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2011年2月28日 星期一

Honesty & integrity as a real success

If running your own business is truly "The World's #1 Financial Success Strategy", then why is it that so many people fail miserably, and only a tiny percentage actually achieve the dream of true Financial Freedom and Independence?

You may think from that question that I am not a believer in the substantial benefits of running your own business. Quite the contrary, I do believe that is "The World's #1 Financial Success Strategy"! I'm also a strong believer in the network marketing business model - the only business type I know of that takes full simultaneous advantage of three powerful forces - Residual Income, Leverage, and Geometric Growth Potential.

Few people truly understand the awesome synergistic power of that trio. Using leverage to build an ongoing stream of residual income can make you a "Virtual Millionaire" much quicker than accumulating assets by any conventional means. And helping others simply understand those concepts can help light your favorite network marketing business on fire! Complete details and "3 Simple Questions" are available from me in a one page free report, "3 Millionaire Secrets Revealed".

Not truly understanding the "business model" in the first place is one reason why more people don't have the success they dream of. Too many people jump into many "opportunities" for the false promise of "get rich quick for doing little or nothing". Unfortunately this "lottery mentality" runs rampant in our society, and is understandably more exciting to some than the proven concept of: Study - Gain some Knowledge - Develop some Skills - then Take Action to achieve your dreams.

But if honesty and integrity are as important as I know they are, those traits have to start with and be practiced by each individual. If you're honest with yourself and use common sense, which of the two "philosophy's" above are more likely to create long term success?

Do people win the lottery? Sure they do! But what percentage is that? It's only a fraction of one in many millions. And a large percentage of the few who do win, end up broke and miserable in a short time because they didn't have the knowlege or skill to manage their good fortune. Many more people have "true success" in all areas of life every day by simply using common sense.

So, what's the "secret" to having success with your own business? Or more specifically what's the secret to having success in network marketing, the most popular segment of the "home-business" industry?

The truth is: There is no one, simple, magic answer. But if you're willing to study and do a little research, use a little common sense, and be honest with yourself, it's not all that difficult to come up with what separates the 'winners' from the 'losers'.

My "Success Team" has identified five key areas we call the "5 Pillars to Success". I'm happy to send anyone with interest a free, one page summary report that highlights all the details. Like a chain with a weak link, ALL five areas are critically important. If there's just one weak "link", it's impossible to reach the readily achievable dream of long-term residual income, financial freedom, or early retirement.

The first "Pillar" is: Company LEADERSHIP. Do they have Ethics, Integrity, and Proven Experience?

There are many potential ways to come up with answers to that question. But one of the best is to STUDY their "Policies & Procedures". All distributors are supposed to read this document before joining. But I'm amazed at how many I talk to on a regular basis that never actually read their company's "P&P"! That one document can tell you more about a company's honesty, integrity, and intentions than anything else I know of.

I'll freely admit, for most of us, there are a lot more FUN and seemingly productive things to do. But if you start reading some of these company documents, you might be amazed at what you discover. This industry is not immune to the greed and corruption already well publicized in the corporate world, and some well known companies have some shocking "secrets" in their company "P&P's".

Talented salespeople and con artists can tell you lots of things to appeal to your emotions. But true network marketing is NOT a sales business, and facts are in "black and white" in the "P&P". You don't have to be an attorney to read and understand some of the better ones. On the other hand, if it's written in such technical language or 'mumbo jumbo' that it's difficult for a layperson to understand, that may be an early red flag.

Some of the questions you're looking to answer are: Is it fair? Who does it protect more - the company or the independent distributor? Does it favor one over the other? Does it allow "walk-a-way income" - or are there requirements or key words in it like "ongoing" - recruiting, training, sponsoring etc.? Are their "loopholes" to unfairly steal your commissions someday?

You might be surprised and disgusted by some of the true horror stories of successful distributors who've been unfairly robbed by unethical or unscrupulous companies. And this isn't limited just to "fly by night" companies. Sometimes it happens with well-known and popular companies you'd never expect it from. But in most of these cases I'll guarantee the distributors involved never read the company "P&P Manual", or didn't pay close attention to some important clues.

Another important area that can give insights into a company's "integrity factor" is the compensation plan.
While there's probably no other area with more confusion and misunderstanding, a little study and research can go a long way. Comp plans drive BEHAVIOR in the field! That one, simple, but little known fact, explains a lot of unsavory things that happen in the industry. And it's critically important to understand.

Does the comp plan reward you for promoting products - NOT just for recruiting reps? Does it pay on VOLUME, not just levels? Is there excessive "BREAKAGE"? Does it pay part-time people a fair percentage? Does it promote the false promise of "spillover" or "get something for nothing"? If you're interested, many articles have been written that go into more details on these topics. Ask me for one if you're interested. Joining a company without understanding comp plan basics is like taking a job with no clue how much you'll be paid.

As you can see there are many factors and questions to be answered correctly if you're HONESTLY hoping for a REALISTIC shot at the awesome benefits and rewards of running your own SUCCESSFUL business. But if you're willing to look in a mirror and proclaim that honesty and integrity are important to you, it is possible to achieve your goals and dreams, and create a life and lifestyle most people only imagine.

It's naive to believe there aren't "bad apples" in every bunch. By the same token it's a mistake to believe you can't find a very good one, just because some are "bad". Using honesty and integrity as your guide is the best way to insure your long-term success.

My favorite company's motto is, "Build it ONCE, build it BIG, and build it to pay your children's children." That can only happen with a core foundation of honesty and integrity running all the way to the top.

If you're serious about long term or above average success with your own business, do a little research and get educated. Then, go out and enjoy the time of your life achieving your dreams! Nothing is impossible. Our ONLY limitations are our own ATTITUDES and BELIEFS. With an open mind, willingness to learn, and positive attitude and beliefs, you might be amazed at what goals and dreams you can accomplish and achieve.


Copyright Jan. 2006 by Michael K. Duffey


Mike Duffey is a Success Coach and Small Business Consultant, and part of a special T.E.A.M. that offers Generic FREE Coaching, Training, and Mentoring. He has been actively and successfully involved in network marketing for several years. One of his personal websites is: [] He can be reached at his home office near Green Bay, Wisconsin at: 715-758-7550 (8am-8pm CT) or at his 24hr Toll Free Msg. Center: 877- 832 - 7487 (US & Canada only). FREE Coaching site is: [] Invaluable FREE e-book "Success In 10 Steps" available at: [] That one FREE E-BOOK can literally save you years of frustration or failure!

Lotto winners a success-become a millionaire with the winning numbers Lotto

If you are interested in the lottery, then try to check some of the success stories about the winners of the lottery. It can make you understand how to win the lotto numbers can change your life.

Lotto is known around the world, because you can win millions of dollars in this game. Let us try to verify the success of the lotto winners after playing the lotto. Many had a lucky game after a long period of time that the part of a patient.

Lotto winners serve s success than those who do not win yet and those who are constantly winning inspiration. Even if you it the average c izen, you can be successful it hout w putt ing too much effort it.,

Had lotto player who purchased the 114 tickets weekly Draw. He said that it, it was fun it profit CT. due to Some combination of large numbers.

If you want to make sure your winnings just like other lotto winners, then you silver must be a lottery system, and the winner's circle. Remember that you cannot use the lotto-80 system to get lotto winning numbers, if you silver lotto is the system.

Power the ball Lotto Jack it Wh collateral hr won the c istmas morning in 2002, 315 million dollar jackpot. rd Birgir Ha Arson also won about $ 11,605.00. Who could imagine that a large amount of money to just one night?

There was also someone who had been playing the lottery but I got his luck after 12 years. It was a very long it profit wa, but he said that it, had to be it ing wa. The Canadian Don Kellough won $ 1,957.80, when he lost his job.

Snellville-36-year-old man won the 193 million dollars, after he played the role of the multi-state Mega Millions lotto. He just picked the number of his it (h) (w) is the pattern or the primes. He was lucky to win millionaire and may not be immediately.
There is a lot of lotto winners every week. Many individuals have become rich in an instant, and had the opportunity to get their desires in life. Nobody can imagine themselves going home it h, w, bunch of money. Is inspired by the it h, w, achievement and success in the game.

If ye were lucky to win, then there is the possibility to buy a large mansions, go to your own fancy cars and holidays. You can spend money the way you want to it use, but make sure that you will lose your money as soon as you have.

Win money as soon as may be deemed to be a miracle, but spending money is immediately, what we call failure. The success of the lottery will be once a lifetime, so would be better if you have a plan before playing and winning after.

Don't be afraid to wish your success, and just it inspired by w h experience in other Member States. At that time, come to think that you, as well as the success of the lotto winners.

If you want to know how to the success of the lotto winners and worth millions jackpot prizes to win, then visit and read the tips at:

2011年2月27日 星期日

Rich's Master Blueprints

Updated Video / Audio / Manual Home Study Action Plan Revealing The Closely Guarded Secrets To Achieve Complete Financial And Personal Success In Your Life - Based On The Worldwide Bestselling Book 'Think and Grow Rich' - Big Affiliate Payouts!!

Check it out!

2011年2月6日 星期日

Access to capital to grow your small business-tips from a credit line millionaire

Since starting my first business started at the age of 12, sharpening CHAIN SAW chains have for equipment rental shops, I discovered that there are four ways to gain access to capital. But all my travel, I have come across many "opportunities" on the Internet that promises a Get rich rapid approach to the levels of capital, you want. Many of these, however, is not legitimate. As mentioned, legally, there are only four ways to access or receive money:

include the-you can borrow money from someone else, usually done in the form of a promissory note. You can borrow money from a bank in the form of a loan or line of credit. Typically, when you borrow money from other people debt is called. It is the approach that I took on my way to becoming millionaire a. In later articles, I will go on to explain this in more detail explains the most important source of borrowing, I have used, and continue to recommend to my students.

Exchanging it for equity-you can receive money in exchange for ownership in a company, which is also known as equity. If you just start your trip, it is unlikely that you will have a large enough stake in a company for this to be a viable way to access levels, you need money.

Production-you can earn money by exchanging dollars for hours, or by creating a system that produces value for other people, which is then exchanged for money. If you were able to continue with this option, so you would not be able to read this article. Very few people can make money, they need through this approach alone levels.

Stumble over it-Finally, you can receive from a heritage or win in the lottery.

These are the only four legal ways for anyone to access or receive money. And not bet on the last one. Have been in business since an early age of 12, I have studied and used the first three methods in my life many many times and what I have discovered, is to borrow money has been by far the easiest way I have ever found in order to gain access to capital. Stay tuned for future articles where I will go into detail on this method.

Through my Coaching program, millionaire credit I will guide you through the first option to use the plethora of available credit lines to get the capital you need to go from broke to a millionaire in less than 2 years!
Chris Wise

Chris is a very sought-after self-made millionaire with a sense of creating passive income investments. He has served as a consultant for more than a hundred groups of companies and individuals looking for solutions to increase the net worth. His first company have started at the age of 12, know Chris, it takes to build a successful business that generates passive income and financial wealth.

Home Insurance For lottery winners

Picture this-you just won millions of dollars in Lottery and go on a shopping spree. You buy so much awesome stuff for your home, like electronics, furniture, toys and exercise equipment. You buy all the top line because, let's face it, you are millionaire a and you could. But you trode never to get insurance to protect your property. Big mistake. When you win the lottery, get your name yderlighederne. It is perfect for robbers. You know you are rich, and you know that you probably just bought a lot of new stuff. You need Home insurance to protect your property.

New lottery winners become careless because of the new found wealth, you have just received. They can in shape, because they could buy a House for cash, with no mortgage insurance is not necessary. But just think of the damage that can make a Indbrudstyv. Other than to steal your personal possessions and valuables, can they ransack your House and cause damage. So do not be stupid and get home insurance cover.

As a lottery winner, you must deal with an insurance company, which specializes in high value home. Talk to your insurance broker to find out which companies do this. From there, they tell you what you need to do to ensure that everything is covered by the policy. This could include save receipts for big ticket items like jewellery-or television or take photos of each room in the House.

When you get a Home insurance policy, you also get liability coverage. This is important because as a rich person, do you want to be an easy target for claims, even frivolous claims. Lawyers fees Add can up and home insurance policies covering that.

So even if you are a new lottery wins, you should still get home insurance to protect your new found wealth. It does not take a long time to create a new policy, but could save you from future headaches.

Tino writes about Lottery Winners on his blog, including people as Jack Whittaker, who won $ 315 million in Powerball.

2011年2月5日 星期六

Don't get rich any more slowly than it should

This is a guest post from Robert Brokamp of The Motley Fool. Robert is a Certified Financial Planner and the adviser for The Motley Fool’s Rule Your Retirement service. He contributes one new article to Get Rich Slowly every two weeks. This is one of those boring articles about investing that is actually very important. To liven things up, J.D. has illustrated this article with photos of one of his cats.

It’s quiz time, folks. See if you can answer any or all of the following questions:

Do you know what your entire portfolio earned over the past year?What’s your best-performing investment? Your worst?If you invest in mutual funds, do you know how many of your funds are beating their benchmarks?Would you have been better off investing in a collection of index funds?

Did you have answers to all those questions? If you did, how confident are you that your responses are accurate?

My experience talking to friends, family, and, yes, even Motley Fool colleagues is that most investors have only a vague idea of how their portfolios have performed. I’ve found confirmation in a survey of German investors conducted by professors Markus Glaser and Martin Weber, who also were able to analyze the investors’ online brokerage accounts. They found that the returns were an average of 11.5 percentage points worse than the investors had thought; only 5% of survey respondents reported negative returns, but in reality 25% had losing portfolios.

Simon Loves Kris' Lap
Ignorance is not bliss

Ignorance is NOT bliss
If your definition of “get rich slowly” includes putting at least some of your savings somewhere besides the bank, then chances are you spend time and money trying to identify better-than-average investments. You might do a lot of research in an attempt to pick outstanding stocks. Maybe you scrutinize data to identify exceptional mutual funds. Perhaps you regularly adjust your asset allocation to maximize returns. Or maybe some of your money is managed by an investment advisor. But unless you keep tabs on your returns and compare them to the proper benchmarks, you won’t know whether any of these efforts are paying off — or whether you’d have tens of thousands more dollars if you’d only done something else.

No, you shouldn’t look at your investments each and every day — that way lies madness — but once a year, you do need to evaluate the returns of your investments and the skills of the people who are picking them, be they mutual fund managers, financial advisors, or that good-looking investor in the mirror.

Convinced? Great. As with most worthwhile pursuits, though, the process isn’t a simple one. You really have two questions to answer:

Do you have the best individual investments? Is your international stock fund the right one for you? Has the stock you purchased two years ago lived up to your expectations?Do you have the right mix of investments? How has your stew of cash, bonds, and stocks fared over the past few years? Are you – or your advisor – making overall asset allocation decisions that compare favorably to what others are doing?

The first place to look for answers is your account statements, especially since you’ll begin receiving year-end statements soon. Those will display your returns, which is a start. But determining whether those returns are good, relative to similar investments and what you could have earned elsewhere, will require another step.

Simon Climbing a Ladder
To climb the ladder of investment success, you have to be vigilant.

Evaluating performance
A quick and easy way to evaluate a single investment more fully is to enter its ticker on and click on “Performance” in the gray area under the investment name and ticker. You’ll find year-by-year and annualized longer-term return information, as well as comparisons to similar investments.

Here’s what to look for, depending on the type of investment:

Morningstar provides total return numbers (which includes changes in the stock price as well as dividends) and compares them to the returns of the company’s overall industry. It also compares the stock’s performance to the S&P 500, which is not the appropriate benchmark in most cases, since it’s an index of mostly large U.S. stocks. Rather, small-cap stocks should be compared to a small-cap index, emerging-market stocks to an emerging-markets index, and so on. You can find a clue to the stock’s appropriate benchmark on its main “Quote” page on Morningstar by clicking on “Company Profile.”

Once you have a handle on the kind of stock you own, you’ll need to compare its performance to a similar index or index fund over a period that approximates your holding period. It may not be meaningful if a few of your stocks are underperforming their indexes; if your investment thesis remains solid, they may just be even better bargains now than when you bought them. However, if over a three- to five-year period your similar stocks, as a group, are underperforming a relevant index fund, then it might be time to re-evaluate your stock-picking process (and prowess).

Mutual Funds
Besides providing total return information, Morningstar ranks the performance of a mutual fund compared with other funds with similar investment objectives. Look in the “% Rank in Category” row on the “Performance” page, and choose a time frame that is long enough to be meaningful — at least five years, preferably 10. The lower the number, the better. For example, you’ll find a 6 in the “5-Year” column for the Dodge & Cox International Fund (DODFX), which means its performance ranks among the top 6% of funds that invest in large-cap value international stocks.

Over the long term, approximately two-thirds of actively-managed funds underperform their indexes. If your actively-managed fund doesn’t score a 33 or higher in the “% Rank” row over a five-year period, and especially over a 10-year period, it’s among that less-than-illustrious group, which means it’s time to reconsider the fund.

Mind Games
Guard against under-performing funds.

If you’re holding a fund outside your tax-advantaged retirement accounts (like a Roth IRA or a 401(k)), the next step is to compare the fund’s after-tax returns to other funds in its category. To do this, enter the fund’s ticker on, then click on “Tax” in the gray area under the fund’s name and ticker. There, you’ll see how much of the fund’s return was handed over to Uncle Sam, assuming the highest individual tax bracket of 35%. The average equity mutual fund has a “tax-cost ratio” between 1 and 1.2, which means an investor in that average fund loses 1.0% to 1.2% of return to taxes every year.

Given that the large majority of investors are not in the top tax bracket, the amount lost to taxes is not quite so bad for most people. But it’s still something to monitor for the funds you hold outside IRAs and 401(k)s — especially if the fund is barely beating a comparable index fund, since index funds’ tax-cost ratios tend to be just one-fourth to one-half those of similarly invested actively managed funds.

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
In the 1990s and early 2000s, an ETF was just an index fund that traded like a stock. Not anymore. Now, many ETFs are investment strategies disguised as index funds. There are a ton of them, and not all of them perform the same. For example, there are 11 U.S. small-cap blend ETFs (“blend” indicates that the fund is not strongly value- or growth-oriented), according to Morningstar’s ETF Performance tool. Their annualized returns over the past three years range from -0.5% a year to 11.8% a year. Obviously, you want to make sure your ETFs are among the better performers.

Given their reputation for tax efficiency, ETFs are often purchased outside of tax-advantaged retirement accounts. But their tax efficiency varies, so if you hold ETFs outside an IRA or 401(k), make sure you’re keeping as large a percentage of your returns as possible by checking your funds’ tax-cost ratio on the Morningstar “Tax” page.

Simon in the Workshop
Keep a watch on how your overall portfolio is performing. Is it meeting your goals?

Tasting the Whole Enchilada
Evaluating an entire portfolio is trickier, since investors tend to have accounts scattered about — perhaps a 401(k) here and an IRA over there — and choosing the right benchmark isn’t always clear. If all your investments are with one firm, then you should have a good idea of how your overall portfolio has performed. Otherwise, you need to use financial tools such as Quicken, Wikinvest, or online portfolio trackers at, Yahoo Finance, or Google Finance. However, this is crucial: Make sure you’re measuring of the performance of your investments, and not counting cash contributions to your account as investment growth (as the Beardstown Ladies did in the 1990s).

Once you know how well your investment performed as a group, what do you compare it to? My suggestion is a similarly allocated target retirement mutual fund from fund company Vanguard. These mutual funds provide instant asset allocation — a prudent mix of cash, bonds, and stocks (both U.S. and international) based on a general retirement date. As that date approaches, the allocation becomes gradually more conservative — which is what most investors should do. Since the fund is from Vanguard, the money is invested in a collection of low-cost index funds. If your investments, as a group, are losing to a target retirement account, it might be time to invest in one instead.

Is anyone still reading?
If you’re still with me, I commend you. This is pretty boring, technical stuff. But it’s crucial. Too many investors spend their lives choosing below-average investments, often paying financial advisors and mutual fund managers for below-average returns. The result: These investors reach their sixties with tens of thousands of dollars — maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars — less than what they could have had. Don’t be another financial-services sucker. Keep your advisor, fund manager, and/or yourself accountable.

This article is about Investing, Retirement??

View the original article here

Then you will be rich with Online marketing

You will then be rich, by using the world wide web. I would also like to tell you that this is achievable; However, please do not believe all hyped up the pitch pages and e-mail messages, which promises to turn you into millionaire a. It will not happen, it is all nonsense, the only people who will get rich night are those who sell over hyped product.

Just as I have already said, it is possible to make a living and a very good live uses the Internet, many people have and it does not cost them a dollar to learn to do this, there are many ways to earn online ie. affiliate programs, have your own product, sell other peoples products, dropshipping but they all have one thing in common, they will not make you rich overnight deposits

Now before you think you can start to earn thousands of dollars straight away, you could, but chances are, it may take a little more time, I was building my online business for a few months before I put it into the working practices, that is to say, there must be a little work behind the scenes before you go live oak. investigate your markets, build a home page (this is not so difficult as you might think, in some cases, it is a question of point and click), which is your customers, and how to obtain them from, but, I think you will agree when you see the returns you could achieve, it is not bad for a few months work and either is not hard work.

If you believe to be, you can be rich night then any form of internet business would not be for you, but if you can afford to put a little time in building your online business then it will work for you, do not Forget to be successful in anything you do garbage have a solid foundation to build on this more so in online businesses, without the undertaking would fail very quickly because of this, you must make the Foundation first to stop this happening.

Most of the people that say negative things about Earning money online either have spent thousands on "Make me rich overnight" products or has not done the basic building blocks, these types of people are those who shouts "Scam Scam Scam" anytime someone mentions makes money online, the reason is simple, they have not been shown how to start and continue.

You must be demonstrated, to get these results and you know what, it is not difficult, those who can read to succeed in this type of business, I used to climb Add l referred to and scaffold in my normal day job before I entered the world of internet marketing, this company gives you a hell of a buzz when you can see thousands of dollars to enter your bank account on a weekly basis.

Those of you who are not prepared to put a little time and effort into building your online business will never succeed in something you try, I had my regular day job, but I have started to build the Foundation for my business in the evening when I finish work, only a few hours per night, but my God, how it is paid off, it was well and truly worth it.

If you did not need to put any effort ie. "learn how" into something we do in any type of call that would really be no grounds for schools, universities or in fact, training, or apprenticeship. These people out there to keep offering to make rich overnight search godtronde type person, and believe me, there are thousands, will do absolutely nothing to make money, not all of us? But let's get realistic here; even a lottery winner had to go and buy a ticket.

If you want to copy my blue print how I earned $ 50,000 in 6 days then please download my free E-book and 7 day video, of course, cash in days, get your free copy now and follow them. I want to show you proof of income and the amount of time it took to bring the. If you need further assistance you me email me and I will answer any questions you may have. go to for your free download.

How to win the lottery-solve the mystery of lottery

How to win the lottery is an interesting mystery, that almost all of us, myself included, would love to find the solution to. The promise of wealth, prestige and a lifelong comfort in life is certainly something worth thinking about. I often meet people who claim that they will be the next lotto millionaire-and they have just strategy to make the. every time I meet with my colleague, soon to be lotto winners, we really take time to share our ideas and discoveries about a more effective system for bet. .. In a way you could say that we have formed a community of our own.

How to win the lottery is our shared dream in the Group of lotto fanatics in General Participate. We seek together to hone our skills and develop new ways to play games, you could say, we have made it a study or a science. As a matter of fact we come with our own manual on how to predict the numbers that are most likely to come, and even a manual on how to win in lotto.

It may appear that all manuals are likely to contain our wishful thinking thoughts or unfounded theories, if it is, what you think then you are most definitely wrong. In our group we have a pool of mathematicians and tacticians, who are working to find patterns in previous winning combinations.

We also have members that aggregates this data and, of course, experts who interpret, locate patters and formulate plausible combination based on collected data. What we do is not easy nor is it simple, but we find by organizing, we make our chances of winning higher, plus it also helps a lot to have your own support group ... people who in fact share your expectations and dreams and who do not think twice to work to achieve them.

A basic things I learned from my experience and the experience of people know that there also share my passion in the game is that you must be prepared and ready before you start to get in the. Why is the right way to tell how to win the lottery does not come just like that it will take time ... plenty of time, and you must be prepared to go through the period of waiting.

A player must also be prepared in selecting the right combination. Some people just rely on the absence, as a strategy in picking numbers, but as already mentioned in our group we are not making it in a more organized and even scientific way ... the fact that we have already won a lot of games.Although not the big one yet proves that our way of actually effective.

Finally, and believe that this is one preparation must know all lotto winners, who have searched high and low to find out how to win the lottery, and it is one must be prepared to win. Many times you hear stories about people who won, but is not ready, and who finally lost everything they had. Do not be one of these stories. You worked to finance the game you deserve to enjoy the fruits and enjoy it for a lifetime, so prepare to win.

There is a wheel there is a way, learn how to win the lottery guaranteed win the lottery, guaranteed. Read about how I won the lottery on my Picking winning lottery numbers blog.

5 Proven ways to be a millionaire

Almost every living person want secret to be wealthy. Some have tried and given up Other tries., but only a few have ' made it '. How will people filthy rich? The route took the current millionaire and former s? Success is guaranteed, if you follow a proven course?

Many people have studied the rich detail. Almost each trait, habit, mentality, millionaire of capacity have been documented. And what I would disclose is, what I might call the scientific way to achieve lasting wealth. The majority millionaire of s started their businesses from the ground and built them up. These are people who have a dream and constant visualize its realization. They never rest and work to build their fortunes. If you look you will see many people you know who has done this. You knew them when they had nothing but these days your fear probably even approaching them.

You may think that they were lucky. There is no such thing as luck in business. What happens is, when you make up your mind on the direction you want to take, you happen to met events and persons that brings your way up. The people who use this route to get entrepreneurship wealth and fame is approximately 74%. This means that you have the best chance of being a millionaire, if you go into business.

The second way is a Senior Director. This means joining a large corporation and work your way to the top. Senior figures are paid very well and in some cases share corporation makes a profit. They are often stock options and bonuses. About 10% use this route will be rich. In order to make it to the top positions require a minimum level of education, hard work, commitment and exceptional managerial skills. If you want to use this route, then you can go back to school and constantly improve themselves. You may have to provide many years of being passed over for promotion. Your time will be safe.

The third way as 10% of people use becomes a professional top notch. In this category you can find doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects, pilots and a host of other professionals. You want to Polish your trade. Well their profession and establish yourself as an expert at the top of your niche. The top 5% of these top level experts in every field earn 10 to 20 times more than the average person in the field.

The fourth way is a salesman or marketing consultant. Around 5% of self millionaire s made use this route. These people never start their businesses. Some may never gone to College, but they are very good to sell. You may have realized that most sales people earn a Commission on sales that they generate. If you generate $ 10 million in one year and get paid 5%, it is not so difficult to get rich. I would like to say that this is the route that has the entry conditions referred to at least level. Not many companies would turn down an offer to sell there wares at the Commission.

The last way that people use to get rich is through inventions, sport, inheritances, lottery and movie stars. These people only do just around 1% of the total. But these people get the most attention in the media. I think out of the reports, skewed media, people have come to believe that it is the only way to get rich. The way you want to use to be wealthy, have two things in mind. One, be extremely good at what you do. Never allow mediocrity. Two select something you enjoy and love.

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2011年2月4日 星期五

JBuds J3M Micro Atomic In-Ear Earphones with Microphone (Jet Black, iPhone Compatible)

JBuds J3M Micro Atomic In-Ear Earphones with Microphone (Jet Black, iPhone Compatible)The Mothership Has Landed! JBuds J3M Micro Atomic Featuring full metal housing and components, cold forged from solid aluminum core, a stunning anodized finish, a tactile L/R ID system, revolutionized flexible joints, laser cut passport, laser etched logo details, full spectrum hyper balanced micro drivers, and the legendary JBuds sound in the sleekest, sexiest profile ever for a perfect fit, the J3M Micro Atomic Earphones with mic are the JBuds, redefined, part of JLab?s futuristic new design paradigm, the Atomic Wave.Building on JLab?s legendary JBuds sound signature, the J3M Micro Atomic Earphones harness the superior resonance of carefully crafted aluminum housing with perfectly balanced full spectrum micro drivers to deliver a stunning new level of acoustic performance--and the inline mic with call functions is perfect for your iPhone or other smartphone with a 3.5mm jack. Their ultra slim, ergonomic profile is designed for easy grip and an amazingly comfortable in-ear fit. A larger-than-life 3-D sound stage features unparalleled clarity and definition. You?ll enjoy a front row experience for any music selection, whether it's the warm and smoky jazz at Blue Note, octave hopping diva vocals, trunk shaking hip hop jamz, or soaring violin concertos?the J3M Micro Atomic Earphones deliver crystal clear highs, deep, full mids, tight, punchy bass, and first-class noise isolation.The J3M Micro Atomics are built to last with rugged aluminum housing and components, durable rubber flex joints, premium quality micro-braided anti-tangle cable, stainless steel mesh filters at the sound tube and baseport, a durable inline cord slide, and a 24-karat gold-plated 3.5-millimeter audio jack for premium, no-loss sound connection to your audio device. The entire product is covered by JLab?s no hassle one-year warranty.Soft silicone cushions are included in four sizes (XS, S, M, and L) to assure an ideal fit from the smallest ears to the largest, as well as a o...

Price: $89.95

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Theatre renovation or Newcastle boosted by £ 300,000

20 January 2011 updated at 16: 31 GMT Theatre Royal are cancelled performances at the theatre on 14 March to 11 September 2011 plans of restoration for one of the theatres most historical of Tyneside opened in 1837 have received a boost of £ 300,000.

The money will go to £ 4. renewal of 75 m of degree of Newcastle I Royal theatre which will take place in time for its 175th anniversary in 2012.

Plans include new seats, new lighting and ventilation, major renovations in tissues, new carpet, paint and gold leaf work return.

The money has been donated by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The ceiling of the Auditorium and pillars of portico of theatre in the Grey Street will also be reformed.

Head of the lottery in the Northeast, Ivor Crowther, box said: "the theater is a historical gem in the heart of the city and has been put into show-stopping performances throughout the decades."

"Our investment will contribute to a vital project that conserve and transform the structure of this fantastic building".

?Moon '?

Most designs have been based on the original Victorian interior.

Philip Bernays, Executive Director of the theater, said: "this grant is great news for us, and we are on the moon."

"At a time when competition for funding is at its most fierce, we are delighted that the Fund has recognized the fundamental importance of this project."

Performances at the theatre on 14 March is cancelled to September 11, 2011, while the work is carried out.

The renewal is being funded by the public and private sectors.

View the original article here

Fast Cash Riches

James Winsoar has over 12 years experience running profitable e-commerce businesses. In his latest product Fast Cash Riches he reveals the secret of earning $1000+ per day online. Pays a massive 75% commission. Includes never before published information.

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Lottery tracking results-from Print to Smartphone

Check lottery results and see if you have been a millionaire instant can now be done in a host of different ways, thanks to the development of the internet, digital TV and smartphones means that you don't need to rely on an eye draws live or wait until the results are published in the newspaper the next day to find out if you are suddenly rich!

Many daily newspapers publish UK lottery results and some also carry news of other accounts, such as the euro Lottery and the Irish Lotto. They are very convenient to check the results a day late but if you can't wait a long time found a host of other ways to find out the results; many available while you're on the go.

IPhone 3 G has proved incredibly successful since its launch in 2008. Much of this success has been attributed to the wide availability of programs that can be used on your phone. In fact, Apple announced recently that there is now more than 85,000 various iPhone apps available for download, and among this number is a number to provide instant access to the latest lottery results; allows users to check numbers wherever they may be.

General news and lottery-specific Web sites also implement the latest lottery results and some of the more advanced Web sites deliver advanced results control tools, allow visitors to automatically check Lotto UK National results to 180 days old. All you need to do is to select the numbers you have played from the available 49 and then save them as your numbers. Not only will these tools check your numbers against the latest draw but check previous 52 draws for both the Wednesday and Saturday draws also shows whether the number combination has won at any of these apartments.

Such automatic lottery result Checkers is great, if you find any old tickets, as premiums can claim up to 180 days after the date of the draw, so by checking, you may just find that you have won a tidy sum! The latest results are a couple of minutes after the draw has taken place, if you can't get access to a TV to watch for the draw this is the next best thing.

Online lotto result check websites is of course also available via mobile phones, which allow Web browsing, so that those without iphones can also check the results on their mobile phone. If all else fails mobile phone users can simply call friends or family to get results from TV text if they are that desperate to find out whether they have won.

Daniel Collins writes about a variety of topics on behalf of a digital marketing agency and a wide range of clients. This article is as such must be considered a professional piece with business interests in mind.

2011年2月3日 星期四

How to make money?

How to make money? -.Pagination zambotimace: active,: focus {outline: 0;/* for browsers understand */}Homiforomshidlinisgobs wambloimintabot us on Thursday, Jan. 20. 2011 how to make money?

It is free so how did Facebook make money?

Claire Brown

Social networking sites have become very popular lately and one of the biggest and fastest free still belong, how this site immensely popular make money and is free of charge for members? How Facebook makes money if free to join?

This site is enormous with over half a billion members. You may not think of a site, but use each user has a Web site to register and provide personal information, making this site a powerful database.

Fun daily interaction with people and having met from all walks of life contracts strong attraction that people willingly insert quantity of personal data that it definitely feel free to disclose other organizations. I have friends over three hundred personal Facebook, nearly all personally knew him at different times of my life, most of whom I never expected any contact with again, before the advent of online social networks. So for me personally, this miracle!

But how does this site giant makes money if you can join for free? Must cost $ Web pages needed to run a website about half a billion members greatly! Well, who would be interested in publicizing such a database keyword friend? Each company on Earth wants to make money! Until now, surprisingly few companies really to the fact that they can gain exposure target mega-brand is not very high on this site is awesome.

But every day more companies the world over the top to get your brand seen here. One way to achieve this page a free society about the company or encouraging certain brands, such as the popular beer company or Department. The fastest method of paid advertising to advertise in the sidebar: you can choose what interests what site and what gender and age your advert appears. This is far more effective for any company advertising in the directory.

As you would like more companies declare sidebar, advertising costs, money more than ever. Can include the logo or image here, you cannot search engine ads in pay per click. This could include advertising through clicking on a page or a group or society's Web site. I think this is developed more powerful interactive marketing opportunity ever!

Yes, I believe that social networking will continue to grow in popularity because each day I see people joining new and requested to be my friend. Only people I ever actually already active users that tremendous growth potential. I certainly think will fade the value of novelty and many users will be migrated gradually to other sites, but the sheer number of active users in this makes this social networking website greater opportunity is cheaper and more effective advertising ever for every business, and thus potential advertising revenue so that users cannot pay membership.

It's a win-win situation for website developers and business users and application developers. The Internet in General, and social networking in particular, is changing the way we interact with people on a daily basis. Recommendation always promote word of mouth marketing and its variety now online all businesses, large and small, should start to connect. It is the answer to "how to make money"?

Do you want to make money using the power of social networks free marketing social media? Join me now and learn for free with video training tips and strategies secret use very pro today!

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How can you think like a millionaire!

You can only find a golden best bet or two here that will help you to break out of the rat race. First and foremost to think like millionaire a you must first change your complete train of thought. The whole concept of working for money and pay your bills with it must be cast waste page.

Your quest to become a millionaire starts in mind and as with anything when you set your mind to the body will follow. Many millionaire s look each dollar they do as an employee whose job is to make even more money. Investment is a way of life for these millionaire a s, therefore, a middle class person may hit the lottery of millions and end up broke a couple of years later.

This is clear evidence that there must be more to become and maintain millionaire a status than just money. It is a State of mind that not many of us walking the Earth possess, but all can learn from this State, if they so choose to. What about you?

It is no wonder that there are so few rich among the poor and middle class. Inside millionaire in thought process that is fear none of make a mistake, but that is rather welcome of a failure. After all, it is out of multiple failures is a million dollar break through conceived.

Failure is part of learning millionaire s that have chosen to use to their advantage. While it is this very same failure frightens poor and middle class into play so safe, the reward for the risk taken compromised.

You must have objective, ARRGGHHHH!

I know, but the real truth of the matter is this; "It is impossible for anyone in life to achieve their dreams/desires without knowing what direction they should go in".

Write them on a piece of paper, carry with you and see it multiple times every day.

To summarize,

1. We shall have the right MINDSET-find a mentor and learn from them.
2. learn from MISTAKES, they will happen, think of it as a learning curve – remember as children we do not give up the first time we have tried to walk, did we?
3. Have goals-Yes we have heard all this before, but have you been, do it, this is a crucial key to your dreams, do not lose.

Like to leave you with a short verse from Conrad Hilton:-

"I believe in God, and I believe that we can achieve through prayer God's love.

I think in my country. I think it is fate is great and noble
I believe in the truth. I believe that any man who deliberately tells a lie deliberately mutilating themselves. But first and foremost, I believe against in enthusiasm, because without those people inhibiting their strongest desires. "

If you'd like to learn more about how to get rich and lasting prosperity. Then Grab your free monthly magazine (worth $ 79) and free millionaire Interviews (worth $ 297)

Just click on the links below to claim your free gifts now!

Why you not RICH (and what to do about it.)

Trading your time for money

If you are like the rest of us have you spent your whole life trading your time for money. You whether you have worked for a wage, working on Commission or working with time, your time trade for money.

This method will have varying degrees of success, but none of them will make you rich.


A few people do actually get rich through investment, but for most of us this never happens. Oh sure, we can sometimes make a profitable investment, but if we keep investing fairly soon we hit a Wipes loses all our previous gains (and often very or our principal).

Enrich through investing look so easy "paper" but actually do it is almost impossible for all but the most cleverly (luckiest?) of us.

Inheritance money

I do not know about you, but none in my extended family was ever rich or famous. (Poor or perhaps infamous!) Even if you have some long lost relative, who die rich are the chances the money will not be left to you. More likely, there will be many other, closer relatives or charitable organisations (or even the cat) who want to get their hands on the money, which is long before you get any of it!

Let's face it, very few of us ever will get rich by inheritance lots of money.

Win the lottery

I know you have dreamed of winning the lottery. How do I know? Because I have dreamed of winning the lottery also there how! Like you I often buy a lottery ticket. Especially given the pot when really large. Has ever won any money through lottery? No! Never more than enough to buy next month tickets! However, I keep trying and I bet you do too. The truth is that you and I both know that the chances of either of us to win the lottery is so small, no, it is worth thinking about. So believe that you will agree with me that you want to do, I probably get rich by winning the lottery.

Start your own company

There have been more millionaire s created in this country of people who started their own business than by other means. This is without doubt the number one way that a person has the best chance to get rich. It has been true for hundreds of years, and it is still true today.

In fact, it is easier today than ever before in history, thanks to the Internet. The cost of starting your own company in "bricks and mortar" world is prohibitive for most people. Thanks to technology is starting a business on the Internet, however, well within reach for us almost all.

You need actually, even have a product to sell to have your own business on the Internet. You can make almost unlimited money simply by promoting other peoples products as an affiliate. Regardless of whether you promote other peoples products or have you products of your own, start your own Internet business is an excellent way to become rich. Try it, you'll like it!

Paul Hughes

2011年2月2日 星期三

DURAGADGET Deluxe Laptop / Notebook USB Speakers with 7cm Bass response for Samsung P580 and Sony Vaio EB1E0E 15.5", Samsung NB30 10.1" and Samsung N110 10.1"

DURAGADGET Deluxe Laptop / Notebook USB Speakers with 7cm Bass response for Samsung P580 and Sony Vaio EB1E0E 15.5Technical Details Colour of Housing Black Connection USB Frequency Range 20 Hz -20 kHz Loudspeaker Depth 7 cm Loudspeaker Height 16 cm Loudspeaker Width 6 cm Power RMS -2 Watt System -Stereo Connection -Cable


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Soccer Millionaire's Investment Secret

Discover Lifetime Passive Income in Soccer Market with using simple and highly effective technique. Secret Winning Strategies.Now is New Investing Era !!! For Affiliates. Earn 40% Commission With Soccer Millionaire's Investment Secret ebook.

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Tips to win the lottery-pick Lotto numbers

If you want to get tips for winning the lottery, so that you could strike rich, then you should learn first to picking lotto numbers. These figures would strongly determine whether it is your destiny to a millionaire be or not. Here are some tips you can use when you decide what number to select:

You will be surprised how much superstition and Astrology is used, when it comes to select lotto numbers. Some people will depend on their horoscope. If you will notice there are some daily horoscope, that prints out lucky number for the day. Some would base the numbers you select at the time and the date on which the purchased ticket.

Some people would choose their numbers, based on the important dates in their lives. This could be their birthday or birthday of their loved ones, wedding anniversary, holiday or any particular date. They believe that the more significant this opportunity, the luckier date can be.

Delta system is also used to determine lotto numbers. This can calculate the difference between each digit in the series by using the first two, you choose. You can start with your favorite number Add then delta, you want to, so you can find out what your next number should be.

Others would follow and try to see patterns in Lottery trends. Some are able to track the winning digits, that comes up often. You can also do this by keeping a list of the winning lottery digits.

You might wonder why most of the tips to win the lottery instruct you to avoid picking numbers you think most people would pick. This is that the more people you would share your lottery winnings with less your share would be. Try to figure out how most people choose their digits and do the opposite. It is important to have an original set of numbers. If you choose the numbers that no one else pick then you will have a higher Payout when you win.

You should get lotto numbers from something that creates random numbers. You can have this computer generated, or you can simply drag the figures out of a hat. This can reduce the chances of your selected numbers must be based on a pattern, a lot of people are watching.

Keep in mind that there are different tips to win the lottery, and there are different strategies for how people should pick numbers. You will need to find something that would work for you.

If you need more tips to win the lottery, you can get more information from

2011年2月1日 星期二

Become wealthy and get rich Quick

People who have money always want to tell you how to get make money. The only problem is that they want you to pay them to get information about how you get rich fast and be rich. You probably already know how to become wealthy but just do not follow the guidelines.

First off, get rich quick mean time not over night. You need to think as if you are like millionaire prosperous s do. Follow a strict budget, not be thrifty with your expenses and save! Even those who have a million dollar business, follow these guidelines. That is why they are rich. Anyone can be rich and get rich even if you live paycheck to paycheck. Allocated 5 dollars a week out of your pay check. Will you miss that bag of sweets, as you could have bought at the grocery store? The chances are probably not. Open a savings account and put away.

All you need to do is simply the budget your money, and you will be amazed how quickly you can save. Even the rich, tell unless they were born into it or hit the lottery you to save and budget. Remember, to get rich fast and get rich does not mean spending the night. It simply means you have to work hard. If your goals and purpose in life is to become rich and get rich fast, than you should follow those already being completed on the. the only way to be best is to learn from the best.

If you need money now, and I think in the next hour, you can test that I did. I now make more money than in my old company, and you can also read about Martin Thomas in the link below. When I joined, I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized that this was I smiling from ear to ear, and you will also.

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Lottery nightmare-you forget to play your Lotto numbers and then they get drafted

Most people by playing the lottery a long-shot. But they continue to play, because with each draw comes a second chance to make their dreams will come true. There is nothing wrong with that-For one dollar people get dream about all the opportunities that come with striking rich. However, be able to play your lotto numbers every week, especially if you play the same numbers, be a nightmare. What if you forget to play your lotto numbers and then they get drawn? How would it make you feel?

I ask this because about five years ago this situation almost happened to me. I always played my the same set of numbers and hardly ever missed a draw. Yet on one occasion, that I forget to play com my numbers up. it was a 649 lottery, and I would have matched 5 out of 6 numbers had in the game. I would have won $ 1500. But I didn't win anything, because I do not play. I shutdown to win the jackpot; I missed just a single row. Price in would have won was $ 1500. It is a lot of money, but not change for life. I felt really bad about missing on the prize, but I got over it.. But if I would have matched all six numbers, I would have been a millionaire. I do not know if I would ever have been over something, though. It could have been a nightmare, which may have haunted me for the rest of my life.

Ever since the day I signed for a lottery subscription. Now, get my numbers automatically played each week. There is absolutely no way that I could ever forget to miss a draw again. Now I always suggest people that play the same lotto numbers each week to buy a lottery subscription. It is the only real way to avoid Lottery nightmare forget to play your numbers and then see these exact same numbers get drafted.

Lottery Winners blog features people that have won large jackpots and includes Powerball winners, 649 Lotto winners, Mega Millions winners and more. Be sure to check it out.