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2011年5月18日 星期三

How to Get Rich - Setting Up a Get Rich Quick Scheme That Works When You Don't Want To

Getting rich quickly in the current economic climate may not be as difficult as it first seems. Most people start to search for ways to get rich when their finances and those of the people around them are in an unhealthy state and although the old saying "money makes money" is still the case, and always will be, getting rich in a recession is still possible, although finding a get rich quick scheme that actually works can sometimes feel like finding a needle in a haystack. However, as this article will explain, if you are trying to discover how to get rich online or offline then perhaps the recession is where your search should begin.

So, where do you start when you need to get rich quickly?

There are a few places you can begin to look and a few different methods to help you turn your finances around and my advice to you is to look around, review your options before deciding where to turn and which method, scheme or money making activity looks right for you. Before you begin to turn the wheel on your personal get rich quick scheme there are a few things you should consider. Here is a list of steps to take when preparing to get rich slowly or quickly;

1. Understand your money blueprint;

Are you a risk taker or do you like to play it safe?

Do you worry if cashflow is not always healthy?

Are you able to generate funds quickly and easily?

How much money will make you feel rich?

2. Look at how people get rich and what has worked and what hasn't during similar periods in history;

Can you repeat the same business model and reinvent it for today's market?

Can you get access to this knowledge and ask specific questions of the people who have built a successful business through their entrepreneurial endeavours in the past?

Is there a specific market that emerges in a recession and do you have the skills, contacts and funds to tap into that market?

3. Work out exactly what your own investment level will be in terms of time, funding and knowledge. If you find that you are lacking in any of these areas then review your options before moving forward;

Can you find an investor?

Can you bring in additional knowledge from outside and offer shares to get your project off the ground?

Can you afford to outsource specific tasks in order to move the project forward at a pace that you're happy with?

Taking the right steps to begin with will prepare you for the journey towards getting rich slowly and will allow you to weight up the pros and cons of setting up your own get rich quick scheme that works when you don't want to. After all, why make more money than you can spend if you don't have the time to enjoy it. "Work" is a four letter word that we associate with poverty and if you really want to leave it behind then start by reviewing your current situation and moving forward one step at a time.

Neil Ashworth is a successful internet entrepreneur who shows people how to Get Rich Online using a step-by-step sales and marketing system. If you are serious about turning your finances around and believe you can follow a few simple steps CLICK HERE NOW to see if this could be right for you.

