riches and grow your wealth like wild-fire!

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NBA Finals - Rich Man's Folly

I watch the NBA Finals because I have to. I'm a guy. It's the law. But what good is it? Well, it kills 3 hours or so, and I've always been a sports junkie. I don't even watch any of the regular season games, just the playoffs. I've said it before and I'll say it again: guys have "Playoff Hormones" that kick in during any sport's playoffs (well, not counting soccer). We suffer PMS, too: Playoff Mood Swings.

Why on Earth would I give a single damn about a bunch of ultra-rich athletes playing valiantly in order to bring home a ring? Beats me. Sure, we dudes all secretly wish it was us out there dazzling the fans with our adroitness. A big-time jam, a blocked shot, a crossover dribble and a lazer-guided assist to the big man in the middle. Or the pull-up three and nothin' but net. Man, that would feel great. But, it's something I'll never know. I guess we males live vicariously through all these hyper-tatted players who can perform incredible magic with a basketball. That's the best we can do.

Instead of soap operas, guys watch sports, I guess. Where's Labron going? Will Phil coach the Bulls next year? Will Kobe become the best to ever play the game (NO, it'll always be Michael!). Watching all the stars sitting courtside is also a spectacle that lets you know you're not one of the coolest people on the Planet like they are. But, we're still "THE FANS." Isn't NBA basketball supposed to be "FANtastic?!"

What it's really all about for me is this: the NBA Finals help while away yet another few weeks until what really matters comes to be: FOOTBALL SEASON! Now, that's what I'm talin' 'bout!

About the Author: Grant "Brad" Gerver is an entrepreneur and co-owner of Quite simply the most generous classified advertising, auction and coupon business online. "gbgerver" is also a performing blues artist-songwriter with The Buzzard Brothers and on YouTube. He is a retired elementary school teacher who currently works in the mental health care field.

2011年7月15日 星期五

Women Men Adore - How They Seduce the Rich Men

Why do some women just seem to effortlessly make men interested in them? Strangely enough you probably look at them and think to yourself "I don't see anything at all that is really special about them" so why then do men care for them so much?

We all want to be women men adore and have incredible romance and relationships. So then the question is clearly, do we know how to become one of these women? Growing up we hear all the typical advice about playing hard to get, and never kissing on the first date, acting uninterested and so on. But the truth of the matter is the typical information you get out there about seizing a mans heart is just scratching the surface. There is a lot more to know.

The truth about seducing a rich man is that you cannot just act the way you feel and be successful. The best example of this is when a women falls for a man, and can't help but call him 10 times a day and endlessly ask where he is, what he is doing, and who he is with. This type of behavior can scare away most any man. Let alone a rich and successful man.

It's important that you stay alert and aware to the behavior you are displaying. Notice how you are portraying yourself. This may seem like a lot of work, and in some ways it can take years of this self controlling but the reward of a rich man in your life is more then worth it.

Finally, a few traits that women men adore possess. Its not hard to believe that men want a women who is strong and self-reliant. In some ways this is true, but the truth is that men and especially rich men are drawn to extremely feminine women. Women that act like guys will eventually bore and man and he will more on to other women that behave more like females.

Some women find it hard to believe but men love long hair and especially pony tails. Most women (myself included) feel absolutely ugly wearing a pony tail but men just can't help but like it. Many women have reported to me that they received less attention from men when they cut their hair short, and that when it grew back men took notice. This is a common experience for far too many women.

Take this ideas into consideration. It doesn't really matter whether you are married, going out on dates, or even just trying to get ahead of the game and learn how to deal with rich and attractive men better. Any women can make just a few changers in their life and experience a tremendous increasing the happiness and relationships.

Peter Hill is a writer, public speaker. He gives relationship adive to Women interested in learning How To Attract A Man. He has an informational website with relationship video's, articles and tips on how to become a Women Men Adore and finally find Mr. Rich (aka Mr. Right).

Tips on Finding Rich Men - The Effective Approach You Need to Get the Guy You Want

There are some women who are very clear about what they want out of life. It could be their jobs, hobbies or the kind of men they want to date. If you feel that you want to find a rich man for yourself then here are some strategies that will help you do so.

Look at the right places

To begin with you have to know where to search. When you have the right hunting ground finding the prey and going for the kill becomes much easier. Golf courses, high end lounges, country clubs and charity events are some of the places where you are most likely to meet rich men.

Be classy in the way you look

When you want to find a rich man you have to learn to attract him. It is the classy look that you want to get. Remember that classy doesn't mean that you have to spend a bomb on couture or high end fashion. A few well fitted dresses and a couple of beauty treatments are all you need to get the right look.

Give him reason to like you

When you meet a rich guy you have to give him reason to like you. Charm him with your intellect and show him that you are very unlike the other girls that he normally runs into. Take interest in what he is saying so that you can ask him the right questions and also show him that you find him intriguing.

Be professionally secure

It is very essential to have found professional success when you want to date a rich guy. Being professionally and financially secure makes the rich guy feel secure as he feels that you are not after his money.

Be a confident person

Being a confident woman is very essential when you want to date a rich guy. It is your confidence and self assurance that will draw him to you and will keep him hooked to you.

Show him your quirky side

A rich guy has easy access to almost everything. In order to impress him you need to focus on your own quirks. Be uninhibited and show him what you are really made of and you will see that dating a rich guy will be very easy. All you need to do is be yourself.

Learn to hold your own

It can be very intimidating dating or being with a rich guy. If you want the one that you have found for keeps then you have to learn not to get intimidated. Believe that having money doesn't necessitate being impressed and your man will get drawn to you.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here

2011年7月14日 星期四

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus Made Simple - Luke 16:19-31

We all know the parable of the rich man in hell and Lazarus in paradise, but what has it got for us today?

Luke 16:19-31 reads:

"There was a certain rich man that was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fed sumptuously every day. But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate, desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. Moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores.

So it was that the beggar died and was carried to the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died, was buried and bearing the torments of Hades. He lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom. Then he cried and said, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he might dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame.'

But Abraham said, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime, you received your good things and likewise, Lazarus evil things. But now he is comforted and you are tormented. And besides all this, between us is there is a gulf, so that those of us who want to pass from here to you cannot. Nor can those from there, pass to us.'

Then he said, 'I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father's house for I have five brothers that he may testify to them, lest they come to this place of torment.'

Abraham said to him, 'I have Moses and the prophets, let them heed them.' And he said, 'No Father Abraham, but if one goes to them from the dead, I will repent.'

But he said to him, 'If they do not heed Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded that one rose from the dead."

I came from here three hours ago, ready to go on with my parables of Jesus. I got my form out which listed the parables of Jesus in alphabetical order. And this one was on the list. I got depressed and I said to myself, I was too tired; I was going to go to bed. And the Lord got me out of bed, I was going to sleep, and got me busy and now 3 hours later, I'm back out of bed, doing this parable.

The reason I feel that I went to bed was that this is a parable about a subject I just don't like. I've lived as a Christian since I was 8 years of age. I'm 43 years now and I've never come to grips with the concept of hell. Not that I don't believe in hell. Jesus spoke about hell more than nearly any other subject in the gospels; I've been told by preachers and other writers. It's just that the subject of hell is a scary subject. And I have a hard time, I have a hard time with hell, and the consequences that are ahead of people who don't follow Jesus and don't give their lives to Jesus Christ.

But seeing as we're doing parables of Jesus, and it's my job to explain them in simple terms, let me pick up a couple of points that I'd like to illustrate or bring out some meaning a little bit more.

There was a certain rich man, it says. There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fed sumptuously every day. Jesus said in the Gospels, that it's harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. Now some people say that there was a needle gate in Jerusalem and for a camel to get through it, it had to go through on its knees and you had to remove everything from its back. This would take humility and a lot of control. The camel would have to want to go through that gate. Other people have said there existed no such gate and Jesus was talking about a little sewing needle and saying it was near impossible. So, whatever school of thought, Jesus stated that it was very, very hard for a rich man to go to heaven.

And so, this man was rich. Often in life when you have a lot of resources and you're wealthy and prosperous, you seem to have no need for God. It's a proven fact with statistics, that when people are poor and in poverty, they're more open to the gospel and yet when they start to prosper, they seem to move away from God. That's certainly true in America and it holds true in places like India.

I've met an Indian apostle who's spent a lot of time visiting India and he says that the Christians are very good at converting the lower castes, the lower people, the poor, beggars and the working class maids and people that are in the lowest level in their class system. The Christians are very good at converting them but Christians have a lot harder time converting the rich. So, it's not an evil thing to be rich. Money doesn't hold any value. It's just that when you get to a stage where all of your needs are met and you can live in luxury, most often people choose that course instead of relying on Jesus.

But Lazarus was there, outside the gate begging bread. I find it interesting in verse 21, he said he desired to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table. He basically was not eating bread crumbs, he was eating the scraps off the table of the rich man. As the men and women of the house ate they collected the scraps of food and Lazarus was his bin.

You remember the Phoenician woman, the woman from another culture said to Jesus even the dogs get the scraps off the table, when she wanted her daughter to be healed. This was the woman that wanted the miracle off Jesus when Jesus said that he wasn't going to heal her because he said she was basically a dog. Jesus saw her great faith and healed her daughter that day

It proves that Jesus was compassionate in that sense and it shows that there's always a need for the poor in this world. A lot of poor live in scrap yards and live on rubbish heaps and that's their only way of living. And this is sad. Many times we consider, well, these are the rich people, the selfish and stuff but we are the rich this parable is talking about.

In the third world, just an old age pension or disability pension is a fortune for a person. So, people who are poor in the West are tremendously rich compared to true poverty. So, when you listen to a parable like this, don't consider yourself one that isn't rich.

The rich man went to hell, he saw Lazarus in verse 22 and 23. And being in a torment of Hades, it says, in verse 23, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom. Many Jehovah's Witnesses say there's no hell. Seventh Day Adventists say there is no hell. But people that are real Christians know there is a hell and it is really a place you don't want to end up in.

You notice that Jesus in all these parables, mentioned people and he doesn't say names, he just says professions. This parable is different as he names Lazarus. This is not a just a story, this is a true story that was presented as a story.

So Jehovah's Witnesses will say there's no hell. Seventh Day Adventists will say that there's such a thing as soul sleep. When you die, you just stay in this sleep sort of state and we wait for the resurrection of the dead.

This is saying that there was a paradise, pre-Jesus' resurrection and there was a hell where people were actually burning and wanted a drop of water. It says in verse 24, that he may dip the tip of his finger in the water and cool my tongue, proves that it was very hot and just this drop of water would bring comfort to this person.

Rest assured, there is a hell for the people who don't accept Jesus Christ. And essentially, this book of parables, essentially Christ's message is that we've got to be the light to the world. t's a hard thing to consider and I don't want to bear down on you with guilt and shame and condemnation. But many of the people you know, in shops and people you work with, and friends and relatives, many of them are counting on you and your witness to lead them to salvation. There are people in every Christian's life that may end up in hell because the Christian didn't share the Gospel with them.

That's a sobering message for me to share and I don't mean to bring condemnation but Jesus left the job of salvation to the sheep. Many people rely on their pastor to save people or rely on an evangelist to save people but pastors don't give birth to pastors, but sheep, sheep give birth to sheep. It's natural for sheep to give birth to sheep. And it's natural for sheep to go out to evangelize their friends.

So, that's how it is. The rich man said in verse 27, 28, 29 and 30, that Abraham was to send someone from the dead, send Lazarus to go and warn his brothers.

It's interesting that the rich man still had mercy on his brothers. He had some compassion. It's interesting that he had a memory in hell. Some people say we have no memory of our life but he was fully aware that he had brothers and his brothers were destined to hell too. And he wanted to save them. And it's interesting in verse 31, that Abraham said, "But he said to him, but if they do not heed Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded that one rises from the dead."

That's very interesting because Jesus did rise from the dead and so many people in the world don't believe that testimony. They need you, there are plenty of people being raised from the dead around the world. In the East, in Africa, in India, when it happens that people are raised from the dead, massive conversions happen.

I know a teacher that I've mentioned already, Andrew Wommack, raised someone from the dead in a church. And the church attendance went from about 14 people to 100 people in a town with just about 150 people. Raising people from the dead always causes revival and is possible to do. So, it seems it does have an effect on people. But people are subject to receiving Jesus or rejecting Jesus. And Jesus wants us to be the lights of the world. He wants us to reach out to people.

You would be surprised at how many people who do not profess a faith in Jesus, not consider themselves a Christian would be interested in reading a book about Jesus teachings made simple. Perhaps you might buy them a copy of this book and see if the words convict them and bring them some light.

If you have enjoyed my article you can read the book "The parables of Jesus made simple" for free here in its entirety or just selected parables in chapters at The book will be published in book form in January 2011

For prophetic counsel, Christian life coaching, Dream interpretation, Christian chat and great Kingdom Teaching come and see us at

The Rich Man And Lazarus - A Parable, Or A Story?

In Luke 16:19-31 Jesus tells parable about the rich man and Lazarus. Both die, and the rich man is carried off to hell, and Lazarus is carried into the bosom of Abraham. But the rich man is not happy with his state; for he is engulfed in tormenting flames. Therefore, he begs Abraham to send Lazarus to dip his finger in water and lay it on the rich man's tongue. But Abraham refuses to send Lazarus, and basically tells the rich man that he has had his good times, and now it is Lazarus's turn to be rich.

Due to the nature of that parable, and the other false doctrines that have been conjured up, this parable is not being preached as a parable. Rather it is preached as a story. Wait, the first part is preached as a parable, and the second part is preached like a story. No, that is not correct either. One sentence is preached like a parable, and then the next is taken literally as in a story, and then, the next sentence is in a parable again, and so on. Yeah, that is basically how the parable is preached.

The ONLY reason for this twisted interpretation of the rich man and Lazarus is to be able to preach an eternal hell, where the sinners will be engulfed in flames for ever and ever. But the parable has nothing to do with hell. Hell simply refers to death.

The difference between a story and a parable, is that a story is a list of events that actually happened, and a parable speaks about spiritual things.

For example, let's say that Jesus was telling a story, then it would mean that there is an eternal fire that will torment the people for ever and ever. But, it would also mean that all those who are rich today, will go to hell. Automatically. And all those who are poor, and forced to lay as a beggar at the rich man's gate, will inherit eternal life. That is exactly what Abraham said when he said, "You had your fun, now it is Lazarus' turn." (see verse 25)

If that is the case; if it is a story of an event that actually took place, then I want to give away everything that I have, and be covered in sores and be laid at the gates of a rich man's house. So the dogs can come and lick my sores, and I can inherit eternal life.

But thank God, that I do not have to do that, because Jesus was not telling a story; but rather a parable. Basically, what Jesus was saying, was that the Gospel would be taken from the Jews and given to the Gentiles. The Jews had their chance in the bosom of Abraham, and they failed to help the poor, and now it is the time for the Gentiles.

For more truths on the Bible, false teachings exposed and more visit Thirsty4Truth. Or visit my blog at

2011年7月13日 星期三

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T42- A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms even when his hands are empty 12x12 vinyl wall art decals sayings words lettering quotes home decorThe outside dimensions of this decal is 12" tall x 12" wide, it comes in matte black. It can be put on a 12x12 tile (purchased separately) or on a wall. Vinyl Lettering is the best way to decorate your home. It's much quicker than stencils or paint and looks better too. Apply to walls, mirrors, windows, doors, or any flat surface! You'll receive easy to use application instructions and we always ship quickly within 1-2 business days after you place your order. One low shipping price, all items purchased from our Amazon store ship for the same low price. To see our other products click on "Other Wall Sayings Vinyl Lettering products"


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2011年7月12日 星期二

Real Estate Ownership Fueled by Rich Man's Appetite

Boom times are exciting until the bear shows up unexpectedly. Land Speculators were buying more and more land at high prices in hopes of turning a huge profit. Builders have the same mindset. Making big money is the real estate game and mindset. Nobody thinks about the challenges or hidden problems that may be lurking in the dark.

What if? When? Will the boom last? What happens if the marketplace goes bust? Usually, we just keep blindly doing the same things over and over until we hit the brick wall. It happened before with the Savings & Loan industry but it's understood that our talented politicians can always fix our screw ups caused mostly by greed fueled by fraud in the ranks of the white collar suits in the marketplace.

Somehow we think there's an endless fountain of blessings. Life only gets better without any possible detours, guaranteed by the financial gurus in their usual prosperity forecasts. For a long time the real estate marketplace was driven by new families moving into an area. Objections over house prices were seldom raised if the funds were readily available from the lending agencies.

Many new arrivals to the area were previous homeowners who made huge profits from the sale of their previous house in a large city, or it could have been a rural family selling a large piece of farmland that returned a handsome profit, divided among siblings. New families willingly paid a premium for choice properties, especially land surrounded by a golf course or a beautiful lake.

The population in many areas of town continued to grow. Builders were busy 24/7 getting new houses finished for hungry buyers with money in hand. Whatever the heart desires or whatever meets our fancy is deserved and we're entitled to live rich.

Buy the lot, tear down the old house, build a new one was very much normal in peak periods of boom.

Maybe we should say normal but often not very wise or economical. Unfortunately, too many buyers didn't seem to care if they had the money or not. Values were going up annually like clockwork and homes became automatic ATM machines every 3 to 5 years.

Refinancing was a cakewalk, no problem. You can imagine that the landowners and builders were having a field day and smiling all the way to the bank.

Money never seemed to be a problem. Easy come, easy go. Spend, spend, spend was the favored song of the world. Unfortunately, many young families have no education about how money works. Any thought of living debt free never came up.

Credit was everywhere. New cars, high priced clothing, private school, and all the perks came with the neighborhood. Buy now, pay later, no problem until [ ? ] happens.

Everything should be wonderful. Life is grand. New toys, cars, clothes, beach house, mountain cabin, cruise vacations all bought simply because of our wants. Nothing was needed, it's all about our wants. The list gets bigger and bigger as we try keeping up with the neighbors. What's the rush? Are we in a hurry? We've got to get it done so we can dream about change and more challenges coming.

Life never stands still for us. We marry, have 3 children, place the kids in private school, add expensive clothing, then make sure we house everything in style. Weekdays we drive the newest Cadillac, second car is a BMW convertible with a new Hummer for the weekend.

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2011年7月11日 星期一

Marry Smart: Get Man Of Your Dreams

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Why You Must Become Rich Even in Worst Economic Condition

? The rich rules over the poor: - The poor man borrows money in recession and out of recession to keep soul and body together. In his penury, he misses opportunities that can give him the leverage to ride to financial freedom. The poor man borrows from the rich to survive in sickness and in health, this way he become the servant of the rich with time. The Holy Scripture captured this in Proverbs 22:7 "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender".

? The Destruction of the poor is his poverty: - Nothing destroys like poverty under the high heavens. The worst disease of all time is poverty of rich ideas. If you lack ideas, then, you surely will lack ideal friends, creativity and definite allocation of the earth riches. The poverty of the poor is the cancer of all answers of the 21st century. The rich stays in business to either help the poor get out of poverty or help keep him perpetually in poverty. You have no choice to dictate the tune of the piper as you cannot to afford pay for his services. The bible captured this subtlety also in Proverbs 10 vs. 22. "The rich man wealth is his strong city; the destruction of the poor is their poverty".

? The poor is hated even of his friends: - No money no friend! Money is the oil that lubricates the axle of friendship and gives it a desired meaning as well as beaming to keep in place for life. Rich man has financial independence to make choice of friends to move with, and to make choice of where to go to and as well as how to be seen any time. The poor man has no definite standard. He has no friend at all, except hungry poor folks like him. The friends of poor man usually hate him with passion and are always on the run whenever he shows up. But the friends of the rich man are very proud of him and make it duty to seek for him and make it duty to seek for him and stay with him always.

The Holy Scripture captured this reality in Proverbs 14 vs. 20: "The poor is hated even of his by neighbor, but the rich have many friends".

? Wealth is a source of power: Nothing empowers like wealth in the hands of a rich mind. Wealth gives you many strategic advantages over others on daily basis. Wealth can be a source of inspiration to the mind and to the man who believe he has a mission to attain on earth. You gain a profound speed in the race of life if you can access the cornucopia of wealth of the cosmos. Speed is naturally not a function of activity but a direct result of productivity. With wealth of resources you can become a source to your generation.

? Wealth is the antidote to miserable poverty: - The greatest rank of poverty is the one miserably-personified. This happens when a man lacks both the wits and will to become productive despite seeming options available to him. Then it can be describe as a miserable poverty. Ordinary, a rich man is the one whose consistent trial or efforts has not yielded anything to make him sure enough to have complete square meal daily. But he never gives it up in the face of seeming opportunity on his way. Like Thomas Edison, the rich man continue to try until he gets desired result and duplicated if over time to stay rich even in the face of worst economic recession

Ritchie Felix

Copyright by Ritchie Felix.

Ritchie is the Author of the Best Seller: " The Sagacity of Woman"

Ritchie Felix have served as two time e-Consultant on Youth and ICPD Policy Documents for 2008/2009. Invited to deliver paper on 15th of December, 2008 at NATIONAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY on addressing " YOUTH POVERTY IN NIGERIA", under the auspices of Young People Initiatives, sponsored by: "DFID", "USAID", NASS and other international agencies. He is " DESPLAY Alumni: Democracy Series, Participation and Active Youth " season 4 under Young-stars Development Initiative & NED, WASHINGTON D.C, USA.

Google more about Ritchie at:

2011年7月10日 星期日

Marry a Rich Man - 4 Step Plan to Find and Marry a Rich Man

Money doesn't automatically bring happiness, but neither does being poor. So everything else being equal, you're better off marrying a rich man than a poor or average one as you'll have more options for yourself, send your kids to a better college and live a fuller lifestyle. But rich and successful men are a rare commodity, competition is high and getting yourself a rich husband requires work, time and a good strategy. You need a plan.

And I'm not just talking about millionaires, factory owners and superstars. You can be happy with a guy who started from scratch but built his own fortune through skill and hard work and who knows how to manage his money, not necessarily someone who was born rich. Doctors, engineers, upscale techie guys all make good rich husbands and good providers.

It is vital to be prepared before you actually meet a potential rich spouse. You want to look (and smell) your best, you want to present a good and caring personality, a girl that he'll be happy to bring home and show to his momma. So here's my four-step plan on finding and marrying a rich husband.

Step One - Physically Prepare Yourself

Rich men are attracted to same qualities in women as all other men, but they are more picky because they have more options. So you need to step it up and get your body in top shape, exercise daily, eat healthy and always be clean and well groomed. You want to project picture of health and beauty, you want to be one person in the crowd that everyone will notice. Wear something noticeable but not flashy. Depending on the shape you're in now, you might need to spend up to 6 months to get yourself in "supermodel" shape but the rewards are worth it.

Step Two - Work on Your Social Skills And Personality.

There are plenty of books and courses on conversation skills, psychology, body language. Basically you want them to feel relaxed and comfortable around you. To get into their minds, try and find a pickup guide for guys so you'll know more about how they think or at least be able to recognize when he attempts a "textbook" move. You want to be prepared for the moment when you actually find a rich man, you want to have the net ready and catch him. You want to have a job, any job, you do not want to look like a slacker or gold digger who will always be a burden to him.

Step Three - Once You're Ready, Start Looking

Here the fun begins! If you're lazy you can try online services, or you can physically go to where rich people can be found. Like upscale restaurant, golf clubs, boat shows. Good trick is to volunteer at a charity since many rich people are philanthropic (or want to be seen that way) and they will visit charity events. When they do, you'll be there and you'll be prepared, an angel of kindness and beauty, great conversationalist who's physically fit and in great shape, the one girl they've been looking for all their lives. Spring your net and catch them, dinner invitations will follow and with little work you will make the rich man fall in love with you.

Step Four - Work on the Relationship

The key is to look like a marrying type but to make him feel safe knowing that you're not after his money and won't leave him broke after a divorce. If he buys an expensive gift you can jokingly accuse him of trying to "buy" you. Remember, you want to get him, not the gifts. Somewhere along the way mention that you'd be open to a pre-nuptial agreement and you're not a gold digger who wants to marry for money, but make sure that terms of pre-nup are favorable to you. Just in case.

One place where rich bachelors seek potential wives is on specialized dating sites for rich men. Typically the ratio on these sites is 4 women to one man but if you're prepared you will stand above the competition. Key to succeeding on online dating is to invest work in your profile. Put on lots of pictures of yourself looking cute and classy, ideally also a few pictures of you volunteering at a charity event with appropriate comments. Make sure you also have a webcam and can video-chat live with potential mate (so he can see what you actually look like). These sites typically charge men for access, just enough to drive away the cheap ones so you know you're talking with a potential wealthy husband. Some also offer a service of "verified millionaire" where the site owners will verify financials of their clients. One site that matches all the criteria can be found by going here:, you can use it to browse the membership base and get a feel of the kind of people you'll be meeting, or with a little work you can find yourself a rich husband right there!

2011年7月9日 星期六


OverboardReal-life couple Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn star in this enjoyable 1987 comedy by Garry Marshall (Pretty Woman) about an imperious heiress (Hawn) who loses her memory after a boating accident and is identified as the wife of a handyman (Russell). Russell's character brings her "home" to his messy house and unruly kids, and the laughs follow as the aristocratic Hawn tries fitting in. Marshall delivers the comic goods, the leads are entertaining (Russell needs to do more comedy), and the supporting cast is made up of happily familiar faces, including Roddy McDowall, Edward Herrmann, and Marshall favorite Hector Elizondo in an unbilled bit. --Tom Keogh

Price: $14.98

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Bumble and Bumble Leave in Conditioner (8 Ounces)

Bumble and Bumble Leave in Conditioner (8 Ounces)A versatile conditioner serves as a universal means: to moisturize hair, to soften unmanageable curls without heavy build-up, to smooth loose and coarse hair. Wheat Germ Glycerides and Panthenol moisturize and condition, adding extra strength. Suitable for all hair types (can be used as a styling primer for extra fine hair).

Directions: Comb or work through wet hair after shampooing. Rinse thoroughly.

Price: $24.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年7月8日 星期五

2011年7月7日 星期四

Gout- Tackling Rich Man's Appetite Syndrome

Incidences of young and well-to-do people falling prey to gout are growing. This is particularly due to the typical sedentary and also stressful lifestyle of the younger generation. Those males mostly susceptible to gout fall in the age group of 30-50 years of age. One should take immediate care of gout symptoms. When gout turns chronic, this dysfunction can even deform and cripple the patient's joints!

Gout is rather painful what with the excruciating pain appearing suddenly at one or two joints simultaneously. Gout is said to occur when the body produces uric acid much more than it is required. Such a buffer stock of excess uric acid causes inflammation of the body joints. When the pain strikes, the skin above those affected portions turns glossy and red. More often than not, gout attacks the ankles and the feet as well.

Many a time, gout pain originates during the night and after a meal that was rather rich in fatty substances. People suffering from gout should always avoid red meat and many other vegetable items that grow under the ground. Gout pain remains silent for about a weak after the initial strike. However, when it returns it returns with a vengeance! Several joints get affected in the subsequent gout strikes. What is more, the attacks can be more severe and quite frequent too.

Mentionably, young women in the pre-menopausal stage tend to have lower levels of uric acid which, however, rises after they cross the age barrier of 50.

Formal gout treatment is costly and time consuming. But one can also opt for natural treatments to cure gout. Here's what you need to do to go for the latter strategy: First and foremost, gout can be brought under control by following a strict daily regimen. Your main concern is to cleanse your body of the hitherto accumulated toxins. Remember these waste products have started gathering inside your body over your lifetime. Hence it will surely take quite a lot of time to totally remove these toxins. But be patient and don't take unnecessary tension!

So, to take your body on the natural path of recovery, start with some regular exercises. Regularly check your weight and balance your weight with your diet. If your height and weight are at loggerheads with your age, then immediately do something about it. Consult your physician.

Remember that overweight people have more chances of contracting gout than the average people. Too much of body weight can put undue pressure on the joints besides significantly cutting down on the uric acid levels. Opt for the slow but sure processes that either rise or lower your weight on a permanent basis. The quick processes like fasting for example provide only temporary results.

Always say 'No' to foods that contain high protein as such meals may be rather delicious but can suddenly increase the uric acid level. It is always ideal to consume only six ounces of poultry, fish and lean meat. Above all, avoid alcoholic drinks like beer as they block the uric acid excretion process; and this surely leads to gout.

Nilutpal Gogoi is a writer and a freelance journalist having more than 18 years of service in several audio-visual and print media reputed organizations in North East India. He has published one popular adventure book for children and has published more than 1000 articles for various sites, as such []

Find Rich Men - Where Are They Hiding?

Are you tired of dating losers who are always mooching off you and you want to find a good, hard working and rich man? Have you been spending a lot of your own money as guys give you one excuse after another for being broke and you want a rich man who will treat you once in a while? Or do you simply want to find a rich man who will treat you like a princess and give you an easy life?

Many women feel they have a lot to bring to a relationship. While some will want a rich man to compensate for their own lack of career ambition, others simply want a man who is on an even keel with them. No matter what your reason for wanting a rich man in your life, here's where you can find them and how to reel one in.

High Society

You have little chance of meeting a really rich guy as you hang out at your local pub. Go all out and find the hotspots in your area that really cater to the wealthy. Of course, you might have an initial investment to make.

Getting into these places isn't cheap and the drink or two you may have to buy yourself before Mr. Right comes along can set you back considerably. The payoff, however, can be huge.

Haughty Airs

While some wealthy and well to do men don't mind 'stepping down' as it were in order to be with a woman who physically appeals to them, many prefer being with a woman who has at least a minimal amount of class.

He wants someone who is reasonably articulate, interesting to talk to and who won't embarrass him in a social setting.

Some Homework

Check out the area in your town where the rich live. This isn't really all that hard. A simple drive through the neighborhood will quickly tell you where all the wealthy residents are.

Make this your regular walking routine, stop at the nearby park, or get into the habit of running a few errands in the area. Need a few things at the grocery store? Head to that fabulous neighborhood instead of just going to your corner store.

Before long you'll be seeing the same familiar faces again and again and, more importantly, they'll be seeing you. Strike up a conversation with the handsome young man you see jogging every morning, or comment on the weather to the man walking his dog.

Web it Up

Many websites now cater to rich men looking for beautiful women and women looking for rich men. Be forewarned, however. Rich men are often looking for exceptionally beautiful, if not perfect, women.

Looking your best is highly important, so you might have to up your wow factor.

Finding a rich man who'll treat us right is the dream of many women. However, do keep in mind that you'll be happier for longer if true love comes for this man of many riches. Take your time and find the man who not only treats you like a princess, but with whom you enjoy being with.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

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Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

2011年7月6日 星期三

The Rich Garbage Man

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2011年7月5日 星期二

Propet Men's Laguna Clog

Propet Men's Laguna ClogGet the comfort of your favorite sneaker and the polish of a loafer with the Propet Laguna clog. The leather upper is supple and rugged, and it will feel as if your foot is slipping into a glove. The cushioned sole offers lots of shock absorption, making this a great shoe to wear from dawn to dusk. Pair with denim or cotton pants.

Price: $81.95

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2011年7月4日 星期一

Untold Truth About the Rich and the Poor in the Wisdom Age You Must Know to Grow Very Rich

? The rich man is careful in putting his time, energy and money to work in fruitful ways:

The poor sees his profession as the main business whiles the rich knows that job is not same as work. To be in the area of your profession means to be in job or make money via engaging your intelligence, diligence, time and energy and certificate to eke out living. But to be in business means to be at work for you. It is business that yield profits and not salary which is earned income.

The rich man invest his scarce resources intelligently, diligently and strategically to gain acceleration financially ahead of his generation, and roar in voluminous profits over and over again for one shot of investment. This is carefulness, specific planning using "SWOT" and "SMART" techniques at work plus little energy to produce consistent results that impacts on him and his generation to come. The poor man engages himself to climb the corporate ladder, and increases his earnings one step per time until the day either death or retirement hammer land on him. It is important you do not forget in a hurry that corporations are down-sizing these days to up-size profit. If you wait to be hit by this hammer of redundancy, then, it is difficult to begin to learn the "leftist" technique at old age.

It is important not to ignore the wisdom of financial freedom when you still have the time, energy and some resources in your possession. Those who neglected financial intelligence yesterdays are the victims of today down sizing exercises across the corporate entities around the world. Those who carefully invested their time, money and energy strategically at work yesterdays are the ones on the gallery of fortune 500 companies and in Forbes magazines.

What it will cost you to be rich is to dare to dream beyond your actual size and sphere of manipulation. Naturally, the latent energy within you shows up to enhance your skills and size to fit into your real world. To the poor such dream is a sheer fantasy but to the rich the dream is as real as the moonlight shimmering in the sky. The rich develop his sight to perceive gold nugget even its raw state and makes his mind flexible to expand both voluntarily and involuntarily. This is in itself a superman way to conquer anything at all that comes your way.

? They believe that being good servants of their money is more important then buying brands to show off stating with others:

The rich nations of the world spends money to create jobs to absorb millions of unemployed persons and reduce crimes and violence in their societies. But the poor and under-developed nations of the world like African, spends fortune to show off Status to the International Community for instance, Nigeria in Sub-Sahara African, have leaders who spends the tax payers money and the oil rich revenues from crude petroleum sales on buying imported exotic cars, brands and rents apartment across great cities of the world for their mistresses and sends wards abroad for study just to show off affluence. Nothing is wrong with this spending spree only if Nigeria economy is rated among the best and most advanced in the world. The developing Nations of the World like Nigeria need servant leaders to help the people fulfill themselves. Such leaders must be good stewards of the National Treasury to enable the nation join the league of advanced economies of the world. To show off wealth is a choice and to be in business of sustainable development is another. Get rich or die trying 50 CENTS posited in his epic music.

Ritchie Felix is a pen maestro. see:

2011年7月3日 星期日

5 Steps in Dating Rich Men - Women's Guide in Rich Men Dating

Dating rich men to enjoy financial wealth is a very common thing to do. Most girls will choose a rich and nice guy over a poor yet nicer guy for the security the rich man can provide. It is the dream of a girl, and the envy of countless others, to live a life of abundance simply by marrying a rich man and sharing his wealth. There are some points that girls take note of when trying to accomplish such a aim.

Paying attention to dress sense is important. Rich people enjoy finer stuff, and that includes clothing. A girl who always dresses well form a good impression on any man, rich or otherwise. It will be better to wear a fragrance too. Check your hair and dress before the date and be ready to impress.

Speak gently, ladylike. Be as gentle as possible in behaviour and do not argue with him in presence of other people. All men like their date to be gentle. A loudmouth in the company of the mans' friends is sure to put off any men. If you are really a loudmouth, at least pretend you are not.

Keep your opinions unheard, your thoughts unspoken. Men desires respect and if the respect is ruined by the stronger and smarter perspective of the date, the man will be crushed. So will the relationship. No man likes to be shown that he is less intelligent than any one else, especially the girl he is going out with. If you make him feel bad about himself in one date, you will never get another date.

Do not try to get him to commit himself at any early stage. Relationships takes time to grow and men just don't like commitments until they feel they are ready. Asking for marriage too soon will be a strain on the relationship. When meeting with his family, you can give them a good impression by being polite and sweet. That way they will accept you and you will stand a better chance at marriage.

There is a dirty trick to dating rich man. Try to give him lots of opportunities to buy you gifts. When going past certain shops you can exclaim at the items on display and look engrossed. Rich men, if not stingy, will not shun away from such gifts. That way, the girl will be one the winning side whether or not the relationship goes into marriage at the end of the courtship.

To learn more about dating & flirting techniques, you can visit A blog that specialize in helping couples build strong relationship & singles to get a date fast!

You can also visit our Top Post and learn about the 60 words & phrases that will make men fall deeply in love with you.

Science of Getting Rich Audio

A powerful way to study Wallace Wattles masterpiece is by carrying it on your mp3 player and listening to it repeatedly. The Science of Getting Rich is an insightful discussion of how to build spiritually-satisfying wealth.

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2011年7月2日 星期六

A $100 Bill - The Difference Between a Rich Man and a Poor Man

A long time ago and in a land far far away... well actually it was 1980 and my wife and I, as newlyweds, just moved to Alaska--this is a true story. I was working for a financially secure and slightly older gentleman who, one day as I was passing by his office, called me in and asked me an interesting question. "What's the difference between a rich man and a poor man?" Being young and just starting my career, I thought the answer was rather obvious and so I quipped, "one has a lot of money and the other one doesn't." It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. However, his response back, was somewhat surprising.

He stated that the difference between a rich man and a poor man was a $100 bill. He asked me if I had one. "No," I answered. He then asked, "how many people out on the street walking around right now do you think have a $100 bill in their wallet, pocket or purse." I responded, "probably not very many." He said, "my point exactly." He then took his wallet out of his pocket and pulled from it a $100 bill and handed it to me and said, "put this in your wallet, keep it there and know that you have more money in your wallet than most people do, and that if a small emergency comes up, you'll be okay." So I gratefully put the bill into my wallet and left. You know, I actually did feel rather rich, and knowing that a $100 bill could cover about any minor emergency that could come up, like running out of gas or an unexpected business lunch with co-workers or whatever it might be; I really was covered. Back then my wife and I didn't have a credit card or debit card-just cash and a checking account, and for some reason my wife said I wasn't allowed to carry the checkbook.

Two weeks had passed, and I was again passing by his office, he called me in and asked if I still had the $100 bill he'd giving me. I lowered my head and said, "the other day I was low on gas and didn't have any money so I used it to fill the car up. Once I had broken the bill the remainder went rather quickly." He chuckled and pulled out his wallet again and handed me another $100 bill and said, "see if you can make this one last longer this time." My first thought was, this isn't a bad deal we have going here, but he quickly said that this was the last one he was going to give me. Well, again I was back on top of the world feeling rich. This time I kept the bill for almost 6 months before I needed to use it, once again, once it was broken it went fast.

Let's now fast forward to 2010 where a large percentage of the population of the U.S. carries either a credit card, debit card or some other form of a charge card. Who carries cash anymore? How much cash do you have on you right now? I went into a Subway the other day and ordered their six-inch, special-of-the-day sandwich, which was only $2.99, and I had to use my debit card to pay because I didn't even have $3 on me. Is it any wonder that so many people are having financial struggles? Not only because of the current economy but also because of what seems to be an endless supply of money that we really don't have-credit. This idea of credit, can at some point, come back to bite us hard if we don't manage it correctly. Here are some interesting credit card statistics.


Total cards in circulation in U.S.

o Visa credit: 309 million, as of June 30, 2009 (Source:

o Visa debit: 352 million, as of June 30, 2009 (Source:

o MasterCard credit: 211 million, as of September 30, 2009 (Source:

o MasterCard debit: 130 million, as of September 30, 2009 (Source:

o American Express credit: 54 million, as of December 31, 2008 (Source:

o Discover credit: 57.1 million, as of December 31, 2008 (Source:

Americans currently owe $917 billion on revolving credit lines and $69 billion of it is past due, according to the latest Federal Reserve statistics. (Source:, September 2009)

What's the biggest difference between now and 30 years ago regarding our spending habits? Yes, 30 years ago many people used credit cards, but many people also carried cash in their wallets. A credit card was only supposed to be used for emergencies or for purchasing large dollar items, limiting the need to carry around large amounts of cash, knowing however, that when the bill came due, it was to be paid off in full, monthly. So when your cash ran out, buying something else wasn't an option, you just made do without. People back then understood how easy it would be to get into trouble financially using credit cards excessively. People also know this today; however the idea of doing without, if you don't have the cash to pay for it immediately, or saving towards purchasing it at a later date,when you can pay for it in full, has been lost or at least conveniently forgotten. This idea is still sound financial advice today. When the money is gone, make due with what you have and go without until you have the money to purchase it outright.

An excellent way to keep yourself from getting into financial trouble is to create a budget and then track your expenses daily. There are several ways to do this. Create a budget on paper and then jot down, in a note pad, your daily expenses. This is inexpensive but somewhat time consuming. Another, more efficient way is personal finance software; either a desktop application or an online service.

Read "Online Finance Software vs. Desktop Finance Software" to get a better understanding of the pros and cons of both of them. Online personal finance software [] allows you to easily create a budget and then automatically download your daily transactions. When your purchases are in excess or getting close to exceeding your budget, you'll receive an email or text alert warning you to rein in your spending. This will help you stay in control of your money, instead of it controlling you.

Want to feel great each day even if you do have financial stress; since fewer people carry cash these days compared to 30 years ago, tuck a $100 bill into the bottom of your wallet or purse and know that you have more money on you, than most people you'll meet and pass each day.

Also, see if you can make your $100 bill last longer than 2 weeks or 6 months. It truly is a great feeling.

2011年7月1日 星期五

Metroid: Other M

Metroid: Other MMetroid Franchise's Heroine Gets Personal. For decades, Samus Aran has been known as one of the first female protagonists in video games and one of the most enigmatic. Having traded her haunted past for the solitary life of a bounty hunter, Samus finally tells her own tale in this revealing, personal story of her failings, her flaws and ultimately her motivation. Metroid: Other M is an unprecedented collaboration that blends the slick, action-packed production of the world-renowned Team Ninja development team with the game design talents of the creators of the original Metroid. Metroid: Other M is a dramatic new direction for a legendary franchise and a bold new blend between cinematics, storytelling and the best in interactive entertainment.

Price: $49.99

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How to Marry a Rich Man - Where to Look and What to Do If You Want to Marry a Rich Man

Location, location, location! You won't see any rich men doing their laundry or shopping at yard sales - if you want to find a rich husband, you need to go to places where rich men go. You also need to be prepared before you go hunting. Here's how.

Before you go searching, take a good look at the mirror. Dress sexy but classy, you want to look like a girlfriend he will be happy to show his mother, not like a one-night stand. Long blond hair helps, so do high heels. Go for the classy look.

Find Rich Friends
It helps if you know a woman who is sociable, rich and lives in a rich neighborhood, someone who has a lot of friends. You can go out together and she will introduce you to her friends or people from her rich neighborhood. Then it is up to your womanly skills to bag the rich guy.

Boat Shows
Poor people do not own a yacht and that makes boat shows an excellent place to hunt for wealthy bachelors. So smile a lot, learn to talk boats and maybe go with a friend who has a boat - with a little work dinner invitations will follow and you'll find yourself a rich man to marry.

Bring Some Help - Walk Your Dog
If you can stay with someone who lives in a rich neighborhood you can go out and walk the dog and socialize with rich people who are walking their dogs. Cuter the puppy, better the results so pick some adorable little pooch with clumsy paws or long ears, something that just asks to be petted. Dress casual but still classy. Imagine yourself as an adorable girl with an adorable little puppy in rich neighborhood - what better way to find a rich guy who will fall all over you?

Be Easygoing and Sociable
Nobody likes a nag, and the prospect of going home where the wife will start harping on him the moment he open the door is definitely not the kind of image you want in his head when he's talking to you. You want to be kind and polite, funny but classy. Picture the kind of person he would want as an ideal mother to his children, then behave that way. Go easy with the wild side - you don't want to seem boring but you definitely don't want to look too promiscuous either.

Another Place To Look

A good place to find wealthy men looking for marriage is on specialized dating sites for rich men. Post plenty of pictures of you looking gorgeous and classy, maybe one or two of you on a charity event with appropriate comments so they see you are a kind and generous person. Make sure you have a webcam and if possible do a video chat before you go out on a date so that you both know what the other person looks like. A very good dating site for rich men can be found here