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2011年7月3日 星期日

5 Steps in Dating Rich Men - Women's Guide in Rich Men Dating

Dating rich men to enjoy financial wealth is a very common thing to do. Most girls will choose a rich and nice guy over a poor yet nicer guy for the security the rich man can provide. It is the dream of a girl, and the envy of countless others, to live a life of abundance simply by marrying a rich man and sharing his wealth. There are some points that girls take note of when trying to accomplish such a aim.

Paying attention to dress sense is important. Rich people enjoy finer stuff, and that includes clothing. A girl who always dresses well form a good impression on any man, rich or otherwise. It will be better to wear a fragrance too. Check your hair and dress before the date and be ready to impress.

Speak gently, ladylike. Be as gentle as possible in behaviour and do not argue with him in presence of other people. All men like their date to be gentle. A loudmouth in the company of the mans' friends is sure to put off any men. If you are really a loudmouth, at least pretend you are not.

Keep your opinions unheard, your thoughts unspoken. Men desires respect and if the respect is ruined by the stronger and smarter perspective of the date, the man will be crushed. So will the relationship. No man likes to be shown that he is less intelligent than any one else, especially the girl he is going out with. If you make him feel bad about himself in one date, you will never get another date.

Do not try to get him to commit himself at any early stage. Relationships takes time to grow and men just don't like commitments until they feel they are ready. Asking for marriage too soon will be a strain on the relationship. When meeting with his family, you can give them a good impression by being polite and sweet. That way they will accept you and you will stand a better chance at marriage.

There is a dirty trick to dating rich man. Try to give him lots of opportunities to buy you gifts. When going past certain shops you can exclaim at the items on display and look engrossed. Rich men, if not stingy, will not shun away from such gifts. That way, the girl will be one the winning side whether or not the relationship goes into marriage at the end of the courtship.

To learn more about dating & flirting techniques, you can visit A blog that specialize in helping couples build strong relationship & singles to get a date fast!

You can also visit our Top Post and learn about the 60 words & phrases that will make men fall deeply in love with you.

