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2011年6月19日 星期日

How to Attract a Rich Man? Here Are the Skills You Need to Attract & Be Liked by Rich Guys

Tired of all the losers in your life? Who wouldn't want to date a rich guy? Most of them know how to handle themselves in public and will hardly ever embarrass their date. If your rich guy is self made, then there are good chances that he is also intelligent as well as having a good personality. His new sports car is the just the cherry on top. Read on to learn some tricks about how to get a rich guy in your life.

Hang out at the right places - Guys who are well off financially will not hang out at the cheap clubs or bars around the corner. You will need to go to places that are frequented by well dressed people. Locate the good restaurants and the uptown bars that are the latest watering holes for the blessed.

Exude confidence - Learn to be confident in unfamiliar situations. A self conscious woman automatically stands out as someone who does not belong. Also, confident women attract the notice of successful guys more easily.

Learn to dress well - Read the correct magazines to get in sync with the current fashions. Then, develop your own style to suit your image. The social events attended by the well-to-do are on a different scale altogether. Such guys prefer to date a woman who can hold her own among the other women in his social circle.

Be honest - If he asks any direct questions about your social status, be honest. He will find out soon anyway. If he suggests an activity that you haven't had a chance to try yet, admit it beforehand rather than making a fool yourself later.

Focus on him rather than on his possessions - Rich guys are usually aware that there are a number of women out there who want to date them only for their money. Showing too much interest in his possessions will get the guy's internal alarm system to go off. Show more interest in knowing him as a person.

Be willing to try new things - The privileged often have completely different pastimes and leisure pursuits. If he invites you to play golf, for instance, admit that you have not played golf before but you would certainly be willing to try anything once.

Don't give up your own life - Do not drop your old friends or way of life. He will realize that you are not ashamed of who you are and respect you more for it.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

