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2011年6月20日 星期一

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

Nothing reminds of the disparity between the haves and the have-nots better than the story of the Rich man and Lazarus. The rich have little regard for the underprivileged. We are looking at a similar case in the Bible only in a spiritual perspective.


Lazarus was a poor man who also happened to be a very Godly man. He lived with a rich man who did not treat him well. We are told that Lazarus used to feed on the crumbs that fell from the table of the rich man. He could not afford a decent meal. He was sickly, tattered and hungry. He had wounds on his body. The rich man did him an only favor of allowing coming to his home to collect food left- overs and crumbs for food. How uncouth! Lazarus lived in this pitiable, pathetic, condition for a long time. The rich man was unperturbed by Lazarus plight. Later, Lazarus died of own afflictions and went to heaven. He was received on the high table in proximity with the greats like Abraham. He reveled in heaven glory and bliss, a stark opposite of his miserable life on earth.

The rich man also died and as expected, went to hell. He burned for his misdeeds while on earth, One time, as he was being consumed by fire, he looked across hell and saw Lazarus enjoying himself in heaven. He could not believe it. He called his name out whilst in deep pain. He requested Lazarus to dip his tongue in water and help him relieve the pain emanating from the heat that was consuming his entire being. This was a reverse of their lives on earth. A replay of their lives was unfolding, only that they had exchanged places. Lazarus was stopped on his tracks and the rich man was reminded of the way he mistreated Lazarus.

The rich man was now in great pain. He was not done. He requested for a formal request to pass a message to his family and kin to repent lest they met the same wrath in their next life. He was however reminded that his kindred had preachers to preach to them hence have been taken care of. Dead men tale no tales, I tell you. If the living have preaching to them all over yet they do not change their ways, even if someone comes to preach to them straight from hell, they would not listen. The upshot is that we have been given opportunity to change our ways whilst on earth. We should not wait till it is too late..

If you have enjoyed my article you can read a soon to be published book called "The parables of Jesus made simple" for free here in its entirety or just selected parables in chapters at The book will be available in early 2011

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