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2011年2月3日 星期四

How can you think like a millionaire!

You can only find a golden best bet or two here that will help you to break out of the rat race. First and foremost to think like millionaire a you must first change your complete train of thought. The whole concept of working for money and pay your bills with it must be cast waste page.

Your quest to become a millionaire starts in mind and as with anything when you set your mind to the body will follow. Many millionaire s look each dollar they do as an employee whose job is to make even more money. Investment is a way of life for these millionaire a s, therefore, a middle class person may hit the lottery of millions and end up broke a couple of years later.

This is clear evidence that there must be more to become and maintain millionaire a status than just money. It is a State of mind that not many of us walking the Earth possess, but all can learn from this State, if they so choose to. What about you?

It is no wonder that there are so few rich among the poor and middle class. Inside millionaire in thought process that is fear none of make a mistake, but that is rather welcome of a failure. After all, it is out of multiple failures is a million dollar break through conceived.

Failure is part of learning millionaire s that have chosen to use to their advantage. While it is this very same failure frightens poor and middle class into play so safe, the reward for the risk taken compromised.

You must have objective, ARRGGHHHH!

I know, but the real truth of the matter is this; "It is impossible for anyone in life to achieve their dreams/desires without knowing what direction they should go in".

Write them on a piece of paper, carry with you and see it multiple times every day.

To summarize,

1. We shall have the right MINDSET-find a mentor and learn from them.
2. learn from MISTAKES, they will happen, think of it as a learning curve – remember as children we do not give up the first time we have tried to walk, did we?
3. Have goals-Yes we have heard all this before, but have you been, do it, this is a crucial key to your dreams, do not lose.

Like to leave you with a short verse from Conrad Hilton:-

"I believe in God, and I believe that we can achieve through prayer God's love.

I think in my country. I think it is fate is great and noble
I believe in the truth. I believe that any man who deliberately tells a lie deliberately mutilating themselves. But first and foremost, I believe against in enthusiasm, because without those people inhibiting their strongest desires. "

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