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2011年6月30日 星期四

This Poor Rich Man Lived in Luxury, in a Beautiful House, But With an Unopened Bible

This poor rich man lived in luxury, in a beautiful house, but with an unopened Bible.

We are reading and studying in Luke Chapter 16, where Jesus Christ is speaking about MONEY, and His theme is how we use or misuse our money, and Jesus takes this vitally important issue into an eternal dimension. This is such an important issue we must not rush through it.

Jesus tells us a devastating story. Is it a fact? Is it fiction? That does not really matter. It is true! Again, this week's study is slightly longer than I normally write, simply because this is a very difficult passage to divide and it ought not to be divided.

There was a certain rich man, dressed in purple, and fine linen, which means he wore expensive soft underwear, and everyday he enjoyed plenty of lavish food.

However, let's never be deceived by outward appearance. We can be so quickly and easily deceived by the flamboyant showy lifestyle of someone.

As we have seen in these earlier verses, Jesus was teaching about preparing for the future - investing in heaven - and using your money in spiritually responsible ways - so that when you die, you will possess true riches and have many friends.

This poor pathetic rich man was misusing and abusing his wealth. Here is a lesson from Jesus Christ on how not to use money. The world would probably applaud this man, and think he was good and successful in life, and probably would have liked to have received an invitation to attend one of his dinners or parties.

But, he was making no preparation for the future, just as many today are making absolutely no preparation whatsoever for the future.

Not far from his front door lay a poor beggar named Lazarus. Jesus names this beggar, and Lazarus is living in such misery. Every day Lazarus was carried to the rich man's gates. He was full of open running festering sores and ulcers, and the dogs came and licked these festering sores.

Remember, this is being told by Jesus and written by a doctor.

Lazarus would sit and wait for something from this rich man's table. They would eat with their fingers - wipe or dry their gravied hands on bread - and throw the bread onto the floor - and dear Lazarus waited for these gravied crumbs.

What a picture Jesus paints.

They both knew about each other, yet this rich man ignored this needy human being who suffered such humiliation and pain. O, Western World, in all your riches - in all your so-called prosperity - listen to Jesus - before it is too late.

The beggar died. He was carried by the angels to be with Abraham and all the Old Testament saints. Lazarus had been a man of faith. His name means, "God has been my help" - or - "Whom God aids". The man who had festered in this life is now feasting.

The rich man also died, but there were no angels around. He was buried, signifying a funeral procession with pomp and show - but where was he? In hell. He was not at peace - he was in pain. He was in torment, and he saw Abraham. He saw heaven. He saw Lazarus, and recognised Lazarus.

I'm sure nobody at the funeral would have thought that all this was going on.

Have you ever wondered at a funeral where the deceased is? Have you ever wondered at a funeral where you will be when people gather when you have died?

We survive death. After death we will still have feelings. Our senses continue to function. Jesus Christ is the only Person qualified to explain all this. Again, we see this teaching about hell comes from the lips of Jesus.

Who is pleading and begging now? The man who had had so much money, and who had been so well dressed, and who had been so well fed! He is begging Abraham to send Lazarus with a drop of water. There is no water in hell, but we read that there is a river in heaven with pure cool clear refreshing water.

When Pastor Richard Wurmbrand was in prison in Romania for 14 years for his faith in Christ, he would put his finger into his glass of water when he awoke each morning to reassure himself that he was NOT in hell.

Everybody in hell will know that there is a God, and will know that Jesus is the Son of God - but it will be too late. Someone has said that 'hell is truth known too late'.

This is the day to come to Jesus in repentance and faith.

Just who does this man think he is? It is as if he regards Lazarus some kind of servant - some message boy? Lazarus is now an inhabitant of heaven, and he is there for good - being comforted and blessed. He is a son of the Father in the Father's house.

O, poor rich man - it is now too late. You had your opportunities. You could have invested in heaven, and prepared for the future, and made many friends there, but because of what you did not do, you are where you are.

Abraham goes on to say, "There is a great gulf. There is a wide chasm, between us and you. No-one can come to you from us, and no-one can come to heaven from hell.

In this world we settle which side of the chasm we will be on in the next. Our future destination is settled by our relationship with Jesus Christ in this life. There will be a time when for some it will be too late.

Here is God's Love in such a beautiful way. No saved rescued forgiven persons safely led to heaven by the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ, can ever be lost or snatched away once they get there. It is a picture of total safety and security, and given by Jesus. And, no unconverted unrepenting sinners will be allowed to pollute and contaminate the pure clear clean brilliant atmosphere of heaven. That is how much God loves those who have accepted and received and obeyed Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord.

A strange thing happens. In hell, the rich man suddenly becomes very religious, and he even begins to pray, and he even begins to get a missionary interest!

It is all too late. I wonder, Oh I wonder, how often this happens? Someone dies without Jesus and comes to see that his whole life has been just one big blunder, and it is too late to do anything about it. We will never know how often.

Sandy Shaw

Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has travelled extensively over these past years teaching, speaking, in America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israel conducting Tours and Pilgrimages, and most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastors and Leaders Seminars, in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu.

He broadcasts regularly on WSHO radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at entitled "Word from Scotland" on various biblical themes, as well as a weekly newspaper column.

His M.A. and B.D. degrees are from The University of Edinburgh, and he continues to run and exercise regularly to maintain a level of physical fitness.

Sandy Shaw

2011年6月29日 星期三

How to Attract a Rich Man! Here is What You Should Do in Order to Attract a Rich Man Into Your Life

Attracting a man can be difficult enough and now that you have decided that you want to attract a rich man you are limiting your reach. But you've got to do what you've got to do. So here are a few ways of attracting a rich man.

Be real

Don't be a fake. Be real at all times and in all aspects of life. If you are not rich then that's not a fault but if you are insecure because you are not rich then we have a problem. Love yourself the way you are and be a grounded individual. Earthiness attracts rich men to regular women.

Have class

Class does not mean being rich. You might not be wearing diamonds or pearls but if you are elegant, poised and confident then you will have all the class that you need. Learn how to conduct yourself, the right body language and the manner in which a lady should speak and you will be able to attract rich men.

Be independent

You have to be an independent individual. Take pride in your financial independence no matter how small it might look in front of his fortune. This will reflect strength of character and will attract rich men to you.

Do some volunteer work

Do some volunteer work or offer to raise money for some charity find. This will give you an excellent opportunity to meet rich men and be in their company.

Avoid the bar scene

You will find a lot of rich men in the bar and nightclub scene. But hook up with a man there and you will find yourself with the short end of the stick. Men in these scenes are simply looking for casual sex and nothing remotely long term. If you must, you can hang out at restaurants with bars popular amongst the rich a couple of nights a week to meet and attract a rich man.

Don't be in awe

When you meet a rich man don't be in awe of his wealth. It's ok to be in awe of his success and hard work. A man will appreciate your view point and your thinking process. So speak your mind and don't be a yes man.

Don't be easy or too available

Don't cave too easily and make yourself available for a rich man. To attract him you will have to first push him away and then wait for him to make the move. Rich men are used to getting what they want easily. Make getting you difficult and see how he gets attracted to you.

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Poor Little Rich Girl [VHS]

Poor Little Rich Girl [VHS]He's been shot nine times. Incarcerated. And stabbed up and down. And that's only what's happened on 50 Cent's down time. Hands down, 50 Cent is the biggest buzz emcee since Eminem (who just happens to be his label CEO), and Get Rich also features Dr. Dre on production, so it's a can't-miss record, right? Well, mostly. Get Rich is not filled with midtempo, radio-friendly numbers like "Wanksta," his thinly veiled Ja Rule dis first heard on the 8 Mile soundtrack. Instead, Cent brings the heat, not heater. He sheds his inner thug on "21 Questions," featuring G-funk crooner Nate Dogg showing some semblance of respect to the hotties, and then reverts right back to his thug persona on "In da Club," where he boasts "I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love." There's no "How to Rob, Pt. 2" here, although "Many Men" comes close, as he addresses some of the haters who may not fully get why he's now rap's big cheese. Surprisingly, the two Eminem-produced joints--"Patiently Waiting" (which thematically is very much like Em's "Lose Yourself"), and "Don't Push Me"--almost rival the beats supplied by Dre. Then again, it seems his most well-known cuts ("High All the Time" and "Wanksta," for example) are actually some of the weakest of the lot. Sure, Get Rich could never have lived up to the hype, it's nowhere near Biggie's Ready to Die or Nas's Illmatic, but there's no fast-forward material here, a near miracle in these times. --Dalton Higgins

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2011年6月28日 星期二

The Book Behind The Secret Revealed

Get the original book and discover the same principles that inspired Rhonda Byrne to create The Secret. Every man or woman who does this will certainly get rich, for the science herein applied is an exact science and failure is impossible.

Check it out!

2011年6月27日 星期一

4 Tips For How a Rich Man Can Go to Heaven - 1 Timothy 6:17-19

Jesus said it is harder for a man to get into heaven that is rich than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. We all know how the rich young ruler felt when Jesus asked him to sell everything and give it to the poor. So how can a rich man get into heaven? Read on.

1 Timothy 6:17-19 (New King James Version)

17 Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. 18 Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, 19 storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

TIP 1 Do Good

Many good things can be done in the world by the support of people with money and quite a bit of money. There are thousands of great ministries that could be a whole lot better, if it were for a couple of better benefactors. The people with real wealth can also have a great hand in doing things with the ministry as they are always looking for more than cash.

TIP 2 Do not trust in uncertain riches.

The LORD God admonishes through his prophet Jeremiah in chapter nine for the rich not to glory in their riches.

Jeremiah 9:23-24 (New King James Version) 23 Thus says the LORD:

" Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; 24 But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the LORD, exercising loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight," says the LORD.

It is good for the wealthy to know their God and not to be proud because they are rich. One day all the banks are going to crash and all the insurance companies are going to bust, and the stock markets are going to crash. It would be good in those days that the wealthy would have had advance warning and had invested elsewhere.

TIP 3 Be rich in good works

I heard a good story of one of the biggest women teachers of the Word in America. She gives 80% of the money that her ministry receives as she does not need it. When she went to India, she bought the Indians motor bikes, laptop computers, TV's and DVD players and gave them untold numbers of her teachings.

The Indian church needed exactly that and this lady was aware of the need and spent lots of money addressing the need.

Scripture tells us not to let our right hand know what our left hand is doing. In the case of giving, it is best to be an unknown and therefore receive treasure in heaven.

TIP 4 Ready to give, willing to share

You may think all these tips are for the really rich, but compared to the East and the poor countries even a person on a pension in the West is rich.

Do you share?

Are you willing to give to the poor?

Do you give above your tithe?

Be Blessed

Matthew Robert Payne

If you have enjoyed my article you can read the book "The parables of Jesus made simple" for free here in its entirety or just selected parables in chapters at The book will be published in book form in January 2011

For prophetic counsel, Christian life coaching, Dream interpretation, Christian chat and great Kingdom Teaching come and see us at

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2011年6月26日 星期日

Sony Walkman Portable All-in-one Skip-Free CD Player - Digital AM / FM Radio Tuner, Clip Style Earbud Headphones, 40 preset FM stations, Digital Mega Bass Sound, AVLS & CD-R/RW Playback

Sony Walkman Portable All-in-one Skip-Free CD Player - Digital AM / FM Radio Tuner, Clip Style Earbud Headphones, 40 preset FM stations, Digital Mega Bass Sound, AVLS & CD-R/RW Playback
Enjoy CDs & your favorite radio DJ on the run with this compact Walkman CD player with AM/FM tuner
Jam with a new CD or the latest hits from the best radio stations with this Walkman CD player with AM/FM tuner
Traveling or exercising with this player is easy because of its light weight & compact design
The sporty, clip-style headphones are comfortable on your ears and won't fall off when the going gets tough
With the ability to play burned CD-R/RW discs, you can enjoy your own personalized mixes
For reliability, Skip-Free G-Protection technology ensures continuous, interruption-free playback

Digital AM/FM Tuner Allows you to listen to your favorite radio stations. Preset 20FM & 10AM stations

Skip-Free G-Protection Technology Continues to provide quick recovery from both horizontal and vertical shock

Digital Mega Bass Sound Uses digital processing technology to produce rich, deep, bass tones with extremely low harmonic distortion

CD-R/RW Playback
Plays back CD-R/RW discs burned either in a PC or a home recording deck. Create custom mixes from your existing personal music collection

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You can easily program your favorite songs from multiple CDs and play them back with the touch of a button. This feature makes it easy to program and playback a personalized mix of your favorite songs

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Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)

Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)Each CD in Limited Edition deluxe soft pack packaging. Expanded booklets include new liner notes and rare photos. Each album contains Quicktime file of contemporary mini-documentaries.

Price: $18.98

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2011年6月25日 星期六

Lazy Affiliate Riches - 60% Commissions And Killer Epc

Make up to $263 a sale on this hot new CB offer. Copy & sales process perfected by the guys behind the bestselling Profit Siege. To promote Lazy Affiliate Riches right now, grab your affiliate tools at

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2011年6月24日 星期五

Jesus: The Man And His Work

Long Lost Lecture By Wallace D. Wattles, Author Of The Science Of Getting Rich, Reveals The Shocking Truth About Jesus!

Check it out!

2011年6月23日 星期四

How to Find a Rich Husband - Best Places Where You Can Look For a Rich Husband

Location, location, location! Rich men are rarely seen at McDonald's restaurants or doing their laundry - if you want to find a rich husband, you need to go to places where rich men go. Here are a few pointers where to find them and what to do once you've found a rich man.

Before you go, take a quick look at the mirror. Make sure you look your best and that your looks can catch a rich man's eye. If you need to invest in teeth whitening, liposuction or breast implants then do it ASAP, preferably before you meet a potential rich husband. Dress sexy but classy, you want to look like a wife material, not one-night-stand material.

Boat Shows

Owning a yacht is not a sport for the poor and that makes boat shows an excellent place to hunt for a rich husband. You might even hitch a ride and enjoy sailing while flirting with a rich bachelor. Look fabulous, smile and flirt shamelessly and in no time dinner invitations will follow.

Get In Their Social Circle

Be friends with a person who lives in rich neighborhood, preferably a woman who is sociable and rich as well, someone who has lots of friends / acquaintances. That accomplished, visit her occasionally and she will introduce you to her friends from the neighborhood, golf club or yacht club. Spring your net and catch yourself a wealthy man.

Walk Your Dog in Rich Neighborhood

This is easier to accomplish if you have a friend in that neighborhood to serve as a legitimate reason why you're there. Also the results will be better if you bring a cute dog, some adorable spotted puppy and not just a stray mutt. Dress casual but still classy, you want to be an adorable girl walking an adorable little puppy in rich neighborhood - what better trap to catch a rich husband?

The Easy Path

There is an easy way to look for a rich husband, you can look at specialized dating sites for rich men. You will find a large selection of eligible bachelors that you can wade through much faster than actually meeting each one face to face. You can search by location, age and other factors that might be important to you such as whether he has children. Put up a profile and do not forget to put lots of pictures of yourself. Go here: and find yourself a rich husband today!

2011年6月22日 星期三

Rich Man, Poor Man: The Complete Collection

Rich Man, Poor Man: The Complete CollectionStudio: A&e Home Video Release Date: 09/28/2010

Price: $79.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

7 Self-Destructive Habits of the Poor You Must Avoid to Be a Self-Made Rich Man

Poverty is the state of being without competent subsistence. It is the state of those with resources that are indicating lack of something necessary, and not coming up to measure or need. The resources may be tangible resources such as financial, human and technological resources or intangible resources such as information, reputation and motivation. Those living in this state of lacking means of comfortable subsistence and lacking in the qualities that render a thing valuable are the poor. They are not just unable to make ends meet, they are without something greatly needed to gain their end in the system that drives the progress of humanity.

If you really desire to bring a lot to a happy issue and gain your end, you must think and see the totality of physical entities differently. You must have a rich man mindset and wealth creating habit in your life. The starting point of becoming a rich man who is successful or characterized by abundance through your own efforts, rather than through birth or from the work of others is keeping away from the habits of the poor that is causing or tending to cause harm to you.

Listed below are 7 self-destructive habit of the poor you must avoid to be a self-made rich man.

Habit #1

The poor sees themselves as those subjected to unjust hardships, the state of lacking and being deprived or created to make do with whatever comes their way. The poor find a failing or character weakness in the rich and still lay at their doorstep without exceptions. The poor see poverty as the disposition to conform to moral excellence and believe, life is hard and full of difficulties. In other words, they wait for the day, they will get lucky.

Habit #2

The poor depend on the work they individually perform; when they do not go to work, they do not get paid. If they quit working, their money quits. Their income is based on the amount of time they have to put into it a day or how many people they can serve at a time or each day. They only get money for themselves and are not quick to give because they are afraid of being left with less than enough for themselves.

Habit #3

The poor set their eyes upon being in the money. They like to be rolling in money but they do not know how to do things that promises financial freedom. They have wishes and not purpose. They wish, they can have the condition of enjoying a large aggregate of real and personal property, a favorable course, or large amount of money; but they do not do anything to be successful and flourishing, especially earning or producing great wealth. They make excuses out of the way things turn out.

Habit #4

The poor come to a focus with their income statements. They only made do with amount received or gained usually measured in money. The poor settle for income but give up their idea of the real income. The poor define the boundaries of their income based on their physical labor, and do not allow the space for other income. The poor see abundance in money and work for money. Because they work so hard, and not smart; they try to look like the rich by buying luxuries first.

Habit #5

The poor set their brain to work on things that are contemptibly limited and lacking importance. The poor think impossibilities. When they set the stepping stones that guide them to realize a better vision, they set ineffectual and insignificant steps and are in a reasonably inclusive manner, unmotivated towards any great achievements. They are very comfortable to associate with people of similar mental and psychological make up who only exchange views about events, people and places in order to convince themselves. The poor do not have any experience that get a thing more than a match for. They believe, it can't be be done and they do not have what it takes to make themselves rich.

Habit #6

The poor believe, they are inevitably destined to live with the state of insufficient real property and intangibles. They deny themselves the capabilities to make wealth and eliminate their distinctive competence by putting up with straitened circumstances. Instead of being comfortably situated, they prefer hand-to-mouth existence which they initiate themselves into through the way the talk. They speak words of negativity and lack. They have excuses without exceptions. They see themselves as people who do not have money. The poor sees risk everywhere and avoids them. They only see things that seriously hampers their progress.

Habit #7

The poor are scared to death and terror stricken when it comes to making money. The poor are frightened out of their wits due to the mentality they grew up with about being in money. They believe that being flushed with money is being a person who does things that is falling short of a standard of what is satisfactory. The poor have scarcity mindset and believe in saving more instead of investing more. They cling onto every dollar as a means of not being down to their bottom dollar. They settle for extreme penny-pinching and say no to pretty penny as they live within their means. In other words, the poor see lack and limitations, and allow money to rule them.

The truth is, you are not the poor, trying to be rich. You live a happier, healthier and totally-fulfilled life; just do the opposite of what the poor do, and put yourself firmly on the path to a richer life.

Create the wealth building habits! Think and see the system that drives the progress of humanity in a different way and think in a way that enables you have goods, property and money in abundance, as you live in prosperity.

Copyright ? Anyaele, Sam Chiyson.

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book - The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World's brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world's largest economies; it is the choicest one! His work - The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman!

And you're just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

2011年6月21日 星期二

How to Find Single Rich Men - Looking for Mrs RIGHT - Learn Secrets to Marrying Wildly Wealthy Men

If you are inclined on learning strategies of how to find single rich men, you have come to the right place. This can be a fun mission if you have the right guidance on how to portray yourself, where to look for them and how to captivate their attention for sharing an everlasting togetherness. Look within yourself. If you are really on the lookout for a wealthy husband you must have the qualities within you to become Mrs. Right for him. Read on to learn the secrets to marrying wildly wealthy men.

First impression is the last impression - yes, looks are an essential criterion here. You need not look as cute as the reigning queen of Hollywood, but you must keep yourself well-groomed. Dress well in chic or dressy outfits (as the occasion demands), wear a natural makeup look, wear a good perfume and preferably high heel shoes. If you want to attract the rich, you need to look stylish and a sloppy appearance can never help you to establish a good impression.

Learn the essentials needed to understand the mind of rich men - the man whom you are desiring might be wildly wealthy but all said and done, he is a man. So make special efforts to understand the nature of the man. A rich man is fiercely independent, loves women with magnetic prowess and confidence and wants someone who can love and care for him, irrespective of his wealthy status. So make sure that you do not seem overbearing or over interested, hold your head high and appear confident and independent.

Be at the right place at the right time - how to find single rich men? Visit the places they do. The most lucrative ones are top rated hotels, charity programs, volunteering events and high-society parties. Be natural and comfortable when you visit these places. Rich successful men can smell a phony a mile away.

Did you know that you as a woman, by virtue of your femininity, have the power to make a man fall in love with you, influence a man to your way of thinking, bring him to his knees, make him want to spend his life with you and want to fulfill your every desire? Learn More. Discover the most powerful secrets of seduction and have any man you want. Visit: www.The


2011年6月20日 星期一

Golf - the Rich Man's Hobby?

Golf was invented in 15th-century Scotland, where some of the world's oldest golf courses are located. It is a relatively simple game that sees you using a club to hit a ball into a hole, yet it is also complex, mainly thanks to the huge size of the courses compared to the tiny balls and holes.

Golf is played with golf clubs, which come in three types: wood, iron and putters. Clubs can be expensive, but a good set of clubs will help your game, as there are differences between each one that affect how far the ball goes. A one wood (a driver) will hit the ball very much further than an eight wood, for example.

There are many golf tournaments in the world today, with the two most important being the professional tournaments, the Masters and the PGA Championship. Many countries also hold open tournaments that amateurs can also enter, such as the US Open and the British Open.

Probably the most famous golfer in the world today is Tiger Woods, who was won ten major golf tournaments to date, making him one of the best golfers ever. Most people think that Jack Nicklaus is the best golfer ever, as he won more tournaments than any other, but if Tiger Woods keeps playing and winning like he is for another decade or so then that could easily change.

If you want to get into golf, there are plenty of ways to learn without having to go around a full-size golf course. Many places have 'pitch and putt' mini-golf courses, where you can go with nothing more than a chipping club (an iron) and a putter, and play on mini-holes. Children who are not yet old enough to do this can play crazy golf, which is generally putting-only, and has fun, brightly-coloured obstacles on the course and holes which make the ball do interesting things. It's surprising just how fun golf can be, and many kids get their start with crazy golf only to go on and play real golf as a hobby for the rest of their lives.

John Gibb is the owner of golf sources For more information on golf please check out http://www.Golf-Sources.Info

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

Nothing reminds of the disparity between the haves and the have-nots better than the story of the Rich man and Lazarus. The rich have little regard for the underprivileged. We are looking at a similar case in the Bible only in a spiritual perspective.


Lazarus was a poor man who also happened to be a very Godly man. He lived with a rich man who did not treat him well. We are told that Lazarus used to feed on the crumbs that fell from the table of the rich man. He could not afford a decent meal. He was sickly, tattered and hungry. He had wounds on his body. The rich man did him an only favor of allowing coming to his home to collect food left- overs and crumbs for food. How uncouth! Lazarus lived in this pitiable, pathetic, condition for a long time. The rich man was unperturbed by Lazarus plight. Later, Lazarus died of own afflictions and went to heaven. He was received on the high table in proximity with the greats like Abraham. He reveled in heaven glory and bliss, a stark opposite of his miserable life on earth.

The rich man also died and as expected, went to hell. He burned for his misdeeds while on earth, One time, as he was being consumed by fire, he looked across hell and saw Lazarus enjoying himself in heaven. He could not believe it. He called his name out whilst in deep pain. He requested Lazarus to dip his tongue in water and help him relieve the pain emanating from the heat that was consuming his entire being. This was a reverse of their lives on earth. A replay of their lives was unfolding, only that they had exchanged places. Lazarus was stopped on his tracks and the rich man was reminded of the way he mistreated Lazarus.

The rich man was now in great pain. He was not done. He requested for a formal request to pass a message to his family and kin to repent lest they met the same wrath in their next life. He was however reminded that his kindred had preachers to preach to them hence have been taken care of. Dead men tale no tales, I tell you. If the living have preaching to them all over yet they do not change their ways, even if someone comes to preach to them straight from hell, they would not listen. The upshot is that we have been given opportunity to change our ways whilst on earth. We should not wait till it is too late..

If you have enjoyed my article you can read a soon to be published book called "The parables of Jesus made simple" for free here in its entirety or just selected parables in chapters at The book will be available in early 2011

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2011年6月19日 星期日

How to Attract a Rich Man? Here Are the Skills You Need to Attract & Be Liked by Rich Guys

Tired of all the losers in your life? Who wouldn't want to date a rich guy? Most of them know how to handle themselves in public and will hardly ever embarrass their date. If your rich guy is self made, then there are good chances that he is also intelligent as well as having a good personality. His new sports car is the just the cherry on top. Read on to learn some tricks about how to get a rich guy in your life.

Hang out at the right places - Guys who are well off financially will not hang out at the cheap clubs or bars around the corner. You will need to go to places that are frequented by well dressed people. Locate the good restaurants and the uptown bars that are the latest watering holes for the blessed.

Exude confidence - Learn to be confident in unfamiliar situations. A self conscious woman automatically stands out as someone who does not belong. Also, confident women attract the notice of successful guys more easily.

Learn to dress well - Read the correct magazines to get in sync with the current fashions. Then, develop your own style to suit your image. The social events attended by the well-to-do are on a different scale altogether. Such guys prefer to date a woman who can hold her own among the other women in his social circle.

Be honest - If he asks any direct questions about your social status, be honest. He will find out soon anyway. If he suggests an activity that you haven't had a chance to try yet, admit it beforehand rather than making a fool yourself later.

Focus on him rather than on his possessions - Rich guys are usually aware that there are a number of women out there who want to date them only for their money. Showing too much interest in his possessions will get the guy's internal alarm system to go off. Show more interest in knowing him as a person.

Be willing to try new things - The privileged often have completely different pastimes and leisure pursuits. If he invites you to play golf, for instance, admit that you have not played golf before but you would certainly be willing to try anything once.

Don't give up your own life - Do not drop your old friends or way of life. He will realize that you are not ashamed of who you are and respect you more for it.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

2011年6月18日 星期六

How to Find a Rich Husband - Best Flirting Tips to Help You Find a Rich Husband

Although it varies from case to case, generally speaking rich men will want you to show some class and finesse in order to attract them. So behavior like loud belching, getting drunk or naughty in the public will make him instantly write you off as a wife material. Here are a few tips that work on rich men.

Be a Lady All the Time

No need to learn rules of etiquette by heart, but you should carry yourself with dignity and poise. Good trick is to imagine that you are someone else - English queen walking among the commoners. Address everyone in a ladylike manner, always be polite and keep your chin up. You can laugh at his jokes but not too loud. Just don't overdo it with classy attitude or he will think you're a killjoy snob and he'll run away.

Be Kind and Forgiving, But Only Up To A Point

Nobody likes a nag, and the idea of going home to a woman that will start nagging you the moment you open the door is enough to make any man run for cover, or start searching for a sharp object. But you cannot be a doormat either. If he says something that annoys you don't just pretend you liked it, tell him what annoys you but do it in a diplomatic way. Chances are he didn't even know that you were offended and he won't do it on purpose.

If he's late for a date tell him you're disappointed but again, do it in a diplomatic manner. If you're feeling adventurous you can retaliate, for instance you can be late the next day for an hour. He must get the message that you are a kind and polite person but won't be treated like a rug.

Treat Him With Respect

You don't have to agree 100% with whatever he says, but if you disagree do it in a respectful manner. In fact agreeing with him 100% would raise a red flag and he would think you're a gold digger who's just kissing up to him in order to get his money. If he's passionate about a subject like politics, religion etc do not argue with him, tell him something along the lines that every story has two sides to it, everyone has their opinion etc. Never make fun of him, especially not in front of his friends.

Where To Find a Rich Husband
A good place to find wealthy men looking for marriage is on specialized dating sites for rich men. Post plenty of pictures of you looking gorgeous and classy, maybe one or two of you on a charity event with appropriate comments so they see you are a kind and generous person. Make sure you have a webcam and if possible do a video chat before you go out on a date so that you both know what the other person looks like. A very good dating site for rich men can be found here

How To Find and Attract a Rich Man

Spend less time on your looks and more time on your personality and, above all, on your own individuality.

Looks are important but, as long as you look clean, natural, fresh and classy, you're set! What's much more neglected yet much more important, however, is your own individuality and your own mind.

If you want a wealthy man you have to realize that he'll have a huge choice of women in front of him. The one who stands out is not the bombshell (because there's always a better looking girl around the corner) but the one whom he can see himself spending his life with. So, besides a welcoming attitude, you need to develop your own mind and your own individuality. The wealthy guy you're after is likely to be intelligent, knowledgeable, bold, daring, with a strong mind and a strong character. He needs to find a woman he can respect and be compatible with. Someone he can talk to on a number of levels.

This takes us to the second most-important aspect: well-rounded intelligence. This is key if you want more than just a casual affair or a short-lived relationship. Why? Because you need to sustain a long-term relationship with your wealthy guy, who's likely to be smart and knowledgeable about a few things (unless he's a fool who just inherited wealth); he wants to talk to his mate, to relate to her, to confide in her, so you need to be able to do this on a constant basis. This requires intelligence and some basic all-round knowledge about a good range of subjects.

Imagine what you could do if you knew how to attract any guy subconsciously and, after that, how to make him fall in love with you. If you want to know more, click on SUBCONSCIOUS ATTRACTION SIGNS and how to MAKE HIM FALL.

2011年6月17日 星期五

Best Man Speech Wedding Template

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2011年6月16日 星期四

Monster Feet Slippers 7"

Monster Feet Slippers 7These soft and comfy slippers are perfect for your toddler's inner animal. Children's size 7 (European size 22) and fits kids from 2 to 3 years of age.


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How to Attract a Rich Man! Here is the Game Plan You Need to Attract a Rich Man Into Your Life

Attracting a rich man is no different than attracting any other man. It's just that these rich men are mostly spoiled for choice. But of you want to attract a rich man here is what you should be doing to be successful in your attempt.

Look attractive

You have to be visually appealing to catch the eye of a rich man. Dress with care and look classy. What you're wearing might not be an Oscar de la Renta but wearing it with style makes all the difference.

Be classy

Rich men are used to class and that is what they look for when they get attracted to a woman. Though you might not have enough money to match his, you can have a lot of class. You should come across as a refreshing change from what he sees every day.

Choose the right setting

Hanging out at bars is not a good idea to attract rich men. You will end up looking like a pick up and lonely rich men head to these night clubs to do just the same. Instead if you want to attract the right rich guy then heading to a country club or an exclusive bar would be a good idea. You could also choose a place that is exclusive around the business area where these rich guys would be going for a drink after work.

Flirt with caution

Wear a smile and look sharp wherever you go. When you see the rich guy you like smile at him and draw him to you. However remember that sometimes looks can be deceptive and you might not attract the right guy only because he is not flashy. When you choose the right setting don't ignore the low key man. He might just be the one you have been looking for.

Be intelligent in your conversation

Rich men are mostly well educated and get stimulated by women who are intelligent and well read. When you talk to a rich man don't behave like a dumb bimbette. Show him that you are a thinking woman and have a mind of your own. This will attract him to you.

Be honest

Sure you like money, who doesn't? Never make him feel like you don't like money as you clearly do. Your honesty is going to be your strength.

Don't be intimidated

Don't get intimidated by his wealth. It is not money that should be defining whether you should be respected or not. Instead display strength of character and don't hesitate to assert your independence. This will definitely attract him to you.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

2011年6月2日 星期四

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2011年6月1日 星期三

Schwinn Pillow Top Cruiser Bicycle Seat

Schwinn Pillow Top Cruiser Bicycle SeatDo away with discomfort while cycling with this Schwinn Pillow Top cruiser bicycle seat. The seat is outfitted with extra gel for maximum comfort, along with a weather-resistant Lycra cover. It's the perfect addition to cruiser bikes, comfort bikes, and casual-riding road bikes.

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